Employee Overtime Report
  • 30 Oct 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Employee Overtime Report

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Article summary

Overtime Report 

What’s New?

Track and compare employee overtime using the Employee Overtime report. As an admin, use the steps below to access and configure this report. 


  • 🚩This report is not available to all clients. This feature must be enabled for your company by Aspire. 
  • The View Employee Overtime Report is required to view and use the report. 

Access the report by taking the following steps: 

  1. Select Reports from the Main Menu
  2. Choose Standard Reports.
  3. Select Employee Overtime from the Administration section. 

 Employee Overtime Report Overview 

  1. Advanced search tools - search, filter, display, sort, and group the information you want to include in your report. 
  2. Date range filter - a date range filter is incorporated at the top of the screen. So that you can customize the information you see by time range, you will see the Last Week filter appear by default.  
    1. Below is a list of other available date range filters: 
      1. This Week 
      2. Last Week 
      3. This Month 
      4. Last Month
      5. This Quarter
      6. Last Quarter
      7. All data for the previous quarter
      8. This Year
      9. Last Year
      10. Custom - there are several custom fields from which to choose.  Most custom fields will populate an additional field beside it that allows you to choose a date.  
  3. Default fields - By default, the following fields will be displayed:
    1. Pay Schedule
    2. Daily OT Hours - overtime hours worked within the day. There is one column dedicated to each day of the week. These columns can be removed. 
      1. The first week displayed is determined by the First Day of Week  time reporting configuration setting. 
      2. The order of days displayed by default matches what you will see on the Weekly Time Review screen of the scheduling module. 
      3. The total overtime hours worked (as shown in the employee’s pay schedule) are listed in this column. 
      4. Left-click on an hour to view the options to open the time entry, time entry audit, or clock time audit screens. 

  1. Total Weekly Hours - total number of hours worked for the week. 
  2. Total Weekly OT - total number of weekly OT hours worked as the pay schedule dictates.  
  3. Total Daily OT - total hours worked per week as the pay schedule dictates. 
  4. Non-default fields - you can also display the following: 
    1. Branch 
    2. District 
    3. OT Labor Burden Cost 
    4. OT Labor Cost 
    5. Pay Code 
    6. Region 
  1. Section- each collapsible section is divided by week and subdivided by employee
  2. Total Count - total of submitted time entry events. 
  3. Ellipsis Menu - reveals the options to: 
    1. Save As - Save your list. 
    2. My Default - Designate a list configuration as your default list so that it appears every time you access the report by default. 
    3. Reset Advanced Search - Reset your advanced search configuration back to the system default. 
    4. Print Screen - Print the information you see on your screen. 
    5. Export to Excel - Export what you see on your screen to a CSV. 
    6. Export to Excel (All Fields) - Export all chosen fields (even if it is not displayed on screen) to excel. 

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