6.14.0 CRM Improvements
- 31 Aug 2023
- 5 Minutes to read
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6.14.0 CRM Improvements
- Updated on 31 Aug 2023
- 5 Minutes to read
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6.14.0 CRM Improvements
What’s New?
Several updates have been made to the customer relationship management tools within Aspire. Most notably, you will find it easier to use and configure various components of the Dashboard. Many of the CRM enhancements also derive from ideas submitted by clients!
- The Assigned To Contact field is now available to filter, group, sort, and display information on the Activities advanced search list. This filter will be displayed by default.
- Spaces have been added to display the separation of different terms within the Token Names used in the Activities module.
Alerts - Undelivered Emails
Better handle undelivered emails by managing them from the new undelivered emails advanced search list screen.
- Undelivered emails can now be filtered, grouped, sorted, and displayed.
- You can bulk delete Undelivered Emails from the Alerts section of Aspire if you have the Delete Activities Permission enabled under your user role. The option to delete emails will be grayed out if this permission is not enabled under your user role.
- If you bulk delete a large number of undelivered emails at one time, you will see a progress bar so that you will know that the deletion process is in progress.
- When creating a new Property or Contact, the branch you belong to will automatically display in the Branch field on the details screen. This will only apply to companies that have one branch. The Select One option will remain if your company has multiple branches.
Contract Renewal Report
- On the Contract Renewal Report search list screen, the Opportunity and Opportunity Number fields will display a hyperlink, directing you to the Opportunity detail screen when clicked.
- You can display and filter using the Opportunity Tags field on the Contract Renewal advanced search list screen for opportunities in progress.
- The Sales Type field has been added to the Contract Renewal Report. This information will be pulled from the active contract.
- You can now display the Renewal Budget field on the Contract Renewal Report advanced search screen.
Daily Plan Report
- If you select more than three options from one of the displayed quick filters on the Daily Plan Report, the number of the items selected will be displayed in the quick filter box in place of the filter's name.
- The Dashboard interface is more user-friendly, making it easier to view information at a glance and to configure metric dials. For uniformity, all widgets will have a matching user interface. Observe the before and after images.
- The Due Date of a task will automatically update when you change the Start Date of a new or existing task. The new due date will reflect the day after the newly selected Start Date. If you change the start date to one that surpasses the original, the due date will remain.
- Within an email generated from an Issue, you can easily navigate to the Issue in Aspire by clicking on the hyperlinked Issue # or navigate to the subject of the issue by clicking on the Regarding hyperlink.
Dashboard - Activities
- Recently visited companies will now appear on the Recent Activity portion of the Dashboard screen.
- The Recent Activities widget will increase the number of items displayed from 6 to 10.
Dashboard - Customer Issues widget
- You can now view individual customer issues via the Customer Issues widget and be directed back to the open issues list to move on to the next issue quickly.
- Before creating the Customer Issues KPI Insights on the Dashboard widget, you must have the Customer Issues permission enabled under your user role to create and view this insight.
- Click Customer Issues Insight Quick Start Guide for more information on adding and setting up customer issues to your Dashboard.
- Shared widgets will be identified with a Shared By label listing the widget creator's name.
Dashboard - Display Types
- A new field called Display Type has been added to Dashboard metric widgets so that you can display metric data as a Progress Bar, Number Only, or Gauge.
Dashboard - New Nomenclature
- For clarity, the following naming conventions have been updated:
- The term Dashboard has been replaced with Metrics in the customization dropdown on the User Settings screen and the New, Edit, and Configuration options in the kebab menu of a Dashboard dial.
- The KPI tile of elements has been renamed to KPIs and Insights. This change can be observed on the Customization section of the User Settings screen and the New, Edit, and Configuration options in the kebab menu of a Dashboard dial.
- The Customization section on the User Settings screen has been renamed to Dashboard Customizations.
Dashboard - To-Do List
- The items you click on in the To-Do List will open in a new tab so that you can retain your position on the To-Do List.
- The To-Do List Days Ahead configuration has been moved to the User Settings screen so all your dashboard settings can be configured from the same section within Aspire.
- An action menu has been added to Issues, Milestones, and Tasks on the To-Do List so you can complete issues and tasks without leaving the Dashboard. Furthermore, you can use Quick View to see notes or change due dates.
- The To-Do List widget will allow you to filter appointments, issues, and tasks by the following options: Overdue, Today, or a To-Do List # of Days that you can set on the User Settings screen.
- Remember that you must have existing assigned tasks and issues to view this option.
- You can now create milestones from the Quick Menu, To-Do List, or the Activity module.
- We have improved pagination within the To-Do List widget. When expanding the To-Do List widget, you will be able to view ten items per page, and you will have the ability to scroll to see the next batch of 10 items for Milestones, Tasks, Appointments, and Issues.
- If you have an empty To-Do List, a No Data message will be displayed to indicate no items in your list.
- You can now see appointment times displayed on the To-Do List on the Dashboard so that you can view this information at a glance in lieu of having to click to open the Appointment dialog to see the time range of your appointment.
- Please note that the time reflected will be the same timezone as your location when you created the appointment.
- If you change timezones, the time you see will not change to align with the current timezone of your present location.
- You must sync your calendar to Aspire to view appointments created in your external calendar on the To-Do List.
- On the New Property screen, you will see an indication that you need to add or select information to a Required field if you click on the field but do not add or select information.
A system or branch admin permission will no longer be required to schedule an event.
- A new permission called the Schedule an Event Permission will enable you as an administrator to give the option for other users to Schedule an Event without having a system or admin permission enabled under the user role on the Schedule Board.
- Additionally, there is an option to print or export information you filter on the Scheduled an Event search list so that you can print out assignments.
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