June 2021 Release Notes
  • 22 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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June 2021 Release Notes

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Article summary

Spinner Error Handling

Under certain circumstances, if Aspire loses an internet connection, the spinner icon that indicates Aspire is working will continue to spin indefinitely. You would not know that the internet connection was lost.  This has been fixed so that if your internet connection is lost, an informational message is displayed to you.

Acumatica Entry Type for Branches

For companies that integrate with the Acumatica accounting system, provide a method to specify an Entry Type, which differentiates between branches when deposits are synchronized from Aspire to Acumatica.

Schedule Board Font Improvement

On the Schedule Board, fonts for text on the visit tiles have been increased in size to improve visibility.

Search List Header Improvement When Sorting

When you select multiple columns to sort search lists, Aspire displays numbers by the sorted column headers indicating the sort order. The positioning of these numbers was causing much of the header text to be obscured. The formatting of the headers has been improved to optimize the display of header text while still providing the sort order numbers.

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