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- 16 Dec 2024
- 37 Minutes to read
- Print
Available Notification Tokens
- Updated on 16 Dec 2024
- 37 Minutes to read
- Print
Below is a list of tokens that can be used in the message template for Email and SMS notifications
Absentee Notification
Acct Owner Contact First Name
Branch mgr Contact First Name
Branch Name
Branch Office Phone
Company Name
Completed Date
Grace Period
Opportunity Name
Opportunity Number
Opp Ops Mgr Contact First Name
Opp Ops Mgr Contact Full Name
Property Address Line 1
Property Address Line 2
Property City
Property Group Name
Property Name
Property Name Abbreviation
Property Ops Mgr First Name
Property Ops Mgr Full Name
Property Ops Mgr Last Name
Property Zip Code
Rte Crew Leader First Name
Rte Crew Leader Full Name
Rte Crew Leader Last Name
Rte Crew Leader Mobile Number
Route Name
Route Time Zone
Scheduled Start Date
Service Display Name
Service Name
{{glossary.Service Name Abbreviation }}
SMS Contact First Name
Work Ticket Price
Work Ticket Number
Work Ticket Hours Actual
WT Crew Leader Mobile Phone
WT Crew Leader Last Name
WT Crew Leader Full Name
WT Crew Leader First Name
Visit Start Time
Visit End Time
Visit Start Date Time
Visit Start Date
Visit End Date Time
Visit End Date
Visit Reminder
Acct Owner Contact First Name
Branch Office Phone
Branch mgr Contact First Name
Branch Name
Completed Date
Company Name
Grace Period
Opportunity Name
Opportunity Number
Opp Ops Mgr Contact First Name
Opp Ops Mgr Contact Full Name
Opp Ops Mgr Last Name
Property Address Line 1
Property Address Line 2
Property City
Property Group Name
Property Name
Property Name Abbreviation
Property Ops Mgr First Name
Property Ops Mgr Full Name
Property Ops Mgr Last Name
Property State Province Code
Property Zip Code
Rte Crew Leader First Name
Rte Crew Leader Full Name
Rte Crew Leader Last Name
Rte Crew Leader Mobile Number
Route Name
Route Time Zone
Scheduled Start Date
Service Display Name
Service Name
Service Name Abbreviation
SMS Contact First Name
WT Crew Leader First Name
WT Crew Leader Full Name
WT Crew Leader Last Name
WT Crew Leader Mobile Phone
Work Ticket Hours Actual
Work Ticket Number
Work Ticket Price
Visit Start Date Time
Visit Start Time
Visit End Time
Work Ticket Complete
Acct Owner Contact First Name
Branch mgr Contact First Name
Branch Name
Branch Office Phone
Completed Date
Company Name
Opportunity Name
Opportunity Number
Opp Ops Mgr Contact First Name
Opp Ops Mgr Contact Full Name
Opp Ops Mgr Last Name
Property Address Line 1
Property Address Line 2
Property City
Property Group Name
Property Name
Property Name Abbreviation
Property Ops Mgr First Name
Property Ops Mgr Full Name
Property Ops Mgr Last Name
Property State Province Code
Property Zip Code
Route Name
Scheduled Start Date
Service Display Name
Service Name
Service Name Abbreviation
SMS Contact First Name
WT Crew Leader First Name
WT Crew Leader Full Name
WT Crew Leader Last Name
WT Crew Leader Mobile Phone
Work Ticket Hours Actual
Work Ticket Number
Work Ticket Price
Acct Owner Contact Email Token
Acct Owner Contact Full Name
Active Opportunity Count
Billing Address Line 1
Billing Address Line 2
Billing City
Billing Contact Company Name
Billing Contact Email
Billing Contact First Name
Billing Contact Full Name
Billing Contact Last Name
Billing State Province Code
Billing State Province Name
Billing Zip Code
Branch Address 1
Branch Address 2
Branch City
Branch Legal Name Token
Branch mgr Contact First Name
Branch Name
Branch Office Phone
Branch State Province Code
Branch Zip Code
Collection Notes
Company Name
Competitor Name
Completed Date
County Name
Created Date Token
Estimated Material Item Cost 1
Estimated Material Item Cost 2
Estimated Material Item Cost 3
Est Material Item EPA Number 1
Est Material Item EPA Number 2
Est Material Item EPA Number 3
Est Material Item EPA Number 1
Est Material Item EPA Number 2
Est Material Item EPA Number 3
Est Material Item Name 1
Est Material Item Name 2
Est Material Item Name 3
Est Material Item Quantity 1
Est Material Item Quantity 2
Est Material Item Quantity 3
Email Notification First Name
Email Notification Full Name
