Custom Fields (Properties, Contacts and Equipment)
  • 21 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Custom Fields (Properties, Contacts and Equipment)

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Article summary

For properties, contacts, and equipment, Aspire enables you to add fields representing information you wish to track and on which you plan to make business decisions. 

  • Property custom fields are added on the Property Detail screen and are then available to all users who can view or edit properties. 
  • Contact custom fields are added on the Contact screen and are then available to all users who can view or edit contacts. 
  • Equipment custom fields are added on the Equipment screen and are then available to all users who can view or edit equipment. 

You must have the Manage Custom Fields permission to add new custom fields. When you add them, names given to custom fields cannot begin with a numeric character.

Custom fields become available in search lists for properties, contacts, and equipment.

This Using Custom Fields provides additional information on custom fields and explains how to create and use them.

The menus on the Property detail screen, Contact screen, and Equipment screen each contain a Manage Custom Fields option that displays the Manage Custom Fields dialog that allows you to add, remove or modify custom fields.

Manage Custom Fields Dialog

You must have System Admin permission to add new custom fields. Once a field has been added, it becomes available to all users who can edit property, contact, or equipment.

Clicking the Deleteicon allows you to delete the custom field next to it.

If you delete a custom field that has been in place and has had values entered, that data will be lost. The system will warn of this upon clicking the Delete icon allowing you to cancel the deletion.

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