- 18 Jul 2023
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Events Search List Screen
- Updated on 18 Jul 2023
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The Events Search List screen allows youto view and manage weather events. Weather events are usually snow events such as “Snow 1/3/2016.” These events allow you to specify a description and associate the event with an invoice batch so that the event description is included on all the invoices in the batch. This allows you to provide special communications to customers related to the event. You tie these events to an invoice batch when creating an invoice batch from the Invoicing Assistant using the Related Event drop-down on the Batch screen.
Weather events recorded in this manner are also used when you generate the Weather Events Report to identify work tickets for which services were provided based on weather events and to provide cost and revenue information related to those services.
The Events Search List screen is available from the Log Events option in the Invoice icon of the Aspire Navigation Bar.