General Aspire Navigation
  • 11 May 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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General Aspire Navigation

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Article summary

Listed are the navigation capabilities provided throughout the Aspire system.  

Recent Activity

During your recent login sessions, Aspire tracks many of the primary entities (opportunities, properties, contacts, tasks, calendar items, payments, tickets, invoices, receipts, etc.) you visited.  Selecting the Search option also includes a list of your most recent activities so you can return to selected entities quickly. A link at the bottom of the recent activity provides a long list of recently visited entities

The next set of icons after the Search icon provides access to the various modules within Aspire: Calendar, Contacts, Properties/Companies, Opportunities, Scheduling, Work Tickets, Reports, Invoicing, Purchasing, and Equipment.

The Settings icon provides access to administrative settings, application information, bug reporting, user-specific settings, and system logout.

Aspire Resource Center

Aspire provides a Resource Center, as depicted to the right that provides access to:

  • Announcements from Aspire related to the product
  • Alerts - items that require you to take action
  • Training - tutorials on using Aspire
  • Knowledge Base - instructional articles describing how to carry out tasks in Aspire
  • User Guide - (this user guide) is a comprehensive guide detailing Aspire software components 
  • Support - access to the AspireCare team for help with Aspire questions


Aspire acknowledges various conditions that require action. When one of these conditions occurs, Aspire displays an orange or red notification bubble over the Resource Center icon. Select the icon to view the issues that need to be resolved. 

Aspire Tool Bar

The Aspire Tool Bar can be accessed from Quick Menu, Settings, and by clicking on the Search Aspire bar. 

Search All 

Quickly search the system for an entity based on a character and a string they enter. For example, “o 1234” will search for an opportunity with 1234 in the opportunity # or the opportunity name. The prefix characters available for the search are: 

  • $ searches invoice batches and invoices
  • c searches contacts and companies
  • i searches issues 
  • o or j searches opportunities (jobs)
  • p searches properties and payments
  • r searches purchase receipts
  • t searches ticket

 Recent Activity

During your recent login sessions, Aspire tracks many of the primary entities (opportunities, properties, contacts, tasks, calendar items, payments, tickets, invoices, receipts, etc.) you visited. This tile lists your most recent activity so they can quickly return to that entity. Select See all recent activity to see a full list of activity in Aspire. The following items are captured in recent activity in order of what was most recently viewed: Properties, Companies, Contacts, Invoice Batch, Invoice, Payment, Receipt, Equipment, Opportunities, Work Tickets, and Activities. 


Hovering or clicking Quick Menu provides menu options to create a new entity. Depending on privileges assigned to you, this menu provides options to create any of the following:  appointment, task, issue, email, contact, property, purchase, payment, credit memo, miscellaneous invoice (available for users with Create Invoice permission), or process electronic payments.

System Settings Menu

This menu displays a pop-out encompassing all system setting options accessed by selecting your contact name. It is displayed at the bottom of the sidebar navigation menu for convenience. Select the menu to access these options: 

  • Greenius only appears if your company uses this LMS with Aspire. Upon selection, it will open in a new window.
  • The Administration menu is only visible if admin permission is assigned to your user role. 
  • User Settings displays the settings for your user account. 
  • About Aspire allows you to view versioning details and test the connection to the server using the Test Ping button. 
  • Log Out - close application session. 

Click outside the pop-up menu or navigate to a different screen to close the menu.

Browser Navigation Supported

 Aspire supports navigation to previously viewed screens by clicking the browser back button.

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