6.23.2 Background Processing and Notification Updates
  • 13 Mar 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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6.23.2 Background Processing and Notification Updates

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6.23.2 Background Processing and Notification Updates

What's new?

Invoice batch generation now runs in the background, and Aspire notifies you when batch creation is complete, so you don’t need to monitor progress. The Invoicing Assistant also includes a new color-coded status for processing invoices. 

This update also adds the Notification Center, where you can view real-time system alerts and background task updates. Critical issues appear under the Alerts tab and are flagged with an orange or red badge, while general updates and background tasks appear under All notifications.

Accessing the Notification Center

To view system notifications:

  1. Select the bell icon in the top navigation bar.

  2. The Notification Center opens with two tabs:

    • All: Displays all notifications, including general updates and background tasks.

    • Alerts: Displays critical issues that require attention, marked with an orange or red badge.

Pop-up Notifications

  • When a task is completed, Aspire displays a pop-up notification in the Notification Center to keep you informed without disrupting your workflow.

New Invoicing Assistant Color Coding

Aspire's new Processing chip in the Invoicing Assistant indicates that the invoice batch is being processed in the background. You can continue using the system while it completes. Once done, Aspire displays a notification with a link to the Batch screen.

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