Email Notification Last Name
Email Notification Prefix
GEO Perimeter Token
Hold Token
Industry Name
Lead Source Name Token
Note Token
Occurrence Token
Operation Notes
Opportunity End Date Token
Opp Estimator Notes Tokens
Opportunity Name Token
Opp Ops Mgr Contact First Name
Opp Ops Mgr Contact Full Name
Opp Ops Mgr Last Name
Opportunity PO Number Token
Opp Prop Description 1 Token
Opp Prop Description 2 Token
Opportunity Start Date Token
Open Issue Count Token
Payment Terms Name Token
Primary Contact Company Name
Primary Contact Email Token
Primary Contact First Name
Primary Contact Full Name
Primary Contact Home Phone
Primary Contact Last Name
Primary Contact Mobile Phone
Primary Contact Off Add Line 1
Primary Contact Off Add Line 2
Primary Contact Office City
Primary Contact Office Phone
Primary Contact Office City
Primary Contact Office Phone
Primary Off St Province Code
Primary Off St Province Name
Primary Contact Off Zip Code
Primary Contact Title
Primary Takeoff Value
Primary Takeoff Name
Production Note
Property Address Line 1
Property Address Line 2
Property Budget Token
Property City Token
Property Group Name Token
Property Name Abbreviation
Property Ops Mgr First Name
Property Ops Mgr Full Name
Property Ops Mgr Last Name
Property State Province Code
Property Status Name Token
Property Tag List Token
Property Zip Code Token
Region Mgr Name Token
Region Name Token
Reviewed Date Token
Route Name
Sales Rep Contact Full Name
Scheduled Start Date
Separate Invoices
Service Description
Service Display Name
Service Item Description Token
Service Name
Service Name Abbreviation
Sequence Number Token
Tax Jurisdiction Name Token
WT Crew Leader First Name
WT Crew Leader Full Name
WT Crew Leader Last Name
WT Crew Leader Mobile Phone
Work Ticket Hours Actual
Work Ticket Hours Estimated
Work Ticket Number
Work Ticket Price
WT Status Name
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Account Owner Contact First Name
- Token: [Account_Owner_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First name of the account owner listed on the Property details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Account Owner Contact First Name
- Token:[Branch_Manager_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First name of the branch manager listed on the Branch details screen
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Branch Name
- Token: [Branch_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Branch Name listed on the Branch details screen.
- Token Name: Branch Phone
- Token: [Branch_Office_Phone]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Primary Phone number listed on the Branch details screen
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Company Name
- Token: [Company_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First and Last name of the account owner listed on the Property details screen
- Character Count: 6
- Token Name: Completed Date
- Token:[Complete_Date_Time]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Completed date field on the Work Ticket details screen.
- Character Count: 2
- Token Name: Grace Period
- Token: [Grace_Period]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Grace Period field on the Absentee Notification details screen.
- Character Count: 50
- Token Name: Opportunity Name
- Token:[Opportunity_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Opportunity Name field on the Opportunity details screen.
- Character Count: 10
- Token Name: Opportunity Number
- Token:[Opportunity_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Opportunity Number listed on the Opportunity details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Opportunity OPS Manager Contact First Name
- Token:[Opportunity_OPS_Manager_Contact_First _Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager Contact First Name listed on the Opportunity details screen.
- Character Count: 30
- Token Name: Opportunity OPS Manager Contact Full Name
- Token:[Opportunity_OPS_Manager_Contact_Full _Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager Contact First and Last Name listed on the Opportunity details screen.
