

Access Auto Time Acceptance Reports

System Settings > Administration > User Management > User Roles > Access Auto Time Acceptance Reports > Save

Acct Owner Contact Email
  • Token Name: Account Owner Contact Email 
  • Token:[Account_Owner_Contact_Email] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Email Address on the Contact details screen
Acct Owner Contact Email Token
  • Token Name: Account Owner Contact Email 
  • Token: [Account_Owner_Contact_Email] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Email address of account owner listed in the Contact Details section of the Property details screen
Acct Owner Contact First Name
  • Character Count: 15
  • Token Name: Account Owner Contact First Name 
  • Token: [Account_Owner_Contact_First_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?:  First name of the account owner listed on the Property details screen

Acct Owner Contact Full Name
  • Token Name: Account Owner Contact Full Name 
  • Token: [Account_Owner_Contact_Full_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?:  First and Last name of the account owner listed on the Property details screen
  • Character Count: 25
  • Token Name: Active
  • Token:[Active] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Active toggle on the top of the details screen  
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Active Opportunity Count
  • Character Count: 25
  • Token Name: Active Opportunity Count
  • Token:[Active_Opportunity_Count] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Number of opportunities that are not in Won or Lost status
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Add New Reading

Administration > Configuration > Application > Add New Reading > Save

All Services

1. Go to the Equipment module. 2. Select an entry to view the Equipment details screen. 3. Click New under the Service Logs section. 4. Select Add Service to view the All Services screen. 5. Select the chosen entry to view the Service Log.

Allocate from Mobile

Administration > Estimating > Item Catalog > Allocate from Mobile > Save

Allow Clock Time Editing

Allow Clock Time Editing in Crew Mobile

 Administration > Organization > Branches > Allow Clock Time Editing in Crew Mobile > Save

Allow Crew Member Mobile

Allow Crew Member Mobile Clock-In Without Crew Leader

Administration > Configuration > Time Reporting > Alloe Crew Member Mobile Clock In Without Crew Leader > Save

Allow Equipment Time Reporting

Scheduling > More Actions Menu > Manage Routes > Allow Equipment Time Reporting

Allow Export

1. Go to System Settings > Administration. 2. Select User Management. 3. Click on User Roles. 4. Check Allow Export. 5. Save

Approve Equipment Permission

Administration > User Management > User Role > Approve Equipment > Save 


Data element associated with endpoint.

Audit Report

Auto Expense Report

Represented Item: Aspire provides a feature that allows work tickets for subcontracted services to automatically generate expense items when the associated work ticket is completed. This report allows users to summarize or edit existing auto expenses or add new ones to existing opportunity services.

Location in Aspire: Reports > Standard Reports > Sales section >  Auto Expense


Bearer Authentication

Token-based authentication that can be used independently or with OAuth 2.0. 


🟡 The feature is available for a select group of external users. The purpose of this stage is to test new functionality and evaluate how it can impact existing components of the software. 

Billing Address Line 1
  • Character Count: 6
  • Token Name: Billing Address Line 1
  • Token:[Billing_Address_Line_1] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Address Line 1 under the Primary Address Line 1 field on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact.
Billing Address Line 2
  • Token Name: Billing Address Line 2
  • Token:[Billing_Address_Line_2] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Address under the Primary Adress Line 2 field on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact.
Billing City
  • Token Name: Billing City
  • Token:[Billing_City] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? City selected under the City field on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact. 
Billing Company Name
  • Character Count: 15
  • Token Name: Billing Company Name 
  • Token:[Billing_Company_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Company name selected under the Company Name field on the Contact details screen.
Billing Contact Company Name
  • Character Count: 15
  • Token Name: Billing Contact Company Name 
  • Token:[Billing_Contact_Company_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Company name selected under the Company Name field on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact.
Billing Contact Email
  • Token Name: Billing Contact Email 
  • Token:[Billing_Contact_Email] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Company email selected under the email field on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact.
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Billing Contact First Name
  • Character Count: 25
  • Token Name: Billing Contact First Name 
  • Token:[Billing_Contact_First_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First name on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact.
Billing Contact Full Name
  • Token Name: Billing Contact Full Name 
  • Token:[Billing_Contact_Full_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First and Last name on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact.
Billing Contact Home Phone
  • Token Name: Billing Contact Home Phone
  • Token:[Billing_Contact_Full_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Home Phone number on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact.
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Billing Contact Last Name
  • Token Name: Billing Contact Last Name 
  • Token:[Billing_Contact_Last_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Last name on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Billing Contact Mobile Phone
  • Token Name: Billing Contact Mobile phone
  • Token:[Billing_Contact_Mobile_Phone] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Mobile Phone on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact
  • Message Template Section: Message Body 
Billing Contact Office Phone
  • Token Name: Billing Contact Office Phone 
  • Token:[Billing_Contact_Office_Phone] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Office phone number on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Billing State Province Code
  • Token Name: Billing State Province Code
  • Token:[Billing_State_Province_Code] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Province code associated with the state listed on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact
Billing State Province Name
  • Token Name: Billing State Province Name
  • Token:[Billing_State_Province_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary State on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Billing Zip Code
  • Token Name: Billing Zip Code
  • Token:[Billing_Zip_Code] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Zip Code on the Contact details screen associated with the Billing Contact

Represented Item: Branches defined for the organization in Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration > Organization > Branches 

Branch Address 1
  • Token Name: Branch Address 1
  • Token:[Branch_Address_1] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Address Line 1 on the Branch details screen
Branch Address 2
  • Token Name: Branch Address 2
  • Token:[Branch_Address_2] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Address Line 2 on the Branch details screen
Branch City
  • Token Name: Branch City
  • Token:[Branch_City] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? City listed on the Branch details screen
Branch Legal Name Token
  • Token Name: Branch Legal Name 
  • Token: [Branch_Legal_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Legal Name listed on Branch details screen
  • Message Template Section: Message Body 
Branch mgr Contact First Name
  • Character Count: 15
  • Token Name: Account Owner Contact First Name 
  • Token:[Branch_Manager_Contact_First_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?:  First name of the branch manager listed on the Branch details screen
Branch Name
  • Character Count: 25
  •  Token Name: Branch Name  
  • Token: [Branch_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?:  Branch Name listed on the Branch details screen. 
Branch Office Phone
  • Token Name: Branch Phone 
  • Token: [Branch_Office_Phone] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?:  Primary Phone number listed on the Branch details screen 
Branch Phone
  • Token Name: Branch Phone
  • Token:[Branch_Phone] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Phone Number on the Branch details screen
Branch State Province Code
  • Token Name: Branch State Province Code
  • Token:[Branch_State_Province_Code] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Province Code associated with the state listed on the Branch details screen
Branch Zip Code
  • Token Name: Branch Zip Code
  • Token:[Branch_Zip_Code] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Zip Code listed on the Branch details screen

Represented Item: Annual cost/revenue budgets defined for the organization in Aspire Admin. 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Estimating > Budgets


Cancel Work Ticket Permission

1. Go to System Settings > Administration. 2. Select User Management. 3. Choose User Roles. 4. Select Cancel Work Ticket.  5.Save

Catalog Item Category

Represented Item: Catalog item categories established by Aspire Admin

Location in AspireAdministration > Application > Lists > Catalog Price List 

Catalog Price List

Represented Item: Catalog price lists established by Aspire Admin. 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Application > Lists > Catalog Price List

Certification Type

Represented Item: Certification types established by Aspire Admin. 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Application > Lists > Certification Types

Client ID

A unique identifier assigned to a client application in authentication and authorization systems, often used in protocols like OAuth.

