- 08 Jun 2023
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Add Existing Items Screen
- Updated on 08 Jun 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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Aspire allows you to tie existing work orders that are still in the sales process (not won or lost) or open issues, to categories within site audits. When opportunities or issues are added to a category, they are visually represented in the site audit category by the first image that is attached to the work order or issue. The screen is displayed by clicking Add Existing Items from the drop-down to the right of a category on the Site Audit screen.
Once the Add Existing Items screen is displayed you can see the list of Opportunities and Issues available to add to the site audit.
The items available in the lists are determined as follows:
- Opportunities available are work orders that are still in the sales process (neither won nor lost) and not already attached to the site audit.
- Issues available are those that have not been completed, are associated with the property, and have not already been added to the site audit.
If one or more images have been added to the opportunity or issue, the most recently added image is shown. If no images have been added to the opportunity or issue, the item is represented as shown here
When you select either a work order (opportunity) or issue, Aspire highlights it. Clicking Save adds the selected work order or issue to the category in the Site Audit as shown below. The issue or work order is shown under the category on the Site Audit with an icon indicating that the image is attached to an opportunity or an issue.