Equipment Permissions
  • 18 Sep 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Equipment Permissions

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Article summary

The following information describes the equipment-oriented Permissions that can be assigned to user roles.

Add Fuel Rate 

Gives you access to the Fuel Rates option under Equipment on the Aspire Navigation Bar so that you can define, edit, and view fuel rates (cost) that Aspire uses for calculating the fuel cost.  If you do not have this permission, the Fuel Rates option is not visible.

Approve Equipment 

Allows you to approve equipment for purchase. If you have this permission, you can select the Approve option in the menu on the Equipment screen.  You must also have View Equipment permission to access the Equipment Search List

Create Equipment Inspections

Gives you the ability to create equipment inspections. 

Delete Equipment 

Determines whether you can delete equipment by selecting the Delete Equipment option from the menu on the Equipment screen. You must also have View Equipment permission to access the Equipment Search List

Dispose Equipment 

Allows you to mark equipment as disposed of. If you have this permission, you can select the Approve option in the Actions menu of the Equipment screen. You must also have View Equipment permission to access the Equipment Search List

Schedule Equipment 

Grants the ability to mark equipment as schedulable and schedule equipment assets for work ticket visits. You can select the Available for Scheduling option on the Equipment screen with this permission. To access the Schedule Equipment checkbox, you must also have View Equipment permission and either Read Only or Full Access to the Schedule Board.

Edit Service Cost and Hours 

You can modify the Service Cost and Service Hours fields for equipment on the Service Log screen. If you do not have this permission, these will be read-only fields. 

Equipment Admin 

Determines if you can access equipment-related areas on the Administration screen, provided you have permission from System Admin or Branch Admin.

Fuel Cost Report 

Gives you access to the Fuel Cost Report option under  Equipment on the Aspire Navigation Bar to view the Fuel Cost Report.  The Fuel Cost Report is a search list representing a record of each meter reading taken on a piece of equipment showing the associated fuel cost since the prior meter reading. If you do not have this permission, the Fuel Cost Report option will not be visible. 

Mark Equipment in Service 

Determines whether you can specify the In-Service Date on the Equipment screen. If the equipment has been approved, setting this date advances the equipment status to In Service. You must also have View Equipment permission to access the Equipment Search List

Mark Equipment Out of Service 

Determine whether you can manually set and specify the Out-of-Service Date on the Equipment screen. If the equipment is in an In-Service setting, this date advances the equipment status to Out of Service. You must also have View Equipment permission to access the Equipment Search List.

Purchase Equipment 

Determines whether you can specify the In-Service Date on the Equipment screen. If the equipment has been approved, setting this date advances the equipment status to In Service. You must also have View Equipment permission to access the Equipment Search List

Request Equipment 

Determine whether you can specify the Purchase Date and Price on the Equipment screen. This permission also enables users to create new Equipment in Aspire. If the equipment has been approved, setting the purchase date advances the equipment status to Purchased (provided the In-Service Date has not been provided, in which case, the status is set to In-Service). You must have View Equipment permission to access the Equipment Search List

View Equipment 

Determines whether you can request equipment by creating new equipment records. If you have this permission, the New icon will be available at the top of the Equipment Search List screen. You must have View Equipment permission to access the Equipment Search List screen. 

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