- 25 Aug 2023
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Drive Time
- Updated on 25 Aug 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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The time reporting capability of Aspire allows crew members to clock in and then allows the crew leader to start and stop time as crew members work on selected work tickets for the day. Depending on company policy, there may be a drive time gap between one job and the next over the day if work on each job is started and stopped while on the property, as depicted in the timeline below.
As depicted below, in Aspire, when you accept time by selecting save on the Time Entry screen, Aspire considers any clock time that is not allocated to a job (green segments above and Diff value to be drive time and creates special job allocation entry that distributes that drive time to each of the jobs having time allocated for the day. Drive time is distributed to jobs proportionally based on the number of hours worked on each job during the day.
While drive time is tracked separately, it is included as the time cost of the job.