Contact SMS Notification Opt-In
  • 02 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Contact SMS Notification Opt-In

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Article summary

SMS Notifications provide a quick and effective way to communicate critical details to your customers. Customers must opt-in to SMS before they can receive SMS notifications. The steps below will guide you through this process. 

Opting an Individual into SMS Messaging 

  1.  Select the Properties.
  2. Click on the Property listed on the Property advanced search list that is or will be associated with the customer contact record.
  3. Scroll down to the Contacts section of the Property details screen.  
  4. Select the kebab menu. 
  5.  Click Edit Contact for an existing contact to open the Edit Property Contact dialog box. 
  6. Checkmark the SMS Notifications option. 
  7. Enter a valid mobile number for the contact 
  8. Select Save

Your customer will then be sent a message to opt-in to SMS messaging that will look similar to the picture below. Your customer must opt-in to SMS messages to comply with TCPA regulations and other telecommunication laws. 

  • Once they receive the message, they must click START, Start, or start to opt-in to SMS notifications
  • To opt out, your customer can reply that says STOP, Stop, or stop.

SMS Customer Notification Bulk Opt-In

The steps below outline how to send an opt-in SMS message to more than one contact at a time. 

  1. Click on the Properties module. 
  2. Select one or more properties. 
  3. Click on Bulk Actions
  4. Select Change SMS Notification Contact
  5. Select the contact you want to opt-in to SMS Notifications 
  6.  Click Save. 

Checking Opt-In Status

You can view the opt-in status of contacts by observing if there is a caution or a checkmark icon in the Notifications column next to the contact entry. 

Click the Using Customer Notifications Knowledge Base article for more helpful information. 

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What's Next
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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