6.20.0 Photo and attachment enhancements
  • 18 Sep 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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6.20.0 Photo and attachment enhancements

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6.20.0 Photo and attachment enhancements

What's new?

We are excited to introduce a highly anticipated feature from Ignite 2023: the ability to preview PDF files directly within Aspire, eliminating the need for separate downloads. Additionally, we've introduced a gallery view for photos and attachments, offering a visually engaging alternative to the traditional list view. With new options to add notes and tags, categorizing and documenting your attachments has never been easier. These enhancements are available across the Property, Opportunity, Contact, and Work Ticket modules, significantly improving the attachment management process.

Manage Attachments screen

The Manage Attachments screen displays the documents currently attached to a Property, Opportunity, Contact, Equipment, or Work Ticket. This screen is displayed by selecting the Attachments hyperlink from the Email screen or the Contacts, Properties, Opportunities, Work Tickets, Purchasing, or Equipment modules.  

Screen capture of Attachments modal with view all button highlighted.Select View All to open the Manage Attachments screen. Refer to the images below to see the new list and the thumbnail views of the screen, including the new side panel functionality. 

Screen capture of the Manage Attachment modal in list view.
The Manage Attachments modal in list view.
Screen capture of the Manage Attachment modal with side panel open.The Manage Attachments modal in thumbnail view with the side panel opened.

 Refer to the table below to see your new managing and viewing options on the Manage Attachment screen. 

View and Manage Attachments
SearchUse this search bar for your quick keyword searches. You can search by attachment name. The results from your search will only contain an approximate match based on the string of characters you enter in the search bar.
You can also select the Search tab from the top menu to search and upload attachments that already exist across Aspire.
Attachment TypeAllows you to specify the nature of the attachment by selecting a valid type from a list defined on the Admin List Attachment Type screen. Common attachment types used in Aspire are Photo, Document, Map, Site Map, and Contract.
Attachment TagEnter tag(s) to attachments to improve clarity and organization, making it easier to categorize, search, and document attachments. For more information on creating Tags as identifiers, see Admin List Tag screen.
Display Options 

Select the three-line menu to view your attachments in a list view, or choose the thumbnail icon for a gallery view. You can display all attachment types or filter by images or files.

Bulk Actions Menu

The Bulk Actions menu enables you to make the exact change to one or more attachments simultaneously.

  • Preview:View the attachment(s) directly in Aspire. Navigate the gallery using the left and right arrows. Select the three-line icon in the bottom left for a carousel view. Use the bottom right icons to expand to full screen or download. Close the preview by selecting the X in the top right corner.
  • Download: Download attachments to your desktop or mobile device. 
  • Expose to Crew: You can select Expose to Crew to make attachments associated with Opportunities available to crew leaders in the Crew Mobile app. You will only see this option listed in the Bulk Actions menu if it is available within the module.
  • Attach to Invoice: Select Attach to Invoice to include attachments in the invoice you send to your customer. You will only see this option listed in the Bulk Actions menu if it is available within the module.
  • Attach to Proposal: Select Attach to Proposal to include attachments in the proposal you send to your customer. You will only see this option listed in the Bulk Actions menu if it is available within the module.
  • Delete: Permanently removes selected attachments. You will have the opportunity to Cancel the action if you mistakenly select this option.
  • Add/Remove Tags: Opens the following dialogue. Choose Add or Remove tags, then select the Tags from the list. Select Save to execute the bulk action or cancel to return to the Manage Attachments screen.

More Actions MenuSelect on the kebab menu to reveal more options.
  • Preview: View the attachment directly in Aspire. Navigate the gallery using the left and right arrows. Select the three-line icon in the bottom left for a carousel view. Use the bottom right icons to expand to full screen or download. Close the preview by selecting the X in the top right corner. Preview module
  • Download: Download the attachment to your desktop or mobile device. 
  • Delete: Permanently remove the attachment. You will have the opportunity to Cancel the action if you mistakenly click on this option.


Manage Attachments Fields

Select the Search tab to search, sort, and display your attachment search lists using the below-listed fields. A search and checkbox prompt will then appear so that you can configure your search. Select directly on the field's name to sort the order of your search or select and drag the field names to reorganize the fields or set row groups.

Name of Field 


Attachment NameThe file name of the saved attachment. When you use the name filter, you will only see search results containing characters you type.
Attachment TypeThe file format of the attachment. The most common attachment types are documents and images. Select here for more information about Attachment Type
NotesEnter a note for the attachment to improve clarity and organization, making it easier to categorize, search, and document attachments.

Enter tag(s) to attachments to improve clarity and organization, making it easier to categorize, search, and document attachments. For more information on creating Tags as identifiers, see Admin List Tag screen.

Upload Date The upload date marks the date that the attachment was uploaded to Aspire. 
Show Crew Select or deselect the checkbox in the Show Crew column to make attachments visible or invisible to crew leaders in the Crew Mobile app. 
Attach to ProposalSelect or deselect the checkbox in the Attach To Proposal box to include or exclude the attachment in the proposal communication that you send to your customers.
Attach To Invoice Select or deselect the checkbox in the Attach To Invoice box to include or exclude the attachment in the invoice communication that you send to your customers.

Manage Attachments Side Panel

Manage attachments side panelSelect an attachment in the Manage Attachments thumbnail view to open the side panel. The side panel displays details about the attachment, such as its name, upload date, associated Property, Opportunity, Contact, or Work Ticket information, notes, tags, and attachment type. Depending on the module, it also includes check boxes for options like Expose to Crew, Attach to Proposal, and Attach to Invoice. For more information on side panel elements, refer to the above tables.

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