Release Notes
  • 25 Feb 2025
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Release Notes

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💡- denotes new and improved functionality implemented in response to client portal feedback.

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Most Recent Enhancements (2/24/2025)

💡Time tracking enhancements

We've improved time tracking in Aspire Mobile by expanding Time Log correction requests and enhancing break management with the Late Lunch Waiver feature.

  • Time Log Correction Requests: Crew members can select specific days in the Time Log screen, submit correction requests with detailed notes, and track request statuses. Managers can review and respond to requests in the Time Entry screen in Aspire Cloud.
  • Late Lunch Waiver: When employees clock out after exceeding the configured maximum shift length, they receive a waiver prompt.They can accept the waiver if the extended shift was voluntary or reject it if the employer required them to stay longer. Administrators can customize the Late Lunch Waiver Message to clarify company policies and explain the implications of accepting or rejecting the waiver.

For details on submitting correction requests, see Clock Time Correction Requests. To learn more about configuring waiver settings, see the Late Lunch Waiver screen element descriptions in the Time Reporting section of the Branch screen.

Barcode scanning for material selection

Aspire Mobile now offers barcode scanning for material selection, simplifying material allocation by allowing you to scan a barcode directly through your device's camera. This feature minimizes errors and accelerates item identification, particularly when managing large catalogs with similar names. Key updates include the addition of Material Barcode fields in the Item Catalog screen, support for both manual and API-based barcode entries, and offline scanning capabilities. For more information, see the Adding Materials section of the Materials article.

Before using the barcode scanning feature in Aspire Mobile, a system administrator must set up Material Barcodes in the Aspire Cloud Item Catalog.


💡Time worked support

We've introduced a new timekeeping enhancement in Aspire Mobile that allows you to access a weekly timesheet from your profile. The Time Log feature displays logged hours for each day, and you can drill down into specific days to view clock-in and clock-out records. A warning icon will highlight any unresolved conflicts in clock time records, guiding you to resolve these issues in Aspire desktop's Time Entry screen. For more information, see Account settings navigation.

💡Item substitution management

We’re excited to announce the new Item Substitution feature in Aspire Mobile, designed to simplify material substitutions on work tickets. Administrators can now control whether substituted items appear on both the mobile Materials list and the Daily Plan. When the Allow Item Substitution Visibility in Mobile setting is enabled on the Branch screen in Aspire desktop, Aspire Mobile displays both the original and substituted items. Original items are marked with distinct UI indicators to show that they are unavailable for allocation, and substituted items are clearly identified and remain available for allocation to ensure accurate inventory management and clear field documentation. See Materials for more information.

💡Start Work Ticket custom form 

We’ve added a new Start Ticket custom form type in Aspire Desktop to help Crew Leaders complete safety assessments and other necessary checks in Aspire Mobile before work begins. This enhancement integrates safety protocols into your workflow while allowing you to customize forms for various purposes, tailoring them to fit your organization’s needs. The new form option supports a wide range of field types, including multilingual descriptions, and can be assigned to services within Aspire Desktop. You can access safety inspection data captured through the Start Ticket form for reporting and analysis through the Administrative section and various reporting tools. Select Ticket Forms to learn more!


Quick tickets

Crew leaders can now create quick tickets directly within Aspire Mobile, both online and offline, ensuring uninterrupted workflow and enabling you to allocate time and actions for unplanned work not associated with an existing ticket. This feature facilitates quick ticket creation and management, with offline support ensuring that newly created tickets populate the tickets page. Additionally, crew leaders can perform various actions on quick tickets, such as starting or completing tasks. For more information, see Quick Tickets.

As-needed and unscheduled service tickets

Aspire Mobile now offers enhanced capabilities for managing as-needed and unscheduled service tickets. Crew leaders can quickly create tickets directly from the Ticket Schedule or by drilling into a property, enabling efficient management of unplanned work. This update allows for the creation, time logging, and action-taking on as-needed tickets, with full access to ticket details, materials, and job site information. Additionally, you can schedule visits for the current day, log equipment time, and manage ticket documents, including viewing and adding visit notes. This update also integrates with Weathermatic for streamlined service management. For more information, see As-needed Work Tickets and Services.

Visit checklists

We've added a highly requested feature to Aspire Mobile: Visit Checklists for work tickets. Crew leaders can now check off tasks to ensure all service items are completed before marking a work ticket as complete. The new Visit Checklist button, accessible from the work ticket details screen, efficiently manages and confirms task completion. For more information, see Visit Checklists in Work Ticket Details.

Partial occurrence

We're excited to introduce the Partial Occurrence feature for Per Service invoice type tickets in Aspire Mobile, allowing crew leaders to specify the percentage of work completed directly from the Work Ticket Details page. This enhancement dynamically adjusts budgeted revenue, estimated costs, labor hours, and materials, ensuring accurate customer invoices. Whether reducing or increasing budgeted values, this feature provides precise control and enhances efficiency for per-service work tickets. For more information, see Partial Occurence in Work Ticket Details.

Document and attachment upload

We're pleased to introduce a new document upload feature in Aspire Mobile, empowering crew leaders to efficiently manage attachments within work tickets. Now, crew leaders can directly upload documents or photos from their camera or photo gallery to tickets or properties, ensuring that all necessary documentation is available within Aspire Mobile and Aspire Cloud. This enhancement also supports offline mode, allowing seamless document management, even without internet access. For more details, refer to the Documents section in Work Ticket Details.


Ticket Schedule Enhancements

Aspire Mobile now has enhanced ticket scheduling features, designed to optimize your workflow. With updated organization on the ticket schedule screen, you can efficiently manage both scheduled and unscheduled tickets across different route types. Additionally, support for time-based visits in Aspire Mobile empowers your field workers with on-the-go flexibility. Improved visibility with prominently displayed start and end times on the ticket schedule list and details screen ensures you have essential scheduling information at your fingertips. For more information, see Ticket Schedule and Work ticket details.

Screen capture of ticket schedule screen with unscheduled and visit start/stop times highlighted for release note.3/20/2024

Create Issues

Crew leaders can now create new work ticket issues directly in Aspire Mobile, ensuring seamless productivity, even offline. This update allows for creating, viewing, and managing new issues, accessible through the Open Issues list for efficient, uninterrupted workflow. See the Creating new issues headline in the Open Issues article to learn more! 

Offline Capabilities

Creating new issues: Evenwithoutinternet connectivity, crew leaders can report issues directly to a work ticket from the Open Issues screen. These issues are stored in a queue and are accessible from the Issues tab in the bottom navigation bar. 

Commenting on issues: Add comments to issues offline from the Open Issues section. These comments appear directly beneath the respective issue. 

Completing issues: Mark issues as complete while offline from the Issues tab in the bottom navigation bar or through the Work Ticket  Open Issues path. Once marked complete, the issue will be removed from the list. 

These enhancements ensure that users can report, comment on, and complete issues effectively, even in offline mode, enhancing productivity and communication.

Resolved Issues

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