Quick Start
  • 10 Jan 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Quick Start

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Article summary

In a nutshell, using the API requires: 

  • An Aspire account within a supported company tier. 
  • Access to the API sandbox and production environments. 
  • Authorization to use the API.
  • The ability to execute requests

This guide will show you how to meet these requirements. 


Supported company tier 

Your current company tier determines if you will be able to use the API:

  • Enterprise - API access is included. 
  • Corporate: API can be added for an additional $350/month, or sign up with an Aspire partner with access to the API. 
  • Growth: You must sign up with an Aspire partner with access to the API.

If you do not have a company account supporting API, contact AspireCare to learn about available options. 

Available environments

Aspire offers access to two different servers: 

Authenticate & authorize 

Once prerequisites are met, credentials must be authenticated to obtain the access token needed to access endpoints. Only an  Aspire user account with Admin permission can be used to create or change the Client ID and Key  needed to generate and refresh the access token to authorize using the External Aspire API. Click Authentication & Authorization for step-by-step instructions. 

Create your first request in the API Guide

Requests can be created once successfully authenticated. Let's test and ensure your setup is correct using the GET/Contacts endpoint to retrieve a list of contacts that are not active. You must adhere to OData Syntax when using the query parameters to create the request


Follow these steps to create the request described above.

  1. Select the GET/Contacts endpoint from the API reference menu. 
  2. Enter your access token (you will only need to enter it once during a session. After doing so, it will automatically populate within the Token* section of the other endpoints you interact with). 
  3. You will find the properties and fields that can be queried under the Array of Object section. The data type for the Active field is boolean, so we know the value can be true if we are looking to retrieve a list of active contacts and false if we need to generate a list of inactive contacts. 
  4. Enter Active eq false next to the  $filter query option. 
  5. The response should appear as shown in the image in the pane next to step five if everything is set up correctly. 

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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Enter a valid password
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