Activity Search List Screen
  • 25 May 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Activity Search List Screen

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Article summary

The Activity Search List screen provides a list of all activities in the system for all users and behaves like other search lists allowing you to display and filter information to provide the most value in various situations. It is available from the following locations in Aspire:

  • From Search Activities in the To-Do List section of the Home screen.
  • By navigating to the Main Menu in Aspire. 

The logged-in user will only see activities associated with the branches to which they have access. The branch that the activity is closely associated with is determined by the first one of the following that has a value for the activity:

  • branch of the invoice associated with the activity
  • branch of the opportunity service for the work ticket associated with the activity
  • branch of the opportunity associated with the activity
  • branch of the property associated with the activity
  • branch of who created the activity

Clicking a line item in the search list displays the associated activity on a screen for that activity:

  • Appointment Screen
  • Issue Screen
  • Email Screen
  • Task Screen
  • Milestone Screen

The New Activity drop-down menu shows the types of activities you can create. 

View and Manage Activities 
  • Use this search bar for your quick keyword searches. The search results that populate will only contain an approximate match based on the string of characters that you enter in the search bar. 
Advanced Search Toolsb
  • Use the advanced search tools to quickly initiate and refine searches by leveraging the option to group, filter, sort, and display search results in a manner that best suits your needs. 
    • Change the order in which fields are displayed by dragging and dropping the field name within your search list. 
    • Change the sorting of a field by clicking on the field name.
  • Save the advanced search lists you configure by going to the three dots menu and selecting Save As after creating your list. 
  • Find your saved search lists in the dropdown menu to the right of your advanced search tools. 
    • The search lists you configure and save in one module will not apply in a different module. 

New Activityc
  • Select this field to create a New Appointment, Task, Issue, or Email
More Actions Menuf
  • Save As -  Use Save As to save a search list that you have configured so that you are not tasked with attempting to recall exactly which advanced search tools you used to derive specific search results.  Click here for more information about the Advanced Search Save As screen. 
  • My Default -  Use My Default to designate a default search list. The default search list will automatically populate in the Select Attachment screen. 
  • Reset Advanced Search - This option will reset your search results to the system's default list. Your system default list will be pre-filtered to display the most relevant results based on the record type for which activities are selected. 
  • Print Screen - Print a screen capture. 
  • Export to Excel (Current View) - Export your search with only the fields you have selected included. 
  • Export to Excel (All Fields) - Export your search with all search fields. 
 Search List Entries
  • Within the activities search lists, are existing activities in Aspire that you can attach to communications you send to your customers such as emails.  
    • Use this list to select files to attach to the communications such as emails to your customer. 

Activity Fields

  • You can group, filter, display, and group your activities using the fields below. 
  • If you save a default search, this will automatically populate when navigating to the Activities module. 
  • If you have not saved a default search, the Default Search [System] when first navigating to the Activities module.
  • The list below contains the default and additional fields to filter your searches. 

Default Fields

Additional Fields 

Activity Type Branch
Activity Category Completed Date
Assigned To Contact
Completed By
Notes Created By User Name
Priority Created Date
Property Name Days Since Activity Created
Regarding Due Date (only includes current or day before)
Start Date End Date
Status Include Client
Subject Invoice Number
RegardingIssue #


Property Name


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