Event Screen
  • 16 Dec 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Event Screen

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Article summary

The Event screen is used to enter information to create a new snow event or to view or edit information for events that you have created in the past. When you create weather events, you are logging events that recently occurred in preparation for invoicing.

The Event screen is available from the following locations:

  1. Selecting Add Event from the three dots menu on the Batch Screen
  2. Clicking the New  icon on the Events Search List screen
  3. Clicking an item in the list on the Events Search List screen to view or edit the existing event.

Screen ElementDescription
Event NameRequired. Name of the event.
BranchRequired. Specify the branch to which the weather event applies. Only branches to which you have access are available.
Event TypeEvent type. Options on the selection list are defined on the Event Type screen in Admin. Commonly, the only option available will be “Snow.”
LocationRequired. Describe the area affected by the event.
Start Date/TimeRequired. Allows you to specify the date and time at which the event began. Click the Calendar icon to set the date, and click the Clock icon to set the time.
End Date/TimeRequired. Allows you to specify the date and time at which the event began. Click the Calendar icon to set the date, and click the Clock icon to set the time.
Zip CodesThis field allows you to specify a list of zip codes impacted by the weather event. The zip codes available for selection are those on properties in the selected branch for which work tickets have time or materials allocated during the time range of the event. This means that the branch, start time, and end time must be filled in before the zip code list will be properly populated. If there is already an existing event whose time period overlaps a new event being created, then zip codes assigned to the first event will not be available for the new event.
DescriptionAllows you to provide a description of the weather event.

Select the Upload button to add an attachment to the event. Clicking on the camera icon will allow you to take and upload a new photo. Attachments are frequently documents or photos that provide additional information. When you select the upload button, Aspire displays the Upload Attachment screen.

The hyperlink icon shows the number of attachments saved for the event. If there are attachments, clicking the hyperlink will display the Attachments screen providing a list of the existing attachments that can be edited or removed from the event.

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