Client Management

Represented Item: Per property, summarizes contract losses, new contracts, or upsell work orders during a specified period defined for a KPI. 

Location in Aspire: Dashboard > KPI Section > select any Client Management KPI > select on the chart

Clock In Form

Collection Notes
  • Token Name: Collection Notes 
  • Token:[Collection_Notes] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Collection Notes listed on the Property create or edit details screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer

Represented Item: Companies with which contacts may be associated

Location in Aspire: Administration > Configuration > Company

Company Name
  • Character Count: 25
  • Token Name: Company Name 
  • Token: [Company_Name]
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?:  First and Last name of the account owner listed on the Property details screen 

Represented Item: Industry Competitors

Location in Aspire: Administration > Application > Lists > Competitors

Competitor Name
  • Token Name: Competitor Name
  • Token:[Competitor Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Collection Notes listed on the Property Advanced Search list screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Completed Date
  • Character Count: 6
  • Token Name: Completed Date
  • Token:[Complete_Date_Time] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?:  Completed date field on the Work Ticket details screen. 
Completed Labor Efficiency

Represented Item: Per property summarizes hours estimated, scheduled, and completed during a specified period defined for a KPI.

Location in Aspire: Dashboard > KPI section > a Completed Labor Efficiency KPI > select Chart.

Completed Work Tickets

Represented Item: Work tickets represented by the selected number on the completed work tickets report.

Location in Aspire: Reports > Completed Work Profit and Loss Report > select a row in the revenue or expenses section

Completed Work Tickets Opp

Completed Work Tickets (Opportunity screen)

Represented Item: Work tickets represented by the selected number on the report

Location in Aspire: Opportunities > select an opportunity > select ellipses (three dots)menu > Job Reports

Construction WIP Adjustments

Represented Item: List of work order opportunities with associated costs to complete.

Location in Aspire: Reports > Standard Report >  Production section > Construction WIP Adjustments

Contact Required Fields

Contact Type

Represented Item: Contact type created by an Admin in Aspire. 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Application > Lists > select Contact Type


Represented Item: Individuals with a contact record in Aspire. 

Location in Aspire: Main Menu > Contacts

Contract Renewal Report

Reports > Standard Reports > Contract Renewals 

Contract Renewals

Represented Item: Contracts that are due for renewal, including contracts that have been renewed. Contracts become due for renewal 45 days after their start date.

Location in Aspire: Reports > Standard Reports tab > Sales section > Contract Renewals  

County Name
  • Token Name: County Name
  • Token:[County_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? County Name name selected on the Property details screen.
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Create a Pay Code

Administration > Application > Lists > Pay Code > New  > Pay Code details screen > Save. 

Create a Pay Schedule

Administration > Application > Lists > Pay Schedule > New > New Pay Schedule details screen > Save 

Create an Opportunity

1. Go to the Main Menu.

2. Click on Properties

3. Select the Property under which to create the Opportunity

4. Select New Opportunity

5. Select an Opportunity type. 

6. Fill out all the required and applicable optional fields. 

7. Go to the More Actions (three dots) menu and select Create Estimate

Create Back Order

Represented Item: Items on the purchase receipt that can be partially ordered. 

Location in Aspire: Purchasing > Purchase Receipts option >  select a purchase receipt >  Options (lower right corner) > Receive Partial option

Created Date Token
  • Token Name: Created Date
  • Token: [Created_Date] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Property Created date listed on the Property details screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Credit Memos

Represented Item: Credit Memos

Location in Aspire: Reports > End of Month Report > locate Credit Memos section in report > select a dollar value.

Crew Leader permission

1. Go to System Settings > Administration. 2. Select User Management. 3. Choose User Roles. 4. Check Crew Leader. 5. Click Save


Daily Plan Report

1. Go to the Main Menu.  2. Click on Purchasing. 3. Select the Daily Plan Report. 

Dashboard Customization

Navigation Bar > Settings > User  Settings (click Settings again). 

Dashboard dial

1. Configure the report. 

2. Save the report. 

3. Name your list and complete the optional fields.  

4. Click Save

5. Navigate back to the Dashboard.

6. Click on the kebab menu of a Dashboard element and select New

7. Choose Select Advanced Search in the Element Type field. 

8. Select the saved list you created, starting with Work Ticket Visit Checklist Items in the Search View field. 

9. Click Save

10. The dashboard elements will appear in the order in which they are added. 

Delete Activities Permission

Administration> User Management > User Roles > enable Delete Activities > Save 


Represented Item: Individual bank deposits 

Location in Aspire: Invoicing > Deposits

Depreciation Report

Represented Item: Equipment that experienced depreciation during the reporting period. 

Location in Aspire: Equipment > Depreciation Report


Represented Item: Aspire device registrations

Location in Aspire: Administration > Application > Devices


Represented Item: Districts defined for the organization in Aspire Admin. 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Organization > Districts 


Represented Item: Divisions established from Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration > Application > Lists> Divisions


Edit All Contacts permission

Administration > User Management > User Roles > Contacts 

Edit All Properties Permission

Administration > User Management > User Roles > Edit All Properties > Save

Edit Daily Report permission

Edit Default Pay Code

Edit Default Pay Code in Any Stage

Administration > User Management > User Roles > Edit Default Pay Codes in Any Stage > Save

Electronic Payments Log

Represented Item: Electronic Payments 

Location in Aspire: Invoicing > Electronic Payments Log

Email Notification First Name
  • Token Name: Email Notification Contact First Name  
  • Token:[Email_Notification_Contact_First_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First name of the Billing Contact listed on the Contact details portion of the Property 
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Email Notification Full Name
  • Token Name: Email Notification Contact Full Name  
  • Token:[Email_Notification_Contact_Full_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First and Last  name of the Billing Contact listed on the Contact details portion of the Property 
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Email Notification Last Name
  • Token Name: Email Notification Contact Last Name  
  • Token:[Email_Notification_Contact_Last_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Last name of the Billing Contact listed on the Contact details portion of the Property 
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Email Notification Prefix
  • Token Name: Email Notification Contact Prefix 
  • Token:[Email_Notification_Contact_Prefix] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Prefix of the Billing Contact listed in the Contact details portion of the Property 
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Employee Clock Time Report

Represented Item: List of employees or subcontractors and whether they have clock time during the prior seven days. 

