Work Ticket Times
- 04 Jun 2024
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Work Ticket Times
- Updated on 04 Jun 2024
- 1 Minute to read
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Start and end time for a crew member during a visit for a work ticket.
Resource Overview
Endpoint | Definition |
GET/WorkTicketTimes | Retrieve a list of information related to work ticket times. |
POST/WorkTicketTimes | Add work ticket times. |
Attribute | Description | Data Type | Notes |
AcceptedDateTime | date and time when work ticket was accepted | string | |
AcceptedUserID | unique identifier of who accepted work ticket | integer | |
AcceptedUserName | full name of the user who accepted the work ticket | string | Max Length: 101 |
ApprovedDateTime | date and time when work ticket was approved | string | |
ApprovedUserID | unique identifier of user who approved work ticket | integer | |
ApprovedUserName | full name of user who approved work ticket | string | Max Length: 101 |
BaseHourlyRate | base rate of pay per hour for service provided | number | |
BranchID | unique identifier for branch location associated with work ticket | integer | |
BranchName | name of branch associated with work ticket | string | Max Length: b50 |
BranchTimeZone | time zone in which the branch location operates | string | Max Length: 50 |
BreakTime | amount of time taken away for a break during work | number | |
BurdenedCost | total cost including indirect costs | number | |
ContactID | unique identifier for the contact person related to the work ticket | integer | |
ContactName | name of contact person related to the work ticket | string | Max Length: 101 |
CreatedByUserID | unique identifier of user who created the work ticket | integer | |
CreatedByUserName | name of the user who created the work ticket | string | Max Length: 101 |
CreatedDateTime | start date and time | DateTime | |
CrewLeaderContactID | unique identifier for the crew leader associated with the work ticket | integer | |
CrewLeaderContactName | full name of the crew leader on the job | string | Max Length: 101 |
DistributedTime | indicates whether drive time should automatically be distributed to time entry by Aspire system | boolean | |
EndTime | stop time of work ticket | string | |
ExportedDateTime | date and time work ticket information is exported from system | DateTime | |
ExportedUserID | unique identifier of the user who exported to the work ticket information | integer | |
ExportedUserName | full name of the user who exported the work ticket information | string | Max Length: 101 |
GEOLocationEndLatitude | the latitude coordinates where work is stopped | number | |
GEOLocationEndLongitude | longitude coordinates when work is stopped | number | |
GEOLocationStartLatitude | the latitude coordinates where work is started | number | |
GEOLocationStartLongitude | the longitude coordinates where work is started | number | |
HasBreakTime | indicates whether a break was taken during work | boolean | |
Hours | number of regular hours worked on the ticket | number | |
InvoiceID | unique identifier for the invoice generated from work ticket | integer | |
InvoiceNumber | number assigned to to invoice generated from work ticket | integer | |
OTHours | number of overtime hours worked on the ticket | number | |
OpportunityServiceLaborRate | charge rate for the labor provided during service | number | |
OpportunityServiceLaborRateID | unique identifier for charge rate for labor during service | integer | |
OpportunityServiceLaborRateName | name describing labor rate applied to service opportunity | string | |
PayCodeID | unique identifier for the type of pay code(regular,overtime, etc.) | integer | |
PayCodeName | name describing type of pay used for work ticket | string | Max Length:60 |
RouteID | unique identifier for route associated with work ticket | integer | |
RouteName | name for route associated with work ticket | string | Max Length: 100 |
StartTime | time when work on the ticket began | string | |
WarrantyTime | indicates if the time spent is covered by warranty | boolean | |
WorkTicketID | unique identifier for work ticket | integer | |
WorkTicketNumber | number assigned and used to search for work ticket in Aspire | integer | |
WorkTicketTimeDate | date and time reflecting when work took place | string | |
WorkTicketTimeID | unique identifier for the timing details of the work ticket | integer |
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