Viewing and managing visits
  • 19 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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Viewing and managing visits

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Resumen del artículo

To view visits:

  1. From the Home screen or the menu, select the Visits button.
  2. The Visits screen displays a list of all visits for the selected property. If you have multiple properties, use the Property Filter to narrow the results.
  3. You can filter visits by status using the dropdown:
    1. Next 30 Days: Displays all future visits.
    2. Completed: Displays visits that have already taken place.
  4. For additional visits, select Load More to view more past or future visits, depending on your selection.

To view visit details:

  1. Select any visit entry to open the Visit Details modal.
  2. The Visit Detailsmodal displays the following information:
    1. Property Information: Name and address of the property where the visit took place or is scheduled.
    2. Visit Status: Indicates whether the visit is Upcoming or Completed.
    3. Visit Date and Time: The scheduled date and time for the visit.
    4. Services Scheduled: A list of tasks or services planned for the visit (e.g., "Mulch installation," "Tree removal").
    5. Visit Notes: If configured, displays any published notes related to the visit.
    6. Service Contact: Contact information for the service representative, including their name, phone number, and email address.
  3. To return to the previous screen, select the Close button.

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