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Property Address Line 1
- Token:[Property_ Address_ Line_ 1]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Address Line 1 field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Property Address Line 2
- Token:[Property_ Address_ Line_ 2]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Address Line 2 field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 20
- Token Name: Property City
- Token:[Property_City]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property City field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Property Group Name
- Token:[Property_ Group_ Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Name field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Property Name
- Token:[Property_ Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Name field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 20
- Token Name: Property Name Abbreviation
- Token:[Property_ Name_ Abbreviation]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Name Abbreviation field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact First Name
- Token:[Property_ OPS_ Manager_ Contact_First_Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager first name listed on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 30
- Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact Full Name
- Token:[Property_OPS Manager_ Contact_Full_ Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Ops Manager Contact First and Last Name listed on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact Full Name
- Token:[Property_OPS Manager_ Contact_Last_ Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Ops Manager Contact Last Name listed on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 10
- Token Name: Property Zip Code
- Token:[Property_ Zip_Code]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Zip Code field on the Property details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Route Crew Leader Contact First Name
- Token:[Route_ Crew_Leader_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Crew Leader First name field on the Contact details screen
- Character Count: 30
- Token Name: Route Crew Leader Contact Full Name
- Token:[Route_ Crew_Leader_Contact_Full_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Crew Leader First and Last name field on the Contact details screen
- Character Count:15
- Token Name: Route Crew Leader Contact Last Name
- Token:[Route_ Crew_Leader_Contact_Last_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Crew Leader Last Name field on the Contact details screen
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Route Crew Leader Contact Mobile Number
- Token:[Route_ Crew_Leader_Contact_Mobile_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Crew Leader mobile number listed on the Contact details screen
- Character Count: 20
- Token Name: Route Name
- Token:[Route_ Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Route name listed on the Contact details screen
- Character Count: 5
- Token Name: Route Time Zone
- Token:[Route_Time_Zone]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Timezone for the Branch listed on the Route details screen
- Character Count: 6
- Token Name: Scheduled Start Date
- Token:[Scheduled_ Start_Date]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Scheduled Date field on the Work Ticket details screen
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Service Display Name
- Token:[Service_Display_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Service Display Name field on the Service Catalog details screen of the Administration menu
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Service Name
- Token:[Service_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Service Name field on the Service Catalog details screen of the Administration menu
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: SMS Contact First Name
- Token:[SMS_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First Name of SMS Notification contact listed on the Contact details screen
- Character Count: 11
- Token Name: Work Ticket Price
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Price]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Estimated value listed in the Revenue section on the Work Ticket details screen.
- Character Count: 10
- Token Name: Work Ticket Number
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? ID number of Work Ticket listed in the header of the Work Ticket details screen
- Character Count: 6
- Token Name: Work Ticket Hours Actual
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Hours_Actual]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Actual field listed in the Hours Table on the Work Ticket details screen
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Mobile Phone
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Mobile_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Mobile Number of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Last Name
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Last_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Last Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 30
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Full Name
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Full_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First and Last Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact First Name
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 8
- Token Name: Visit Start Time
- Token:[Visit_Start_Time]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit Start Time t listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket for a Time-Based Route.
- Character Count: 8
- Token Name: Visit End Time
- Token:[Visit_End_Time]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit End Time listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket for a Time-Based Route.
- Character Count: 17
- Token Name: Visit End Date
- Token:[Visit_Start_Date_Time]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit Start date and time listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket on a Time-Based Route
- Character Count: 11
- Token Name: Visit Start Date
- Token:[Visit_Start_Date]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit Start date and time listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket
- Character Count: 17
- Token Name: Visit End Date Time
- Token:[Visit_End_Date_Time]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit End date and time listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket on a Time-Based Route
- Character Count: 11
- Token Name: Visit End Date
- Token:[Visit_End_Date]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit End date listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Account Owner Contact First Name
- Token: [Account_Owner_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First name of the account owner listed on the Property details screen
- Token Name: Branch Phone
- Token: [Branch_Office_Phone]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Primary Phone number listed on the Branch details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Account Owner Contact First Name
- Token:[Branch_Manager_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First name of the branch manager listed on the Branch details screen
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Branch Name
- Token: [Branch_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Branch Name listed on the Branch details screen.
- Character Count: 6
- Token Name: Completed Date
- Token:[Complete_Date_Time]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Completed date field on the Work Ticket details screen.
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Company Name
- Token: [Company_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First and Last name of the account owner listed on the Property details screen
- Character Count: 2
- Token Name: Grace Period
- Token: [Grace_Period]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Grace Period field on the Absentee Notification details screen.
- Character Count: 50
- Token Name: Opportunity Name
- Token:[Opportunity_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Opportunity Name field on the Opportunity details screen.
- Character Count: 10
- Token Name: Opportunity Number
- Token:[Opportunity_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Opportunity Number listed on the Opportunity details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Opportunity OPS Manager Contact First Name
- Token:[Opportunity_OPS_Manager_Contact_First _Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager Contact First Name listed on the Opportunity details screen.