Location in Aspire: Reports > Standard Report > Employee Clock Time 

Employee Incident Type

Represented Item: Employee incident types established from Aspire Admin. 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Application > Lists > Employee Incident Type

Employee Incidents

Represented Item: Employee incidents recorded in Aspire

Location in Aspire: Reports > Standard Report tab > Drill Down Reports section > Employee Incidents


Represented Item: Contacts of type Employee

Location in Aspire: Scheduling > Schedule Board screen > right-click on a day > select Open Time Entry > Time Entry screen > add icon

Enable Aspire GPS Integration

Administration > Configuration > Aspire GPS Integration > Enable Aspire GPS Integration > Save

Enable Inova Labor Burden True

Enable Inova Labor Burden True-Up
  User Management> User Roles > Enable Inova Labor Burden True-Up

Enable Inova Payroll Services

Administration > Configuration > Time Reporting > Enable Inova Payroll Services > Save 

enable SMS Notifications

1. Go to the Administration Menu

2. Select Notifications

3. Click on Notification Settings. 

4. Toggle the SMS Notifications Enabled option to the right. 

EPA Name 2
  • Token Name: EPA Name 2 
  • Token:[Material_Item_EPA_Name_2] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? EPA Name on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
EPA Name 3
  • Token Name: EPA Name 3 
  • Token:[Material_Item_EPA_Name_3] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? EPA Name on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body

Represented Item: Equipment items

Location in Aspire: Equipment > Equipment

Equipment Admin Permission

Administration > User Management > User Roles > Equipment Admin  > Save

Equipment Classes

Represented Item: Equipment class defined in Aspire Admin 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Equipment > Classes 

Equipment Disposal Reasons

Represented Item: Equipment disposal reasons defined in Aspire Admin. 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Equipment > Disposal Reason

Equipment Maintenance Due

Represented Item: Equipment maintenance services due based on equipment service schedules. 

Location in Aspire: Equipment > Maintenance Due 

Equipment Manufacturers

Represented Item: Equipment manufacturers defined in Aspire Admin. 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Equipment > Manufacturers 

Equipment Models

Represented Item: Equipment models defined in Aspire Admin.  

Location in Aspire: Administration > Equipment > Models 

Equipment Readings Logs

Represented Item: Equipment meter readings recorded. 

Location in Aspire: Equipment > Reading Logs 

Equipment Service Logs

Represented Item: Equipment service log entries. 

Location in Aspire: Equipment > Service Log

Equipment Service Tags

Represented Item: Equipment service tags defined in Aspire Admin. 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Equipment > Service Tags

Equipment Sizes

Represented Item: Equipment sizes defined in Aspire Admin. 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Equipment > Sizes 

Est Material Item EPA Number 1
  • Token Name: Estimated Material Item EPA Number 1 
  • Token:[Material_Item_EPA_Number_1] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? EPA Number on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Est Material Item EPA Number 2
  • Token Name: Estimated Material Item EPA Number 2 
  • Token:[Material_Item_EPA_Number_2] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? EPA Number on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Est Material Item EPA Number 3
  • Token Name: Estimated Material Item EPA Number 3
  • Token:[Material_Item_EPA_Number_3] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? EPA Number on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Est Material Item Name 1
  • Token Name: Estimated Material Item Name 1
  • Token: [Material_Item_Name_1] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Name of material on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Est Material Item Name 2
  • Token Name: Estimated Material Item Name 2
  • Token: [Material_Item_Name_2] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Name of material on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Est Material Item Name 3
  • Token Name: Estimated Material Item Name 3
  • Token: [Material_Item_Name_3] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Name of material on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Est Material Item Quantity 1
  • Token Name: Estimated Material Item Quantity 1
  • Token: [Material_Item_Quantity_1] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Quantity of the first material on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Est Material Item Quantity 2
  • Token Name: Estimated Material Item Quantity 2
  • Token: [Material_Item_Quantity_2] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Quantity of the second material on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Est Material Item Quantity 3
  • Token Name: Estimated Material Item Quantity 3
  • Token: [Material_Item_Quantity_3] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Quantity of the third material on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Estimate Custom Columns

Represented Item: Custom columns are available on the Estimate screen as defined in Aspire Admin. 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Estimating > Estimates Custom Column

Estimated Material EPA Name 1
  • Token Name: EPA Name 1 
  • Token:[Material_Item_EPA_Name_1] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? EPA Name on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Estimated Material Item Cost 1
  • Token Name: Material Item Cost 1 
  • Token:[Material_Item_Cost_1] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? The Total cost of the first material Item listed on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Estimated Material Item Cost 2
  • Token Name: Material Item Cost 2 
  • Token:[Material_Item_Cost_2] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? The Total cost of the second material Item listed on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Estimated Material Item Cost 3
  • Token Name: Material Item Cost 3 
  • Token:[Material_Item_Cost_3] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? The Total cost of the third material Item listed on the Estimate screen of the Opportunity 
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Event Types

Event Types (no title displayed on screen) 

Represented Item: Event types established from Aspire Admin. 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Application > Lists > Event Type 


Represented Item: Listed of logged events. 

Location in Aspire: Invoicing > Log Event

Expense Work Tickets

Represented Item: Work tickets represented by the selected number on the report. 

Location in Aspire: Reports > Profit & Loss Monthly > select a number in the Revenue, Material,Equip, Sub, or Other column 



An attribute within an object on a database table.

First Day of Week

Administration > Configuration > Time Reporting > First Day of Week > Save

Forecast Budget

Represented Item: Summarizes anticipated revenue and labor cost based on annual budget split by division and item type

Location in Aspire: Dashboard > KPI section > any Forecast report > select the Revenue or Budget bar 

Forecast Labor

Represented Item: Summarizes estimated labor cost per opportunity during the period specified by the KPI. 

Location in Aspire: Dashboard > KPI section > any Forecast report > select the Labor bar

Forecast Revenue

Represented Item:  Summarizes estimated revenue per opportunity during the period specified by the KPI. 

Location in Aspire: Dashboard > KPI section > any Forecast report > select the Revenue bar


Represented Item: mTime Forms defined in Aspire Admin. 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Application > Custom Forms

Fuel Cost

Represented Item: Fuel Consumption/Cost by Equipment

Location in Aspire: Equipment > Fuel Costs

Fuel Rates

Represented Item: Establish fuel costs by branch. 

Location in Aspire: Equipment > Fuel Rates 

Full Access to Schedule Board

Administration > User Management > User Roles > Full Access to Schedule Board (overrides read-only) > Save



🟢The feature is publicly available. 

GEO Perimeter
  • Allows you to specify a circular area measured in feet from the center of a property within which crew members must clock into their work sites.
  •  The property center is based on Google’s latitude and longitude for the address.
  •  Determines push-pin colors on the Time Entry screen for time clock-in (vs. property start for jobs). If this value is provided for a property, it overrides the system-wide geo perimeter defined on the Time Reporting tab of the Application Configuration screen.
GEO Perimeter Token
  • Token Name: GEO Perimeter Token 
  • Token:[GEO_Perimeter] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? GEO Perimeter  listed on the Property details screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Grace Period
  • Character Count: 2
  • Token Name: Grace Period
  • Token: [Grace_Period] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?:  Grace Period field on the Absentee Notification details screen. 


Hold Token
  • Token Name: GEO Perimeter Token 
  • Token:[Hold] 
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
HR Admin Permission

User Management > User Roles > HR Admin > Save 


Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure - transmits encrypted data over the internet using SSL/TLS. 



Guarantees that responses for identically generated requests that have been called multiple times always remain the same. The main purposes of idempotency are to maintain consistency and mitigate unintended results. 

Include Drive Time

Include Drive Time when Logging Equipment from Crew Mobile

Administration > Configuration > Time Reporting > Include Drive Time when Logging Equipment from Crew Mobile > Save.


Represented Item: Industries created by an admin in Aspire. 

