Ticket Forms
  • 16 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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Ticket Forms

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Resumen del artículo

The Complete or Start Ticket forms gather information for other departments within your company. After completing and submitting the form, the clock time stops and is recorded for time entry. 

Unlike the clock-in/out forms, Complete Ticket forms appear after you stop work on a ticket, not after you clock out for the day. 

Administration: Configuring custom mobile forms

To display Complete Ticket or Start Ticket forms in the Aspire Mobile application, an administrator must first create and publish the forms, and then assign them to a service included in the work ticket.

Creating a Complete or Start Ticket form 

To create and publish a work ticket form, as an administrator, follow these steps within Aspire desktop: 

  1. Go to the Administration menu.
  2. Select Application
  3. Choose Custom Forms
  4. Select New to create a form. 
  5. Enter a Form Name
  6. From the Form Typemenu, select one of the following:
    1. Complete Ticket – Allows you to create multiple forms that can be associated with different services.
    2. Start Ticket – Designed to meet OSHA requirements, this form enables Crew Leaders to complete a safety assessment before work begins, ensuring safety protocols are integrated into the workflow.
  7. Select the Addicon to insert questions and statement fields.
    1. Add both English and Spanish descriptions (required).
  8. Select Save.
  9. Go to the action menu and select Publish.
    1. To modify a form, you must first unpublish it using the action menu. However, published forms cannot be edited.
    2. You can only delete forms that are not associated with a service.
  10. Go to the action menu and select Publish. 
    1. You can select the action menu to unpublish and modify the form. However, you cannot make changes to a published form. 
    2.  You can only delete forms that are not associated with a service.
  11. Select Save.

Assigning a Complete or Start Ticket form to a service

After creating and publishing the form, assign it to a service by following these steps: 

  1. Go to the Administration menu.
  2. Select Estimating
  3. Choose Service Catalog
  4. Select the service to which you want to assign the form.
  5. Select your published form from the Start Ticket or Complete Ticket drop-down list.
  6. Select Save


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