Equipment Scheduling Board
  • 18 Sep 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Equipment Scheduling Board

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Article summary

From the Equipment module, select the Scheduling tab to access theEquipment Scheduling Board. The Equipment Scheduling Board allows you to identify and schedule equipment across multiple routes, providing better visibility and control over equipment schedules.

You can allocate equipment for visits and set daily schedules to efficiently manage shared assets across various routes.

To schedule equipment, drag a visit from the visit drawer, onto the Equipment Scheduling Board to assign the equipment to that visit.

To enable the Equipment Scheduling Board, assign the Schedule Equipment permission to the appropriate roles. Users also need View Equipment permission and either Read-Only Access or Full Access to the Schedule Board. This permission allows users to mark equipment as schedulable by selecting the Available for Scheduling option on the Equipment Details or Equipment Search List screens. For more information on permissions, see the Equipment Permissions article.

The screen elements on the Equipment Scheduling screen are described in the following table: 

Menu OptionDescription
Quick filters

Use the quick filters for Branch, Divisions, and Equipment Class to refine the Equipment Scheduling Board. Filter availability for each piece of equipment is specified on the Equipment Details screen.

Visit drawer (clipboard icon)Select the clipboard icon from the top right menu to open the visit drawer. The visit drawer displays visits that have already been scheduled on the Route Scheduling board, along with their associated work ticket numbers and descriptions.

You can manage equipment scheduling by selecting, dragging, and dropping visits from the drawer onto the appropriate equipment for the selected day.

By default, the visit drawer shows visits linked to work tickets scheduled for routes, to facilitate equipment allocation. When you select a visit from the drawer, it aligns the equipment's schedule with existing route plans.

Equipment can only be scheduled on the day of the visit. Scheduled equipment is also visible on the Route Scheduling Board.

You can filter visits by Route Manager or Route. Use the advanced search filters to refine your display using the following criteria:

  • Branch
  • Description
  • Division
  • Opportunity Number
  • Property Address
  • Property Name
  • Route
  • Route Manager
  • Ticket #
  • Work Ticket Status
Equipment information

Equipment is listed alphabetically and includes details for items marked as Available for Scheduling on the Equipment Details screen. The displayed information includes:

  • Equipment Name: Select this hyperlink to navigate to the corresponding Equipment Details screen.
  • Equipment Model
  • EquipmentClass
  • Status: Statuses include Requested, Approved, Purchased, In Service, and OutofService.

To view more details, select a piece of equipment to open the Equipment Details screen.

Date range selector

Allows you to specify the period displayed in the equipment scheduling board view.

  • Selecting the left and right arrows advances a week.
  • Selecting the drop-down arrow displays a calendar control, allowing you to navigate to a specific date. Select Today to bring you to the current day from the calendar.

Visit tiles on the Equipment Schedule Board

Visit tiles on the Equipment Schedule Board represent scheduled visits associated with specific pieces of equipment. Each tile provides key information about the visit, such as the service name, opportunity number, work ticket, property, and route name.

  • Left-click on a visit tile to open a detailed menu, which includes quick access to essential information like the visit’s date, associated opportunity, work ticket, property, and route details. You can also view the property on Google Maps, or go directly to the visit on the Route Scheduling Board by selecting Go To Visit.
  • Right-click on a visit tile to access additional options, including opening the Equipment Details screen or the work ticket, or accessing the Visit Details screen. Users with appropriate permissions can also remove visits from the Equipment Schedule Board.

Screen capture of the tiles on the Schedule Board.


Access to these options depends on your role-based permissions within Aspire. Users with View Equipment and Schedule Equipment permissions, along with Schedule Board access, can fully interact with visit tiles.

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