Milestone Screen
  • 25 Jan 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Milestone Screen

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Article summary

The Milestone screen allows you to create, view, or edit milestones in Aspire.  A milestone represents key target dates associated with an opportunity or work ticket.  There is only one date associated with a milestone, the date by which the tasks associated with the milestone should be complete. 

The Milestone screen is available from the following locations:

  • From the Work Ticket screen by selecting New Milestone in the Work Ticket Activities section.
  • From the Activity Search List screen by selecting the New Milestone option  (only when accessed from the Opportunity screen or by clicking an existing milestone in the search list. 
  • The Opportunity screen by selecting (New Milestone) in the Activities section of an Opportunity details page.

The following table describes the screen elements.

Screen ElementDescription
Assigned ToThis multi-select box allows you to choose multiple contacts to be associated with the milestone. Typically, assigned employee contacts will have responsibility for completing the milestone whereas assigned customer contacts will be stakeholders interested in having the milestone completed. Assigning the task to a contact makes the task available in the Activities List on the Contact screen for that contact. The assignment can also be used to filter the Activities Search List based on the Assigned to Contact field in the search list.
RegardingThis combo box allows you to associate a property, opportunity, or work ticket with the issue. If you choose one of these, the issue will also be available from More Activities on the appropriate Property, Opportunity, or Work Ticket screen. Once you have entered a value into this field, an icon is displayed identifying the type of entity they have chosen: Property, Opportunity, or Work Ticket. Additionally, a push-pin icon will appear. Clicking this icon displays a Google map pinpointing the location of the associated property.
PriorityThis drop-down list allows you to specify a priority for the issue. The priority can be specified as High, Normal, or Low.
SubjectAllows you to specify the subject for the task. You can type any text into the field. Additionally, Aspire allows you to insert expandable tokens that are replaced by appropriate values when you save the appointment. Note that the available tokens are different depending on whether they have selected a property, opportunity, or work ticket in the Regarding field. Expandable tokens are only available if a value has been provided in the Regarding field.
DateAllows you to specify the milestone date. They can enter a value directly into the field or use the Date icon immediately to the right of the field to select values.
NotesAn RTF field that allows you to provide a formatted description of the milestone or to record notes about progress toward the milestone. Additionally, Aspire allows you to insert expandable tokens that are replaced by appropriate values when they save the appointment. Note that the available tokens are different depending on whether you have selected a property, opportunity, or work ticket in the Regarding field. Expandable tokens are only available if a value has been provided in the Regarding field.
CancelClicking this leaves the Milestone screen without saving any changes.
Save Clicking this saves any changes to the milestone.

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