Crew leader clock in
  • 27 Oct 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Crew leader clock in

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Article summary

You can clock yourself and your crew members in as a crew leader on the Time Tracking screen by selecting Time from the bottom navigation bar. On this screen, you will see the clock-in status of crew members working on your route for the day.

Time tracking 

  1. Time - select to open the Time Tracking screen to clock in or clock out.
  2. Crew leader -separate section for you to clock in. 
    1. Only one crew leader can be designated for a route at a time.
  3. Crew members - the list includes crew members who logged in from your device previously and those who logged in to Aspire Mobile from their device and selected your route. 
  4. Hours worked - total hours worked since the last clock-in. An unchanged status of 0.00 hours remains if you have not logged any hours. This option is available offline. 
  5. Clock in - select Clock in to start recording time worked for yourself or the listed crew members for your route.
    1.  A prompt to permit location services so your geolocation can be captured once you clock in will appear if you have not authorized location services.
    2. The time at which you confirm Clock in is the start time that will be reflected on Time Entry
    3. You can clock in selected crew members by choosing Clock In next to the crew member's name. This option will only be available when crew members are clocked out. 
  6. Clock in all - select to clock in all members. This option is available if you are offline. After making this selection, you can uncheck crew members you do not want to clock in. Selected crew members are highlighted and check-marked.  
  7. Clock out - clock out appears after a clock-in was successfully submitted.

Clocking in for subcontractors

Subcontractors who do not have contact records in Aspire can have an account for their time using the Sub Crew Size in MTIME feature. You need system admin permission under your user role to configure this feature with these steps:  

  1. From the Main Menu, go to Contacts
  2. Select your crew leader contact record. 
  3. Select Prompt for Sub Crew Size in MTIME
  4. Save

  • After you select this feature, the prompt below appears when logging in. 

Refreshing time tracking screen

  • You can pull in new data by refreshing the time tracking screen online. Once a refresh is initiated, your device will do so in the background so you can navigate away from the page if necessary. New, modified, and deleted time entries since your last sync should be pushed to your device once the refresh is completed.

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