- Character Count: 30
- Token Name: Opportunity OPS Manager Contact Full Name
- Token:[Opportunity_OPS_Manager_Contact_Full _Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager Contact First and Last Name listed on the Opportunity details screen.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Opportunity OPS Manager Contact Last Name
- Token:[Opportunity_OPS_Manager_Contact_Last _Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager Contact Last Name listed on the Opportunity details screen.
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Property Address Line 1
- Token:[Property_ Address_ Line_ 1]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Address Line 1 field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Property Address Line 2
- Token:[Property_ Address_ Line_ 2]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Address Line 2 field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 20
- Token Name: Property City
- Token:[Property_City]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property City field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Property Group Name
- Token:[Property_ Group_ Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Name field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Property Name
- Token:[Property_ Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Name field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 20
- Token Name: Property Name Abbreviation
- Token:[Property_ Name_ Abbreviation]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Name Abbreviation field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact First Name
- Token:[Property_ OPS_ Manager_ Contact_First_Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager first name listed on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 30
- Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact Full Name
- Token:[Property_OPS Manager_ Contact_Full_ Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Ops Manager Contact First and Last Name listed on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact Full Name
- Token:[Property_OPS Manager_ Contact_Last_ Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Ops Manager Contact Last Name listed on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 3
- Token Name: Property State Province Code
- Token:[Property_ State_ Province_ Code ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: State abbreviation for the State list on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 10
- Token Name: Property Zip Code
- Token:[Property_ Zip_Code]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Zip Code field on the Property details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Route Crew Leader Contact First Name
- Token:[Route_ Crew_Leader_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Crew Leader First name field on the Contact details screen
- Character Count: 30
- Token Name: Route Crew Leader Contact Full Name
- Token:[Route_ Crew_Leader_Contact_Full_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Crew Leader First and Last name field on the Contact details screen
- Character Count:15
- Token Name: Route Crew Leader Contact Last Name
- Token:[Route_ Crew_Leader_Contact_Last_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Crew Leader Last Name field on the Contact details screen
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Route Crew Leader Contact Mobile Number
- Token:[Route_ Crew_Leader_Contact_Mobile_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Crew Leader mobile number listed on the Contact details screen
- Character Count: 20
- Token Name: Route Name
- Token:[Route_ Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Route name listed on the Contact details screen
- Character Count: 5
- Token Name: Route Time Zone
- Token:[Route_Time_Zone]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Timezone for the Branch listed on the Route details screen
- Character Count: 6
- Token Name: Scheduled Start Date
- Token:[Scheduled_ Start_Date]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Scheduled Date field on the Work Ticket details screen
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Service Display Name
- Token:[Service_Display_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Service Display Name field on the Service Catalog details screen of the Administration menu
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Service Name
- Token:[Service_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Service Name field on the Service Catalog details screen of the Administration menu
- Character Count: 20
- Token Name: Service Name Abbreviation
- Token:[Service_Name_Abbreviation]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Abbreviation field on the Service Catalog details screen of the Administration menu
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: SMS Contact First Name
- Token:[SMS_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First Name of SMS Notification contact listed on the Contact details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact First Name
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 30
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Full Name
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Full_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First and Last Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Last Name
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Last_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Last Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Mobile Phone
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Mobile_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Mobile Number of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 6
- Token Name: Work Ticket Hours Actual
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Hours_Actual]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Actual field listed in the Hours Table on the Work Ticket details screen
- Character Count: 10
- Token Name: Work Ticket Number
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? ID number of Work Ticket listed in the header of the Work Ticket details screen
- Character Count: 11
- Token Name: Work Ticket Price
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Price]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Estimated value listed in the Revenue section on the Work Ticket details screen.
- Character Count: 17
- Token Name: Visit End Date
- Token:[Visit_Start_Date_Time]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit Start date and time listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket on a Time-Based Route
- Character Count: 8
- Token Name: Visit Start Time
- Token:[Visit_Start_Time]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit Start Time t listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket for a Time-Based Route.
- Character Count: 8
- Token Name: Visit End Time
- Token:[Visit_End_Time]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit End Time listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket for a Time-Based Route.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Account Owner Contact First Name
- Token: [Account_Owner_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First name of the account owner listed on the Property details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Account Owner Contact First Name
- Token:[Branch_Manager_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First name of the branch manager listed on the Branch details screen
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Branch Name
- Token: [Branch_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Branch Name listed on the Branch details screen.