Location in Aspire: Administration > Application > Lists > Industry 

Industry Name
  • Token Name: Industry Name
  • Token:[Industry_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Industry Name  listed on the Property details screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Inova Settings

Administration > Configuration > Time Reporting > Inova Settings and Export Options 

Inventory Adjustments

Represented Item: Adjustments to inventory quantities during the period specified on the End of Month Report

Location in Aspire: Reports > End of Month report > Inventory tab > Job Inventory Materials > select line

Inventory Allocations

Represented Item: Each line represents inventory level for items in the item catalog that are marked as Inventory Items.

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Inventory Locations icon under Purchasing  > Inventory Locations screen > Click into one of the locations and select the Allocations tab

Inventory Allocations

Represented Item: Each line represents the inventory level for items in the item catalog marked as Inventory Items

Location in Aspire: Purchasing > Inventory  

Inventory Cost Adjustments

Represented Item: Adjustments to item costs for inventory items during the period specified on the End of Month Report. 

Location in Aspire: Reports > End of Month report > Inventory tab > location Inventory Catalog Cost changes section > select the line. 

Inventory Cost Adjustments (G)

Represented Item: Adjustments to item costs for inventory items during the period specified on the End of Month Report. 

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > End of Month Report > Inventory tab > locate Inventory Catalog Cost Changes section > Click on line. 

Inventory Variance

Represented Item: Items whose purchase cost differed from the catalog item cost during the period specified on the End of Month Report. 

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar >  End of Month Report >  Inventory tab > locate Purchase Cost Differs from Item Catalog section > Click on line

Invoice (G)

Represented Item: Taxable invoices for the selected tax jurisdiction during the specified period of the Tax Entity Report. 

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Standard Reports tab > Tax Entity Report > Click into dollar amount on the left half of the report.

Invoice (Payments tab)

Represented Item: Payments made on the selected invoice

Location in Aspire: Invoice icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Invoices option > select an invoice > Payments tab

Invoice Adjustments

Represented Item: Adjustments to invoices

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > End of Month Report > locate Invoice Adjustments section on the Revenue tab in report > Click into dollar value

Invoice Batches

Represented Item: Invoice batches

Location in Aspire: Invoice icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Invoice Batches option

Invoice Electronic Payments

Represented Items: Electronic payments for a specific invoice

Location in Aspire: Invoice icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Invoices option > Select Invoice option > Electronic Payments tab

Invoice Revenue (G)

Represented Item: Invoices represented by the invoice amount that was clicked into on the Revenue tab of the End of Month Report

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > End of Month Report > locate Invoices section in report > Click into dollar value

Invoices (G)

Represented Item:  Invoices created in Aspire

Location in Aspire: Invoice icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Invoices option

Invoicing Assistant

Represented Item: Recommendations for the creation of invoices based on won opportunities

Location in Aspire: Invoice icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Invoicing Assistant option

Issue List

Represented Item: Types of issues established from Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select Issue List option


Represented Item: Individual items in the item catalog (material, labor, sub, equipment, other) established in Aspire Admin. 

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Items icon under Estimating


Job Status (G)

Represented Item: Job statuses displayed in Aspire. These names can be modified, but the records cannot be removed.

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select Job Status option


Javascript Object Notation - markup language used to store and exchange information between computers.  



AKA a secret key. It is an encrypted key, used for securing and authorizing communication between systems.

KPI and Insights

Settings > User Settings > Home Screen Column > Save


Lead Source (G)

Represented Item: Lead sources established from Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select Lead Source option

Lead Source Name Token
  • Token Name: Lead Source Name
  • Token: [Lead_Source_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Lead Source listed on the Property details screen

Represented Item: Localities (usually counties) in Aspire define where employees work for the purposes of calculating W2 withholding for payroll taxes.

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select list type of Locality


Manage Notification Settings

Manage Notifications Settings

Administration > User Management > User Roles > Admin 

Manage Routes

Scheduling > Hamburger Menu > Manage Routes 

Mark Equipment in Service

Administration > User Management > User Roles > Mark Equipment In Service > Save 

Mark Equipment Out of Service

Administration > User Management > User Roles > Mark Equipment Out of Service 

Mobile Forms Report

Represented Item: Show values collected for a specific version of a mobile form.

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Standard Report tab > Mobile Forms Report

Modify Pay Code Overrides

Add/Modify Pay Code Overrides

Administration > User Management > User Roles > Add/Modify Pay Code Overrides > Save

My Reports Permission

User Management > User Roles > My Reports > Save


nested object or property

An object enclosed within another object or property. 

Note Token
  • Token Name: Note
  • Token: [Note] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Property Notes on Property details screen


Occurrence Token
  • Token Name: Occurrence
  • Token: [Occur] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Number of occurrences of the Work Ticket
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Open Issue Count Token
  • Token Name: Open Issue Count
  • Token: [Open_Issue_Count] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Total number of issues with an open status 
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Operation Notes
  • Token Name: Operation Notes
  • Token: [Operation_Notes] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Operation Notes listed on the Property details screen
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Operations Scorecard Service Type

Represented Item: Work tickets represented by the selected number on the report

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Standard Report tab > Operations Scorecard > Click on a service row

Opp Estimator Notes Tokens
  • Token Name: Opportunity Estimator Notes
  • Token: [Opportunity_Estimator_Notes] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Estimator Notes on the Opportunity details screen
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Opp Ops Mgr Contact First Name
  • Character Count: 15
  • Token Name: Opportunity OPS Manager Contact First Name 
  • Token:[Opportunity_OPS_Manager_Contact_First _Name ] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?:  Ops Manager Contact First Name listed on the Opportunity details screen. 
Opp Ops Mgr Contact Full Name
  • Character Count: 30
  • Token Name: Opportunity OPS Manager Contact Full Name 
  • Token:[Opportunity_OPS_Manager_Contact_Full _Name ] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?:  Ops Manager Contact First and Last Name listed on the Opportunity details screen. 
Opp Ops Mgr Last Name
  • Character Count: 15
  • Token Name: Opportunity OPS Manager Contact Last Name 
  • Token:[Opportunity_OPS_Manager_Contact_Last _Name ] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?:  Ops Manager Contact Last Name listed on the Opportunity details screen. 
Opp Prop Description 1 Token
  • Token Name: Opportunity Proposal Description 1 
  • Token: [Opportunity_Proposal_Description_1] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Proposal Description 1 on the Opportunity details screen
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Opp Prop Description 2 Token
  • Token Name: Opportunity Proposal Description 2 
  • Token: [Opportunity_Proposal_Description_2] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Proposal Description 1 on the Opportunity details screen
  • Message Template Section: Message Body

Represented Item: Opportunities

Location in Aspire: Opportunity icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar

Opportunity Branch Override

1. Go to System Settings > Administration. 2. Select Configuration. 3. Click on Application. 4. Check Opportunity Branch Override. 5. Select Save

