6.22.0 Branch-level Customer Portal 2.0 configuration
    • 20 Nov 2024
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    6.22.0 Branch-level Customer Portal 2.0 configuration

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    Article summary

    6.22.0 Branch-level Customer Portal 2.0 configuration

    What's new?

    Customer Portal 2.0 now supports branch-level customization, empowering you to showcase local branding for each branch. System administrators can configure unique subdomains, logos, color schemes, and page displays, offering customers a tailored and cohesive experience. This article highlights the latest enhancements to help you get started.


    • This feature is available to Enterprise tier clients.
    • You must enable Customer Portal 2.0 within your Administration Configuration.

    Configuration screen enhancements

    In Administration -> Configuration -> Customer Portal 2.0, select Enable Branch-Level Configuration to customize the Customer Portal settings across branches. Once enabled, a Branch dropdown displays, allowing you to select a specific branch, toggle the portal On or Off for that branch, and adjust branch-specific settings,such as email invitation content and subdomain customization to reflect the branch's identity. For more information on customization options, see Customer Portal 2.0 in Configuration screen.

    The new branch-level configuration options for Customer Portal 2.0.


    Customer Portal invitation email template updates

    If configured, the bulk email invitation template includes the Branch drop-down list.


    The Customer Portal 2.0 invitation email template now includes a Branch drop-down list when Enable Branch-Level Configuration is selected in Application Configuration. Use the drop-down to select a branch with active Customer Portal 2.0 settings. Invitations will reflect the selected branch's branding, including logos and subdomains. Additionally, contacts can be invited or re-invited to multiple branches as needed, allowing them to access multiple portals using a single set of credentials.

    Contacts must be associated with a property assigned to the selected branch to receive an invitation. If a contact cannot be invited due to branch restrictions, Aspire displays an error message: “The invitation email won't be sent to the following contacts as they can’t be invited to this branch.”

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