The Branch Admin permission requires additional clarification. This permission allows you to access the Administration screen from the Administrationoption in the Aspire Navigation Bar.
The Administration options available to you depend on if the system option Enhance Branch Admin Security is enabled or disabled. This option is available as a checkbox on the Company subsection of the Configuration screen.
The following table summarizes available permissions depending on whether the Enhance Branch Admin Security option is enabled.
Administration icon
Enhanced Branch Admin Security
Notes describing behavior when Enhanced Branch Admin Security is enabled
The branch administrator can only view or edit users from the Users Search List screen for users whose contact is assigned to a branch where the branch administrator has access as specified in the Branch Access field on the User tab of the User screen.
Can add new user accounts.
When adding or editing user accounts, you can only provide branch access for which users have access. Additionally, you cannot assign a user any security role that includes the System Admin permission.
You can enable any device.
The branch administrator can locate and view any service in the Services Search List screen, regardless of branch access. However, they will have read-only access, preventing them from editing services assigned to branches to which they have no access.
The Bulk Actions menu will be available.
When adding new services, branch administrators can only add branches to which they have access.
When adding services to an estimate, only services assigned to branches for which they have access will be available.
In search lists throughout Aspire, service dropdowns only allow the selection of services to which the user has branch access.
The branch administrator can view all items on the Items Search List screen regardless of their branch access. However, they have read-only access preventing them from editing items assigned to branches to which they have no access, except that they can add or edit an allocation item cost to price lists set up on the branches to which there is access.
The Bulk Actions menu is unavailable to branch administrators at the bottom of the Item Search List screen unless they have System Admin permission.
This menu contains options to update cost based on the average, auto kit, clone a kit, or bulk edit on some fields for selected items.
If the branch administrator does not have the System Admin permission or All Branch access, the Assigned Branch field is required when adding a new item or kit.
The only available branches are the branches to which you have access. If the branch administrator adds a kit and is required to set the Assigned Branch field, then the available items to add to the kit are items where the Assigned Branch field is null or matches the assigned branch on the current item.
The branch administrator can only view or edit workflows on the Workflow Search List screen that they have branch access as specified in the Branch Access field on the User tab of the User screen.
Add new workflows only for branches they have access to.
The branch administrator can only view or edit price settings on the Price Settings screen to which they have branch access as specified in the Branch Access field on the User tab of the User screen.
Add new price settings, but only for branches they can access.
Opportunity Templates
The Branch Admin must have the Manage Opportunity Templates permission to access this menu item.
Unless the branch administrator has the Edit All Opportunities permission enabled, they will have read-only access to the opportunity templates. Having the Edit All Opportunities permission allows the branch administrator to edit opportunity templates.
Allows the branch administrator to edit routes assigned to a branch to which the branch administrator has access.
The branch administrator can only view or edit branches on the Branches Search List screen to which they have branch access as specified in the Branch Access field on the User tab of the User screen.
You can not add new branches.
The branch administrator can only edit information on the Invoicing tab of the Branch screen. The remaining information on the Branch screen is read-only.
Visit Checklists
When Enable Visit Checklists is selected at the system or branch level, enhanced branch security is overridden, making the Estimating section of the Administration menu visible.
In addition, Branch Admin permissions grant the following:
Allows you to create miscellaneous invoices on the Invoice Batches Search List screen or from the New Misc Invoice option in the Aspire Tool Bar, provided they also have View Invoice and Edit Invoice permissions. System Admin permission also allows the creation of miscellaneous invoices.
Allows you to edit invoices, including adding and deleting line items, whose batch status is Draft not Sent, if you also have anEdit Invoice permission.
Allows you to schedule an event on the Schedule Board screen as long as they have Full Access to Schedule Board permission.
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