Opportunity End Date Token
  • Token Name: Opportunity End Date
  • Token: [Opportunity_End_Date] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? End date listed on the Opportunity details screen
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Opportunity Name
  • Character Count: 50
  • Token Name: Opportunity Name
  • Token:[Opportunity_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?:  Opportunity Name field on the Opportunity details screen.
Opportunity Name Token
  • Token Name: Opportunity Name
  • Token: [Opportunity_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Opportunity name on the Opportunity details screen
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Opportunity Number
  • Character Count: 10
  • Token Name: Opportunity Number
  • Token:[Opportunity_Number] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Opportunity Number listed on the Opportunity details screen
Opportunity Number Token
  • Token Name: Opportunity Number Token 
  • Token: [Opportunity_Number] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Opportunity number listed on the Opportunity details screen
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Opportunity PO Number Token
  • Token Name: Opportunity PO Number
  • Token: [Opportunity_PO_Number] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Customer PO # listed in the Invoicing section on the Opportunity details screen
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Opportunity Service Report

Represented Item: Services contained in estimates on opportunities

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Standard Reports tab > Drill Down Reports section Opportunity Service Report

Opportunity Stage

Represented Item: Opportunity stages established from Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select Opportunity Stage option

Opportunity Start Date Token
  • Token Name: Opportunity Start Date
  • Token: [Opportunity_Start_Date] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Start date listed on the Opportunity details screen
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Opportunity Status

Represented Item: Opportunity statuses established from Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select Opportunity Status option

Opportunity Templates

Represented Item: Opportunity templates

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Opportunity Templates icon under Estimating

Overhead Recovery - Projected

Represented Item: Summarizes the budget estimates by year and by branch that comprise the Budget Bar in the associated KPI chart.

Location in Aspire: Home screen > KPI Section > Any Overhead Recovery Report > Click on Budget bar

Overhead Recovery Budget

Represented Item:  Summarizes the budget estimates by year and by branch that comprise the Budget Bar in the associated KPI chart.

Location in Aspire: Home screen > KPI Section > Any Overhead Recovery Report > Click on Budget bar


Pay Code

Represented Item: Pay codes established from Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select Pay Code option

Pay Schedule

Represented Item: Pay schedules established from Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select Pay Schedule option

Payment Category

Represented Item: Payment categories established from Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen âž” Manage Lists icon under Application âž” Select Payment Category option

Payment Terms (G)

Represented Item: Payment Terms established from Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select Payment Terms option

Payment Terms Name Token
  • Token Name: Payment Terms Name 
  • Token: [Payment_Terms_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Payment Terms listed on the Property details screen 
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Payments (Customer)

Represented Item: Customer payments recorded in Aspire

Location in Aspire: Invoice icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Payments option

Payments (Report)

Represented Item: Customer payments represented by the line drilled into on the Tax Jurisdiction Report.

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Standard Reports tab >Tax Entity Report > Click into dollar amount on right half of report.


Settings > Administration > User Management > User Roles > Select a designated role from the dropdown menu. 


Personal Identification Number 

Primary Contact Company Name
  • Token Name: Primary Contact Company Name  
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_Company_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary contact associated with Company listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Primary Contact Email Token
  • Token Name: Primary Contact Email
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_Email] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Email of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Primary Contact First Name
  • Token Name: Primary Contact First Name
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_First_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First Name of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Primary Contact Full Name
  • Token Name: Primary Contact Full Name
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_Full_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Full Name of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Primary Contact Home Phone
  • Token Name: Primary Contact Home Phone
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_Home_Phone] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Home phone of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
Primary Contact Last Name
  • Token Name: Primary Contact Last Name
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_Last_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Last Name of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Primary Contact Mobile Phone
  • Token Name: Primary Contact Mobile Phone
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_Mobile_Phone] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Mobile Phone of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
Primary Contact Off Add Line 1
  • Token Name: Primary Contact Office Address Line 1
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_Address_Line_1] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Address Line 1 of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Primary Contact Off Add Line 2
  • Token Name: Primary Contact Office Address Line 2
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_Address_Line_2] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Address Line 2 of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Primary Contact Off Zip Code
  • Token Name: Primary Contact Office Zip Code
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_Zip_Code] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Zip Code of Primary Contact associated to the Company Name in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Primary Contact Office City
  • Token Name: Primary Contact Office City
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_City] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Office City of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
Primary Contact Office Phone
  • Token Name: Primary Contact Office Address Line 1
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_Phone] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Office Phone of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
Primary Contact Title
  • Token Name: Primary Contact Title
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_Title] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Title of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Primary Off St Province Code
  • Token Name: Primary Contact Office State Province Code
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_State_Province_Code] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  State Province Code of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Primary Off St Province Name
  • Token Name: Primary Contact Office State Province Name 
  • Token: [Primary_Contact_Office_State_Province_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  State Province code of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Primary Takeoff Name
  • Token Name: Primary Takeoff Name
  • Token: [Primary_Takeoff_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Primary Takeoff Item Name from a Takeoff Groups List in the Administration menu
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Primary Takeoff Value
  • Token Name: Primary Takeoff Value
  • Token: [Primary_Takeoff_Value] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Primary Takeoff Value of Primary Contact listed in the Contacts section of the Property detail screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Production Note
  • Token Name: Production Note
  • Token: [Production_Note] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Operation Notes of the Property detail screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Profit & Loss - Labor Actual

Represented Item: Summarizes labor hours and cost for work tickets by division, property, and service during the period specified by the KPI.

Location in Aspire: Home screen > KPI Section > Any Profit & Loss Report > Click on Actual bar (green) for labor

Profit and Loss - Budget

Represented Item: Summarizes budgeted revenue, labor cost, direct cost and gross profit for work tickets during the period specified by the KPI.

Location in Aspire: Home screen > KPI Section > Any Profit & Loss Report > Click on Budget bar (blue) for revenue, labor or gross margin $

Profit and Loss - Earned Revenue Actual

Represented Item: Summarizes earned revenue for work tickets by division and service during the period specified by the KPI.

Location in Aspire: Home screen > KPI Section > Any Profit & Loss Report > Click on Actual bar (green) for earned revenue

Profit and Loss - Gross Margin Actual

Represented Item: Summarizes actual gross margin for work tickets by division and service during the period specified by the KPI.

Location in Aspire: Home screen > KPI Section > Any Profit & Loss Report > Click on Actual bar (green) for revenue, labor or gross margin $

Profit and Loss - Invoiced Revenue Actual

Represented Item: Summarizes invoiced revenue for work tickets by division and service during the period specified by the KPI.

Location in Aspire: Home screen > KPI Section > Any Profit & Loss Report > Click on Actual bar (green) for invoiced revenue

Prompt for Sub Crew Size in MT

Contacts > select Crew Leader contact > enable Prompt for Sub Crew Size in MTIME > Save

Prop Add Line 1
  • Token Name: Property Address Line 1
  • Token: [Property_Address_Line_1] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Address Line 1 on the Property details screen
Prop Add Line 2
  • Token Name: Property Address Line 2
  • Token: [Primary_Address_Line_2] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Address Line 2 on the Property details screen

Represented Item: Properties established in Aspire

Location in Aspire: Properties icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar


Regulates how data stored in a field can be seen or changed.