- Token Name: Branch Phone
- Token: [Branch_Office_Phone]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Primary Phone number listed on the Branch details screen
- Character Count: 6
- Token Name: Completed Date
- Token:[Complete_Date_Time]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Completed date field on the Work Ticket details screen.
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Company Name
- Token: [Company_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First and Last name of the account owner listed on the Property details screen
- Character Count: 50
- Token Name: Opportunity Name
- Token:[Opportunity_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Opportunity Name field on the Opportunity details screen.
- Character Count: 10
- Token Name: Opportunity Number
- Token:[Opportunity_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Opportunity Number listed on the Opportunity details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Opportunity OPS Manager Contact First Name
- Token:[Opportunity_OPS_Manager_Contact_First _Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager Contact First Name listed on the Opportunity details screen.
- Character Count: 30
- Token Name: Opportunity OPS Manager Contact Full Name
- Token:[Opportunity_OPS_Manager_Contact_Full _Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager Contact First and Last Name listed on the Opportunity details screen.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Opportunity OPS Manager Contact Last Name
- Token:[Opportunity_OPS_Manager_Contact_Last _Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager Contact Last Name listed on the Opportunity details screen.
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Property Address Line 1
- Token:[Property_ Address_ Line_ 1]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Address Line 1 field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Property Address Line 2
- Token:[Property_ Address_ Line_ 2]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Address Line 2 field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 20
- Token Name: Property City
- Token:[Property_City]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property City field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Property Group Name
- Token:[Property_ Group_ Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Name field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Property Name
- Token:[Property_ Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Name field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 20
- Token Name: Property Name Abbreviation
- Token:[Property_ Name_ Abbreviation]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Name Abbreviation field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact First Name
- Token:[Property_ OPS_ Manager_ Contact_First_Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager first name listed on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 30
- Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact Full Name
- Token:[Property_OPS Manager_ Contact_Full_ Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Ops Manager Contact First and Last Name listed on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact Full Name
- Token:[Property_OPS Manager_ Contact_Last_ Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Ops Manager Contact Last Name listed on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 3
- Token Name: Property State Province Code
- Token:[Property_ State_ Province_ Code ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: State abbreviation for the State list on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 10
- Token Name: Property Zip Code
- Token:[Property_ Zip_Code]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Zip Code field on the Property details screen
- Character Count: 20
- Token Name: Route Name
- Token:[Route_ Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Route name listed on the Contact details screen
- Character Count: 6
- Token Name: Scheduled Start Date
- Token:[Scheduled_ Start_Date]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Scheduled Date field on the Work Ticket details screen
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Service Display Name
- Token:[Service_Display_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Service Display Name field on the Service Catalog details screen of the Administration menu
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Service Name
- Token:[Service_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Service Name field on the Service Catalog details screen of the Administration menu
- Character Count: 20
- Token Name: Service Name Abbreviation
- Token:[Service_Name_Abbreviation]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Abbreviation field on the Service Catalog details screen of the Administration menu
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: SMS Contact First Name
- Token:[SMS_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First Name of SMS Notification contact listed on the Contact details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact First Name
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 30
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Full Name
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Full_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First and Last Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Last Name
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Last_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Last Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Mobile Phone
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Mobile_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Mobile Number of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 6
- Token Name: Work Ticket Hours Actual
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Hours_Actual]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Actual field listed in the Hours Table on the Work Ticket details screen
- Character Count: 10
- Token Name: Work Ticket Number
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? ID number of Work Ticket listed in the header of the Work Ticket details screen
- Character Count: 11
- Token Name: Work Ticket Price
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Price]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Estimated value listed in the Revenue section on the Work Ticket details screen.
- Token Name: Account Owner Contact Email
- Token: [Account_Owner_Contact_Email]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Email address of account owner listed in the Contact Details section of the Property details screen
- Token Name: Account Owner Contact Full Name
- Token: [Account_Owner_Contact_Full_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First and Last name of the account owner listed on the Property details screen
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Active
- Token:[Active]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Active toggle on the top of the details screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Active Opportunity Count
- Token:[Active_Opportunity_Count]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Number of opportunities that are not in Won or Lost status
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Character Count: 6
- Token Name: Billing Address Line 1
- Token:[Billing_Address_Line_1]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Address Line 1 under the Primary Address Line 1 field on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact.
