Photo Popup Menu
  • 03 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Photo Popup Menu

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Article summary

When you click on a photo within a category of a site audit, the following menu displays:

This table describes the menu options

Screen ElementDescription
Show on Map
Displays the Property SA Map screen allowing you to view the map location or reposition the location where the photo was taken.
ModifyDisplays the Photo screen allowing you to update the size of the saved photo or to add notes. Note that photos can only be reduced, they cannot be enlarged once saved at a smaller size.
Create Opportunity

When you select this option, Aspire initiates the process of creating an opportunity by displaying the Select Existing Images screen. Once you have selected images from the existing category to include on the issue and click the Save icon, Aspire displays the Templates screen allowing you to complete the process of creating the opportunity. Thereafter, the Opportunity screen is displayed and the following actions are applied to the new opportunity:

  1. The opportunity name is initially set based on the site audit category and the property is set based on the property of the site audit.
  2. If there is an Operations Manager on the property, Aspire will set the Operations Manager on the new opportunity to match.
  3. All the selected images from the site audit are added to the bottom of the Proposal Description 1 field of the newly created opportunity. The images will be added below any of the Proposal Description 1 that is already provided in the selected opportunity template.
  4. Any of the tags on the same selected images will be included in Proposal Description 1 next to their respective image.
DeleteImmediately deletes the photo.

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