Property Address Line 1
  • Character Count: 40
  • Token Name: Property Address Line 1
  • Token:[Property_ Address_ Line_ 1] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Address Line 1 field on the Property details screen. 
Property Address Line 2
  • Character Count: 40
  • Token Name: Property Address Line 2
  • Token:[Property_ Address_ Line_ 2] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Address Line 2 field on the Property details screen. 
Property Budget Token
  • Token Name: Property Budget
  • Token: [Property_Budget] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Annual Budget on the Property details screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Property City
  • Character Count: 20
  • Token Name: Property City
  • Token:[Property_City] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property City field on the Property details screen. 
Property City Token
  • Token Name: Property City
  • Token: [Property_City] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  City listed on the Property details screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Property Client Budget (no title displayed on screen)

Represented Item: Work order opportunities for the property

Location in Aspire: Properties icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Select a property > Report icon (upper right) > Client Budget option > Click into number for a work order (not a contract)

Property Group

Represented Item: Property groups established from Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select Property Group option

Property Group Name
  • Character Count: 15
  • Token Name: Property Group Name 
  • Token:[Property_ Group_ Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Name field on the Property details screen. 
Property Group Name Token
  • Token Name: Property Group Name 
  • Token: [Property_Group_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Property Group Name listed on the Property details screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Property Name
  • Character Count: 25
  • Token Name: Property Name
  • Token:[Property_ Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Name field on the Property details screen. 
Property Name Abbreviation
  • Character Count: 20
  • Token Name: Property Name Abbreviation
  • Token:[Property_ Name_ Abbreviation] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Name Abbreviation field on the Property details screen. 
Property Opportunities (Embedded in Property Overview screen)

Represented Item: Opportunities for the property

Location in Aspire: Properties in the Aspire Navigation Bar icon > Select a Property > Search list appears about half-way down the screen

Property Ops Mgr First Name
  • Character Count: 15
  • Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact First Name 
  • Token:[Property_ OPS_ Manager_ Contact_First_Name ] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Ops Manager first name listed on the Property details screen. 
Property Ops Mgr Full Name
  • Character Count: 30
  • Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact Full Name 
  • Token:[Property_OPS Manager_ Contact_Full_ Name ] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Ops Manager Contact First and Last Name listed on the Property details screen. 
Property Ops Mgr Last Name
  • Character Count: 15
  • Token Name: Property OPS Manager Contact Full Name 
  • Token:[Property_OPS Manager_ Contact_Last_ Name ] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Property Ops Manager Contact Last Name listed on the Property details screen. 
Property Route Assignment

Represented Item: Summarize the assignment of properties to routes as defined on the Property tab of the Route screen.

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Standard Reports tab > Drill Down Reports section Property Route Assignments Report

Property Sequence Number
  • Token Name: Property Sequence Number
  • Token: [Property_Sequence_Number] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Sequence number on the Property details screen
  • Message Template Section: Message Body 
Property State Province Code
  • Character Count: 3
  • Token Name: Property State Province Code 
  • Token:[Property_ State_ Province_ Code ] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: State abbreviation for the State list on the Property details screen. 
Property Status

Represented Item: Account receivables list of invoices with associated payments and credit memos

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Standard Report tab > A/R Aging List

Property Status Name Token
  • Token Name: Property Status Name
  • Token: [Property_Status_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Property Status listed on the Property details screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Property Tag List Token
  • Token Name: Property Tag List 
  • Token: [Property_Tag_List] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Tags list on the Property details screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Property Zip Code
  • Character Count: 10
  • Token Name: Property Zip Code 
  • Token:[Property_ Zip_Code] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Zip Code field on the Property details screen
Property Zip Code Token
  • Token Name: Property Zip Code 
  • Token: [Property_Zip_Code] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Zip Code listed on the Property details screen
Purchase Equipment Permission

Administration > User Management > User Role > Purchase Equipment > Save

Purchase Receipt Work Tickets (no title displayed on screen)

Represented Items: Work tickets

Location in Aspire: Purchasing icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Purchase Receipts option > Select a purchase receipt > Purchase Receipt screen > Work Ticket Search icon

Purchase Receipts (Aspire Search Lists)

Represented Item: Purchase receipts created in Aspire

Location in Aspire: Purchasing icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Purchase Receipt option

Purchasing Assistant

Represented Item: Recommended purchases based on materials included in opportunity estimates

Location in Aspire: Purchasing icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Purchasing Assistant option


query parameter

A key/value pair appended to a URL in web requests used in APIs to customize responses, filter data, or specify parameters for server operations.


Read Only Access to Schedule Board

System Settings > Administration > User Management > User Roles > Read Only Access to Schedule Board 

Receipt Status (Aspire Search Lists)

Represented Item: Activity (email, issue, task or appointment)

Location in Aspire: Home screen > Search Activities icon in To Do List section

Receivables (Aspire Search Lists)

Represented Items: Total receivables owed by customer

Location in Aspire: Invoice icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Receivables option

Region Mgr Name Token
  • Token Name: Region Manager Name 
  • Token: [Region_Manager_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Region name listed on the Region details screen in the Administration menu
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Region Name Token
  • Token Name: Region Name
  • Token: [Region_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Region name on the Region details screen in the Administration menu
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Regions (Aspire Search Lists)

Represented Item: Regions defined for the organization in Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Regions icon under Organization

Renew a contract

1. Main Menu > Opportunities 2. Select or create a Won Contract > Click the three dots menu > Select Renew

renew a won contract

1. Go to Main Menu > Opportunities. 2. Select an opportunity with Won status. 3. Go to the More Actions menu. 4. Select Renew

Report (Transaction List)

Represented Item: Invoice, payment, and credit transactions for the property

Location in Aspire: Property icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Select a property > Report icon (upper right) > Transaction List option

Report Designer Access Permission

1. Go to System Settings > Administration. 2. Select User Management. 3. Choose User Roles. 4. Select Report Designer Access. 5. Save.

Reports (Aspire Search Lists)

Represented Item: Reports saved by the user currently logged in

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Favorite Reports tab

Request Equipment Permission

Administration > User Management > User Roles > Request Equipment > Save

Require Reason for Work Ticket Cancellation

1. Go to System Settings > Administration. 2. Select Configuration. 3. Choose Application. 4. Check Require Reason for Work Ticket Cancellation. 5. Save

Required Fields

Administration> Application> Required Fields


RESTful(Representational State Transfer) API (Application Programming Interface) - also known as REST API - adheres to the REST API design principles. However, it is not a protocol, so while there are commonly followed design principles, there is a place for flexibility; thus, unlike SOAP, which only uses the XML data format, RESTful APIs can use multiple formats to exchange data. The most common data format is JSON (Javascript Object Notation) 

Restrict Mobile Route Visibility to Assigned Routes

1. Go to System Settings > Administration. 2. Select Configuration. 3. Choose Application. Check Restrict Mobile Route Visibility to Assigned Routes. Click Save

Revenue Over Under (Aspire Search Lists)

Represented Item:  Opportunities matching the over/under value drilled into for which the earned revenue does not match invoiced revenue

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > End of Month Report > locate Over/Under section on Revenue tab in report > Click into dollar value

Revenue Variance (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Revenue variance records generated by Aspire. 