- Token Name: Billing Address Line 2
- Token:[Billing_Address_Line_2]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Address under the Primary Adress Line 2 field on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact.
- Token Name: Billing City
- Token:[Billing_City]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? City selected under the City field on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Billing Contact Company Name
- Token:[Billing_Contact_Company_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Company name selected under the Company Name field on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact.
- Token Name: Billing Contact Email
- Token:[Billing_Contact_Email]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Company email selected under the email field on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact.
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Billing Contact First Name
- Token:[Billing_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First name on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact.
- Token Name: Billing Contact Full Name
- Token:[Billing_Contact_Full_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First and Last name on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact.
- Token Name: Billing Contact Last Name
- Token:[Billing_Contact_Last_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Last name on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Billing State Province Code
- Token:[Billing_State_Province_Code]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Province code associated with the state listed on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact
- Token Name: Billing State Province Name
- Token:[Billing_State_Province_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary State on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Billing Zip Code
- Token:[Billing_Zip_Code]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Zip Code on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact
- Token Name: Branch Address 1
- Token:[Branch_Address_1]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Address Line 1 on the Branch details screen
- Token Name: Branch Address 2
- Token:[Branch_Address_2]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Address Line 2 on the Branch details screen
- Token Name: Branch City
- Token:[Branch_City]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? City listed on the Branch details screen
- Token Name: Branch Legal Name
- Token: [Branch_Legal_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Legal Name listed on Branch details screen
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Account Owner Contact First Name
- Token:[Branch_Manager_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First name of the branch manager listed on the Branch details screen
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Branch Name
- Token: [Branch_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Branch Name listed on the Branch details screen.
- Token Name: Branch Phone
- Token: [Branch_Office_Phone]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Primary Phone number listed on the Branch details screen
- Token Name: Branch State Province Code
- Token:[Branch_State_Province_Code]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Province Code associated with the state listed on the Branch details screen
- Token Name: Branch Zip Code
- Token:[Branch_Zip_Code]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Zip Code listed on the Branch details screen
- Token Name: Collection Notes
- Token:[Collection_Notes]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Collection Notes listed on the Property create or edit details screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Company Name
- Token: [Company_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First and Last name of the account owner listed on the Property details screen
- Token Name: Competitor Name
- Token:[Competitor Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Collection Notes listed on the Property Advanced Search list screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Character Count: 6
- Token Name: Completed Date
- Token:[Complete_Date_Time]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Completed date field on the Work Ticket details screen.
- Token Name: County Name
- Token:[County_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? County Name name selected on the Property details screen.
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Created Date
- Token: [Created_Date]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Property Created date listed on the Property details screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Material Item Cost 1
- Token:[Material_Item_Cost_1]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? The Total cost of the first material Item listed on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Material Item Cost 2
- Token:[Material_Item_Cost_2]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? The Total cost of the second material Item listed on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Material Item Cost 3
- Token:[Material_Item_Cost_3]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? The Total cost of the third material Item listed on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Estimated Material Item EPA Number 1
- Token:[Material_Item_EPA_Number_1]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? EPA Number on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Estimated Material Item EPA Number 2
- Token:[Material_Item_EPA_Number_2]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? EPA Number on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Estimated Material Item EPA Number 3
- Token:[Material_Item_EPA_Number_3]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? EPA Number on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Estimated Material Item EPA Number 1
- Token:[Material_Item_EPA_Number_1]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? EPA Number on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Estimated Material Item EPA Number 2
- Token:[Material_Item_EPA_Number_2]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? EPA Number on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Estimated Material Item EPA Number 3
- Token:[Material_Item_EPA_Number_3]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? EPA Number on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Estimated Material Item Name 1
- Token: [Material_Item_Name_1]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Name of material on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Estimated Material Item Name 2
- Token: [Material_Item_Name_2]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Name of material on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Estimated Material Item Name 3
- Token: [Material_Item_Name_3]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Name of material on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Estimated Material Item Quantity 1
- Token: [Material_Item_Quantity_1]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Quantity of the first material on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Estimated Material Item Quantity 2
- Token: [Material_Item_Quantity_2]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Quantity of the second material on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Estimated Material Item Quantity 3
- Token: [Material_Item_Quantity_3]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Quantity of the third material on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Email Notification Contact First Name
- Token:[Email_Notification_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First name of the Billing Contact listed on the Contact details portion of the Property
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Email Notification Contact Full Name
- Token:[Email_Notification_Contact_Full_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First and Last name of the Billing Contact listed on the Contact details portion of the Property
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Email Notification Contact Last Name
- Token:[Email_Notification_Contact_Last_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Last name of the Billing Contact listed on the Contact details portion of the Property
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Email Notification Contact Prefix
