  • 03 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

Credits can be created and applied to an opportunity or property without applying them to an invoice. Credits that have not yet been applied to an invoice age as do unpaid invoice balances. Aging credits can be created in one of two ways:

  1. By creating a credit memo from the Credit Memo screen
  2. By receiving a payment that you do not apply to an invoice
Aspire does not allow you to change the property or opportunity associated with a credit memo once it has been saved.

Credit Memos

Aspire allows you to create credit memos that represent credits they wish to apply to properties or opportunities, often to compensate for unpaid amounts when an unsatisfied customer will not pay the full amount of an invoice. Although credit memos may not be immediately applied to an invoice, eventually they should be. Credit memos are created, viewed, and edited from the Credit Memo screen. When creating credit memos, Aspire requires you to specify the taxable amount when a tax credit is applied so that proper adjustments can be made to the End of Month Report.

The article, Credit Memos, explains how to create and print credit memos and how to allocate credit memos to customer invoices.

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