Contents x
- SANDBOX: Aspire External API
- Introduction
- API Versioning
- Overview
- RESTful API Foundations
- Quick Start
- Authentication & Authorization
- Create a Request
- OData Syntax & Query Parameter Options
- Status Codes
- Rate Limits
- FAQs
- Glossary
- What's New?
- SOAP to REST Conversion
- API Reference
- Activities
- ActivityCategories
- ActivityCommentHistories
- Addresses
- Attachments
- AttachmentTypes
- Authorization
- BankDeposits
- Branches
- CatalogItemCategories
- CatalogItems
- Certifications
- CertificationTypes
- ClockTimes
- Companies
- Contacts
- ContactTypes
- DivisionIntegrationCode
- Divisions
- EmployeeIncidents
- EmployeeIncidentTypes
- EquipmentClasses
- EquipmentDisposalReasons
- EquipmentManufacturers
- EquipmentModels
- EquipmentModelServiceSchedules
- EquipmentReadingLogs
- EquipmentRequestedServices
- Equipments
- EquipmentServiceLogs
- EquipmentServiceTags
- EquipmentSizes
- InventoryLocations
- InvoiceBatches
- InvoiceRevenues
- Invoices
- InvoiceTaxes
- Issues
- ItemAllocations
- Localities
- ObjectCodes
- Opportunities
- OpportunityServiceItems
- OpportunityServices
- PayCodes
- PaymentCategories
- Payments
- PaymentTerms
- PayRateOverridePayCodes
- PayRates
- PaySchedules
- Properties
- PropertyContacts
- PropertyCustomFieldDefinitions
- PropertyCustomFields
- PropertyGroups
- PropertyStatuses
- PropertyTypes
- ProspectRatings
- Receipts
- ReceiptStatuses
- Regions
- RevenueVariances
- Routes
- SalesTypes
- Services
- ServiceTaxOverrides
- ServiceTypeIntegrationCode
- ServiceTypes
- Tags
- TakeoffGroups
- TakeoffItems
- Tasks
- TaxEntities
- TaxJurisdictions
- UnitTypes
- Vendors
- Version
- WorkersComps
- WorkTicketItems
- WorkTicketRevenues
- WorkTickets
- WorkTicketCanceledReasons
- WorkTicketStatus
- WorkTicketTimes
- WorkTicketVisitNotes
- WorkTicketVisits
- DivisionIntegrationCodes
- OpportunityServiceGroups
- OpportunityServiceKitItems
- PartialPayments
- Roles
- ServiceTypeIntegrationCodes
- Users
- OpportunityTags
- PRODUCTION: Aspire.ExternalApi
- Introduction
- API Versioning
- Overview
- RESTful API Foundations
- Quick Start
- Authentication & Authorization
- Create a Request
- OData Syntax & Query Parameter Options
- Status Codes
- Rate Limits
- FAQs
- Glossary
- What's New
- SOAP to REST Conversion
- API Reference
- Activities
- ActivityCategories
- ActivityCommentHistories
- Addresses
- Attachments
- AttachmentTypes
- Authorization
- BankDeposits
- Branches
- CatalogItemCategories
- CatalogItems
- Certifications
- CertificationTypes
- ClockTimes
- Companies
- Contacts
- ContactTypes
- DivisionIntegrationCodes
- Divisions
- EmployeeIncidents
- EmployeeIncidentTypes
- EquipmentClasses
- EquipmentDisposalReasons
- EquipmentManufacturers
- EquipmentModels
- EquipmentModelServiceSchedules
- EquipmentReadingLogs
- EquipmentRequestedServices
- Equipments
- EquipmentServiceLogs
- EquipmentServiceTags
- EquipmentSizes
- InventoryLocations
- InvoiceBatches
- InvoiceRevenues
- Invoices
- InvoiceTaxes
- Issues
- ItemAllocations
- Localities
- ObjectCodes
- Opportunities
- OpportunityServiceItems
- OpportunityServices
- OpportunityServiceGroups
- PayCodes
- PaymentCategories
- Payments
- PaymentTerms
- PayRateOverridePayCodes
- PayRates
- PaySchedules
- Properties
- PropertyContacts
- PropertyCustomFieldDefinitions
- PropertyCustomFields
- PropertyGroups
- PropertyStatuses
- PropertyTypes
- ProspectRatings
- Receipts
- ReceiptStatuses
- Regions
- RevenueVariances
- Routes
- SalesTypes
- Services
- ServiceTaxOverrides
- ServiceTypeIntegrationCodes
- ServiceTypes
- Tags
- TakeoffGroups
- TakeoffItems
- Tasks
- TaxEntities
- TaxJurisdictions
- UnitTypes
- Users
- Vendors
- Version
- WorkersComps
- WorkTicketItems
- WorkTicketRevenues
- WorkTickets
- WorkTicketTimes
- WorkTicketVisitNotes
- WorkTicketVisits
- OpportunityServiceKitItems
- Roles
- WorkTicketCanceledReasons
- OpportunityTags
- WorkTicketStatus
Equipment Sizes
- 04 Jun 2024
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
Equipment Sizes
- Updated on 04 Jun 2024
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
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Qualify the dimensions of an equipment item. Click Equipment Size for more information.
Resource Overview
Endpoint | Definition |
GET/EquipmentSizes | Retrieve a list of information related to equipment sizes. |
Attribute | Description | Data Type | Notes |
Active | indicates whether service tag is active or inactive | boolean | |
CreatedByUserID | the user who created the equipment record | integer(int32) | |
CreatedByUserName | full name of user who created record | string | Max Length: 101 |
CreatedDateTime | date and time when the record was created | DateTime | |
EquipmentSizeID | unique identifier of the equipment size | integer(int32) | |
LastModifiedByUserID | unique identifier of user who made most recent change to record | integer(int32) | |
LastModifiedByUserName | full name of user who made most recent change to record | string | Max Length: 101 |
LastModifiedDateTime | date and time when record was last modified | DateTime |
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