- Token:[Email_Notification_Contact_Prefix]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Prefix of the Billing Contact listed in the Contact details portion of the Property
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: GEO Perimeter Token
- Token:[GEO_Perimeter]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? GEO Perimeter listed on the Property details screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: GEO Perimeter Token
- Token:[Hold]
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Industry Name
- Token:[Industry_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Industry Name listed on the Property details screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Lead Source Name
- Token: [Lead_Source_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Lead Source listed on the Property details screen
- Token Name: Note
- Token: [Note]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Property Notes on Property details screen
- Token Name: Occurrence
- Token: [Occur]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Number of occurrences of the Work Ticket
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Operation Notes
- Token: [Operation_Notes]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Operation Notes listed on the Property details screen
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Opportunity End Date
- Token: [Opportunity_End_Date]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? End date listed on the Opportunity details screen
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Opportunity Estimator Notes
- Token: [Opportunity_Estimator_Notes]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Estimator Notes on the Opportunity details screen
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Opportunity Name
- Token: [Opportunity_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Opportunity name on the Opportunity details screen
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Opportunity OPS Manager Contact First Name
- Token:[Opportunity_OPS_Manager_Contact_First _Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager Contact First Name listed on the Opportunity details screen.
- Character Count: 30
- Token Name: Opportunity OPS Manager Contact Full Name
- Token:[Opportunity_OPS_Manager_Contact_Full _Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager Contact First and Last Name listed on the Opportunity details screen.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Opportunity OPS Manager Contact Last Name
- Token:[Opportunity_OPS_Manager_Contact_Last _Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager Contact Last Name listed on the Opportunity details screen.
- Token Name: Opportunity PO Number
- Token: [Opportunity_PO_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Customer PO # listed in the Invoicing section on the Opportunity details screen
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Opportunity Proposal Description 1
- Token: [Opportunity_Proposal_Description_1]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Proposal Description 1 on the Opportunity details screen
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Opportunity Proposal Description 2
- Token: [Opportunity_Proposal_Description_2]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Proposal Description 1 on the Opportunity details screen
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Opportunity Start Date
- Token: [Opportunity_Start_Date]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Start date listed on the Opportunity details screen
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Token Name: Open Issue Count
- Token: [Open_Issue_Count]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Total number of issues with an open status
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Payment Terms Name
- Token: [Payment_Terms_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Payment Terms listed on the Property details screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Primary Contact Company Name
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Company_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary contact associated with Company listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Primary Contact Email
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Email]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Email of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Primary Contact First Name
- Token: [Primary_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First Name of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Primary Contact Full Name
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Full_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Full Name of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Primary Contact Home Phone
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Home_Phone]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Home phone of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Token Name: Primary Contact Last Name
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Last_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Last Name of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Primary Contact Mobile Phone
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Mobile_Phone]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Mobile Phone of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Token Name: Primary Contact Office Address Line 1
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_Address_Line_1]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Address Line 1 of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Primary Contact Office Address Line 2
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_Address_Line_2]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Address Line 2 of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Primary Contact Office City
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_City]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Office City of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Token Name: Primary Contact Office Address Line 1
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_Phone]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Office Phone of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Token Name: Primary Contact Office City
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_City]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Office City of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Token Name: Primary Contact Office Address Line 1
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_Phone]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Office Phone of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Token Name: Primary Contact Office State Province Code
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_State_Province_Code]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? State Province Code of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Primary Contact Office State Province Name
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_State_Province_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? State Province code of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Primary Contact Office Zip Code
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_Zip_Code]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Zip Code of Primary Contact associated to the Company Name in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Primary Contact Title
- Token: [Primary_Contact_Title]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Title of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Primary Takeoff Value
- Token: [Primary_Takeoff_Value]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Takeoff Value of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Primary Takeoff Name
- Token: [Primary_Takeoff_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Takeoff Item Name from a Takeoff Groups List in the Administration menu
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Production Note
- Token: [Production_Note]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Operation Notes of the Property detail screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Property Address Line 1
- Token:[Property_ Address_ Line_ 1]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Address Line 1 field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Property Address Line 2
- Token:[Property_ Address_ Line_ 2]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Address Line 2 field on the Property details screen.