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > End of Month Report > locate Revenue Variance section on Revenue tab in report > Click into dollar value

Reviewed Date Token
  • Token Name: Reviewed Date
  • Token: [Reviewed_Date_Time] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Date/Time of Work Ticket Marked as Complete in Crew Mobile
  • Message Template Section: Body
Route Name
  • Character Count: 20
  • Token Name: Route Name
  • Token:[Route_ Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Route name listed on the Contact details screen
Route Name Token
  • Token Name: Route Name Token
  • Token: [Route_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Route Name listed on the Route details screen
  • Message Template Section: Body
Route Time Zone
  • Character Count: 5
  • Token Name: Route Time Zone
  • Token:[Route_Time_Zone] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Timezone for the Branch listed on the Route details screen
Routes (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item:  Routes created in Aspire

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Routes icon under Scheduling

Rte Crew Leader First Name
  • Character Count: 15
  • Token Name: Route Crew Leader Contact First Name
  • Token:[Route_ Crew_Leader_Contact_First_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Crew Leader First name field on the Contact details screen
Rte Crew Leader Full Name
  • Character Count: 30
  • Token Name: Route Crew Leader Contact Full Name
  • Token:[Route_ Crew_Leader_Contact_Full_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Crew Leader First and Last name field on the Contact details screen
Rte Crew Leader Last Name
  • Character Count:15
  • Token Name: Route Crew Leader Contact Last Name
  • Token:[Route_ Crew_Leader_Contact_Last_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Crew Leader Last Name field on the Contact details screen
Rte Crew Leader Mobile Number
  • Character Count: 25
  • Token Name: Route Crew Leader Contact Mobile Number
  • Token:[Route_ Crew_Leader_Contact_Mobile_Number] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Crew Leader mobile number listed on the Contact details screen


Sales Commission (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item:  Invoices for each opportunity upon which sales commissions can be based

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Standard Report tab > Drill Down Reports section > Sales Commission

Sales Pipeline Insight

Sales Pipeline Insight Permission

Administration >User Management > User Roles > View Sales Pipeline Insight > Save

Sales Rep Contact Full Name
  • Token Name: Sales Rep Contact Full Name
  • Token: [Sales_Rep_Contact_Full_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  First and Last name of Sales Rep in the Contact details section of the Opportunity detail screen
  • Message Template Section: Body
Sales Score Card (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Summarizes sales scorecard records for the period specified by the KPI.

Location in Aspire: Home screen > KPI Section > Any Sales Score Card KPI > Click on chart

Sales Type (Aspire Search Lists)

Represented Item: Define Activity Categories

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select Activity Category option


🔵The described new and enhanced functions are only available in the sandbox environment and are subject to change. 

Schedule an Event (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Opportunity Services

Location in Aspire: Scheduling icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Scheduling option > Schedule Board screen > Bulk Actions icon > Schedule an Event option

Schedule an Event Permission

Administration > User Management > User Roles > Schedule an Event > Save

Schedule Work Tickets (no title displayed on screen)

Represented Item: Work tickets

Location in Aspire: Scheduling icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Schedule Board screen > Show Work Tickets icon in lower right-hand corner

Scheduled Start Date
  • Character Count: 6
  • Token Name: Scheduled Start Date
  • Token:[Scheduled_ Start_Date] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Scheduled Date field on the Work Ticket details screen
Score Card Detail (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: List of opportunities that comprise the value of proposed sales that was selected on the sales scorecard

Location in Aspire: Contacts icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Select contact (must be a user for whom a sales scorecard has been established) > Contact screen > Scorecard tab > Drill into a scorecard in the list > Click into a number on the Proposed Actual column

Select Attachment (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Existing attachments on emails, issues, opportunities and properties

Location in Aspire: Home screen > Click Bar in graph under Customer Issues > Click one of the Issues > Find Old Attachments icon

Separate Invoices
  • Token Name: Separate Invoices
  • Token: [Separate_Invoices] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Separate Invoices listed on the Property details screen 
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Sequence Number Token
  • Token Name: Sequence Number
  • Token: [Sequence_Number] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Sequence Number listed on the Property details screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer
Service Description
  • Token Name: Service Description 
  • Token: [Service_Description] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Description of service catalog item in the Estimating section of the Administration menu
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Service Display Name
  • Character Count: 40
  • Token Name: Service Display Name
  • Token:[Service_Display_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Service Display Name field on the Service Catalog details screen of the Administration menu
Service Item Description Token
  • Token Name: Service Item Description 
  • Token: [Service_Item_Description] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Description from Estimate of Service Catalog Item 
  • Message Template Section: Body
Service Log

Service Name
  • Character Count: 40
  • Token Name: Service Name
  • Token:[Service_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Service Name field on the Service Catalog details screen of the Administration menu
Service Name Abbreviation
  • Character Count: 20
  • Token Name: Service Name Abbreviation
  • Token:[Service_Name_Abbreviation] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: Abbreviation field on the Service Catalog details screen of the Administration menu
Service Tags for Equipment

Administration > Equipment > Service Tags 

Services (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Services established in Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen âž” Manage Services icon under Estimating

Services (WT Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Work tickets that comprise the number value clicked

Location in Aspire: Properties icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Select a property > Select the More ink to the right of the next visit link > Full Property Wizard screen > Click on one of the service or division numbers

Services Due

Site Audit Categories (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Site audit categories established from Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Site Audit Categories icon under Scheduling

Site Audit Photo Editor

Navigation Steps

  1. Go to the Properties module. 
  2.  Select a property. 
  3.  Click on the hyperlink in the Previous Site Audit field. 
  4.  Click Modify under an existing image to navigate to the photo editor from an already existing image. 
  5. Select the image icon next to an evaluation category to navigate to the site audit photo editor by adding a new image. 

Site Audit Types (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Site audit types established from Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Service Notifications icon under Scheduling

Site Audits (Property, Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Site audits for the selected property

Location in Aspire: Properties in the Aspire Navigation Bar icon > Select a Property > Previous Site Audit hyperlink (middle left of the page)

Site Audits (Report, Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Site Audit

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Standard Report tab > Drill Down Reports section > Site Audits

SMS Contact First Name
  • Character Count: 15
  • Token Name: SMS Contact First Name
  • Token:[SMS_Contact_First_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?: First Name of SMS Notification contact listed on the Contact details screen

 AKA OpenAPI Specification (OAS) is an open-source framework that can design, document, and consume RESTful APIs. Swagger generates interactive and user-friendly documentation for APIs based on the information provided in the OpenAPI Specification. This documentation includes details about endpoints, request and response formats, authentication methods, and more.

Swap Work Ticket Costs (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Work tickets

Location in Aspire: Scheduling icon > Schedule Board screen > Right Click on day > Open Time Entry option > Time Entry screen > Left click on a ticket link > Swap Ticket Cost option

System Admin Permission

Administration > User Management > User Roles > System Admin > Save


Tag (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Define available tags for properties, contacts and opportunities

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select list type of Tag

Takeoff Group (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Advanced Search Formulas established in Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Advanced Search Formulas icon under Application

Tax Entity (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Creation or modification of clock in/out entries for the selected employee

Location in Aspire: Scheduling icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Schedule Board > Weekly Time Review icon > Click a time entry > Select Clock Time Audit option

Tax Jurisdiction (no title displayed on screen)

Represented Item: Tax jurisdictions established from Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select Tax Jurisdiction option

Tax Jurisdiction Name Token
  • Token Name: Tax Jurisdiction Name
  • Token: [Tax_Jurisdiction_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Tax Jurisdiction listed on the Property details screen
  • Message Template Section: Subject, Header, Footer

Restriction over the rate at which an operation can be executed. 

