Browsers Supported
  • 08 May 2024
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Browsers Supported

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Article summary

The Aspire software system supports the following browsers:

PlatformSupported Browsers
WindowsGoogle Chrome, Microsoft Edge
AndroidGoogle Chrome

For mobile devices, Aspire supports touchscreen navigation optimally designed to run full functionality on a ten-inch tablet. A subset of the full application is optimally designed to run on smaller screen sizes, including iPhones, mini-iPads, Android tablets, and phones. It can also take full advantage of larger screens on laptop and desktop computers.

Aspire also provides a Crew Mobile App for iPhones and Androids that provides specific functionality required for crew leaders and members in the field. 

 View the Aspire Recommended and Minimum Requirements knowledge base article to view the latest iOS and Android versions supported for the Aspire desktop and mobile applications.

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