- Token Name: Property Budget
- Token: [Property_Budget]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Annual Budget on the Property details screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Property City
- Token: [Property_City]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? City listed on the Property details screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Property Group Name
- Token: [Property_Group_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Property Group Name listed on the Property details screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Character Count: 20
- Token Name: Property Name Abbreviation
- Token:[Property_ Name_ Abbreviation]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Name Abbreviation field on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact First Name
- Token:[Property_ OPS_ Manager_ Contact_First_Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager first name listed on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 30
- Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact Full Name
- Token:[Property_OPS Manager_ Contact_Full_ Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Ops Manager Contact First and Last Name listed on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact Full Name
- Token:[Property_OPS Manager_ Contact_Last_ Name ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Ops Manager Contact Last Name listed on the Property details screen.
- Character Count: 3
- Token Name: Property State Province Code
- Token:[Property_ State_ Province_ Code ]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: State abbreviation for the State list on the Property details screen.
- Token Name: Property Status Name
- Token: [Property_Status_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Property Status listed on the Property details screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Property Tag List
- Token: [Property_Tag_List]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Tags list on the Property details screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Property Zip Code
- Token: [Property_Zip_Code]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Zip Code listed on the Property details screen
- Token Name: Region Manager Name
- Token: [Region_Manager_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Region name listed on the Region details screen in the Administration menu
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Region Name
- Token: [Region_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Region name on the Region details screen in the Administration menu
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Reviewed Date
- Token: [Reviewed_Date_Time]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Date/Time of Work Ticket Marked as Complete in Crew Mobile
- Message Template Section: Body
- Character Count: 20
- Token Name: Route Name
- Token:[Route_ Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Route name listed on the Contact details screen
- Token Name: Sales Rep Contact Full Name
- Token: [Sales_Rep_Contact_Full_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First and Last name of Sales Rep in the Contact details section of the Opportunity detail screen
- Message Template Section: Body
- Character Count: 6
- Token Name: Scheduled Start Date
- Token:[Scheduled_ Start_Date]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Scheduled Date field on the Work Ticket details screen
- Token Name: Separate Invoices
- Token: [Separate_Invoices]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Separate Invoices listed on the Property details screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Service Description
- Token: [Service_Description]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Description of service catalog item in the Estimating section of the Administration menu
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Service Display Name
- Token:[Service_Display_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Service Display Name field on the Service Catalog details screen of the Administration menu
- Token Name: Service Item Description
- Token: [Service_Item_Description]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Description from Estimate of Service Catalog Item
- Message Template Section: Body
- Character Count: 40
- Token Name: Service Name
- Token:[Service_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Service Name field on the Service Catalog details screen of the Administration menu
- Character Count: 20
- Token Name: Service Name Abbreviation
- Token:[Service_Name_Abbreviation]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Abbreviation field on the Service Catalog details screen of the Administration menu
- Token Name: Sequence Number
- Token: [Sequence_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Sequence Number listed on the Property details screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Token Name: Tax Jurisdiction Name
- Token: [Tax_Jurisdiction_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Tax Jurisdiction listed on the Property details screen
- Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact First Name
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_First_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 30
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Full Name
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Full_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First and Last Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 15
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Last Name
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Last_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Last Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 25
- Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Mobile Phone
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Mobile_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Mobile Number of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
- Character Count: 6
- Token Name: Work Ticket Hours Actual
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Hours_Actual]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Actual field listed in the Hours Table on the Work Ticket details screen
- Token Name: Work Ticket Hours Estimated
- Token: [Work_Ticket_Hours_Estimated]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Estimated value listed on the Hours table on the Work Ticket Details screen
- Message Template Section: Message Body
- Character Count: 10
- Token Name: Work Ticket Number
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Number]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? ID number of Work Ticket listed in the header of the Work Ticket details screen
- Character Count: 11
- Token Name: Work Ticket Price
- Token:[Work_Ticket_Price]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Estimated value listed in the Revenue section on the Work Ticket details screen.
- Token Name: Work Ticket Status Name
- Token: [Work_Ticket_Status_Name]
- Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Status of Work Ticket
- Message Template Section: Body
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