Time Entry (Aspire Search Lists)

Represented Item: Work ticket employee time allocations to jobs

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Standard Report tab > Drill Down Reports section > Time Entry

Time Entry Sync Log (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Record of all time entry transactions transmitted from Aspire to QuickBooks during the selected synchronization instance

Location in Aspire: Only available for Aspire systems set up to export to QuickBooks Desktop by properly integrating with QuickBooks Web Connector.

Scheduling Board > Weekly Time Review > View sync Summary link (the system must be set up for export to the accounting system) > Click on the Sync Summary entry for which you want to view additional details. 

Time Entry Sync Summary

Represented Item: Record of synchronization attempts between Aspire and your accounting system

Location in Aspire: Only available for Aspire systems set up to export to QuickBooks Desktop by properly integrating with QuickBooks Web Connector.

Scheduling icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Schedule Board screen > Weekly Time Review icon > Weekly Time Review screen > View Sync Summary link (upper right corner, but only if your system is set up for export to accounting system)

Time Entry Work Tickets (no title displayed on screen)

Represented Item: Work tickets

Location in Aspire: Scheduling icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Schedule Board screen > Right click on day > Open Time Entry option > Search All icon under the ticket list

Time Review Attestation Prompt

Administration > Organization > Branches > Time Review Attestation Prompt > Save


Unit Type (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Measurement unit types as established in Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen  > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select list type of Unit Type 

Use Time Prompts

Administration > Configuration > Time Reporting > Use Time Prompts > Save

Users (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Aspire system users

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manages Users icon under Application


Vendor (Aspire Search List)

Represented Items: Vendors providing materials and services as defined in Aspire Admin or imported from the accounting system

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select list type of Vendor

View All Time Permission

User Management > User Roles > View All Time > Save

View Audit Report

View Drill Down Reports - Work Ticket Visits Permission

1. Go to System Settings > Administration. 2. Select User Management. 3. Select User Roles. 4. Check View Drill Down Reports - Work Ticket Visits. 5. Save

View Employee Overtime Report

Administration > User Management > View Employee Overtime Report > Save

View Equipment Permission

Administration > User Management > User Roles > View Equipment > Save 

View New Ticket Button


1. Go to the Scheduling module. 

2. Select the More Actions menu. 

3. Click on Manage Routes. 

4. Select or deselect Show New Ticket Button in Crew Mobile on the Route details screen. 

View Purchasing

View Reports

View Revenue Permission

  1. Settings > Administration 2. User Management 3. User Roles 4. View Revenue 5. Save.

View Visit Checklists

View Work In Progress (Work Orders)

1. Go to System Settings > Administration. 2. Select User Management. 3. Click User Roles. Check View Work In Progress (Work Orders). 5. Save

visit details screen

1. Go to the Scheduling module. 

2. Click a visit plaque on the Schedule Board

3. Click on the kebab menu. 

4. Click on Edit Visit. 

Visit End Date
  • Character Count: 11
  • Token Name: Visit End Date
  • Token:[Visit_End_Date] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit End date listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket
Visit End Date Time
  • Character Count: 17
  • Token Name: Visit End Date Time
  • Token:[Visit_End_Date_Time] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit End date and time listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket on a Time-Based Route
Visit End Time
  • Character Count: 8
  • Token Name: Visit End Time
  • Token:[Visit_End_Time] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit End Time listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket for a Time-Based Route. 
Visit Start Date
  • Character Count: 11
  • Token Name: Visit Start Date
  • Token:[Visit_Start_Date] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit Start date and time listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket
Visit Start Date Time
  • Character Count: 17
  • Token Name: Visit End Date
  • Token:[Visit_Start_Date_Time] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit Start date and time listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket on a Time-Based Route
Visit Start Time
  • Character Count: 8
  • Token Name: Visit Start Time
  • Token:[Visit_Start_Time] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Visit Start Time t listed on the Visit details screen of a Work Ticket for a Time-Based Route. 


Weather Events (Aspire Search Lists)

Represented Item: Weather events as defined on the Events screen available from the Log Event option in the Invoice icon of the Aspire Navigation Bar

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Standard Report tab > Drill Down Reports section > Weather Events

Web Report Designer

Administration > Application > Web Report Designer 

Weekly Time Review (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Row for each week of time. For this search list it is essential that the list be grouped by Employee Display Name (the default)

Location in Aspire: Scheduling icon > Schedule Board screen > Weekly Time Review icon

Work in Progress Report (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: This drill-down report supports the analysis of work in progress during a specified time. It is accessed from the Reports screen. The search list returns unique records by opportunity, invoice type, branch, and division, showing the breakdown of cost and revenue incurred across these categories over the specified time period.

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Standard Report tab > Drill Down Reports section > Work in Progress

Work Ticket Hours Actual
  • Character Count: 6
  • Token Name: Work Ticket Hours Actual
  • Token:[Work_Ticket_Hours_Actual] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Actual field listed in the Hours Table on the Work Ticket details screen
Work Ticket Hours Estimated
  • Token Name: Work Ticket Hours Estimated
  • Token: [Work_Ticket_Hours_Estimated] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Estimated value listed on the Hours table on the Work Ticket Details screen
  • Message Template Section: Message Body
Work Ticket Notifications (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Service notifications established in Aspire Admin determining conditions under which Aspire sends automatic notifications

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Service Notifications icon under Scheduling

Work Ticket Number
  • Character Count: 10
  • Token Name: Work Ticket Number
  • Token:[Work_Ticket_Number] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? ID number of Work Ticket listed in the header of the Work Ticket details screen
Work Ticket Price
  • Character Count: 11
  • Token Name: Work Ticket Price
  • Token:[Work_Ticket_Price] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Estimated value listed in the Revenue section on the Work Ticket details screen.
Work Ticket Status (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Clock in/out entries for the selected employee

Location in Aspire: Scheduling icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Schedule Board screen > Weekly Time Review icon > Weekly Time Review screen > Click on time value > Select Clock Time Audit option

Work Ticket Transactions (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Work ticket visits

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Standard Report tab > Drill Down Reports section > Work Ticket Transaction

Work Ticket Visits (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Work ticket visits

Location in Aspire: Reports icon in the Aspire Navigation Bar > Standard Report tab > Drill Down Reports section > Work Ticket Visits

Work Tickets

Represented Item: Work tickets

Location in Aspire: Work Tickets icon

Workers Compensation (no title displayed on screen)

Represented Item: Workers compensation types established from Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Lists icon under Application > Select Workers Compensation option

Workflow (Aspire Search List)

Represented Item: Workflows established in Aspire Admin

Location in Aspire: Administration screen > Manage Workflow icon under Estimating

WT Crew Leader First Name
  • Character Count: 15
  • Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact First Name
  • Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_First_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
WT Crew Leader Full Name
  • Character Count: 30
  • Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Full Name
  • Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Full_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? First and Last Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
WT Crew Leader Last Name
  • Character Count: 15
  • Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Last Name
  • Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Last_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Last Name of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
WT Crew Leader Mobile Phone
  • Character Count: 25
  • Token Name: Work Ticket Crew Leader Contact Mobile Phone
  • Token:[Work_Ticket_Crew_Leader_Contact_Mobile_Number] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from? Mobile Number of Crew Leader listed on Contact details screen
WT Status Name
  • Token Name: Work Ticket Status Name
  • Token: [Work_Ticket_Status_Name] 
  • Where in Aspire is this information being pulled from?  Status of Work Ticket
  • Message Template Section: Body
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