AIA Alignment
  • 03 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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AIA Alignment

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Article summary

The fields listed below are available for defining Aspire invoice layouts that more closely align with the American Institute of Architects (AIA) standard forms G701 (Change Order), G702 (Application and Certificate for Payment), and 703 (Continuation Form for G702).

  • Invoices on Job – The total number of invoices for this opportunity, across all change orders, where the date is less than or equal to the invoice date on the current invoice.
  • Opportunity Won Date – The won date from the opportunity.
  • Positive Change Orders Previous Months – For the current invoice, look at all positive change orders on the opportunity that were won in the months prior to the invoice date on the invoice. This will sum up the estimated dollars from the opportunity where they are greater than zero.
  • Negative Change Orders Previous Months – For the current invoice, look at all negative change orders on the opportunity that were won in the same month as the current invoice date. This will sum up the estimated dollars from the opportunity where they are less than zero.
  • Positive Change Orders Current Month – For the current invoice, look at all positive change orders on the opportunity that were won in the same month as the current invoice date. This will sum up the estimated dollars from the opportunity where they are greater than zero.
  • Negative Change Orders Current Month – For the current invoice, look at all negative change orders on the opportunity that were won in the same month as the current invoice date. This will sum up the estimated dollars from the Opportunity where they are less than zero.

The following image provides an example of an invoice that takes advantage of the closer AIA alignment.

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