Snow Setup Overview Webinar
  • 06 Oct 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Snow Setup Overview Webinar

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Article summary

The webinar, Aspire Snow Summit 2020 - Estimating Setup, demonstrates important aspects of preparing for snow season by setting up services, catalog items, contract templates, subcontractors, and routes that should be in place before snow season begins. The webinar considers four different approaches to setting up snow-related services which are also described earlier in this section:

  1. Per occurrence billing
  2. Range billing (based on snow depth ranges)
  3. Seasonal billing (fixed contract)
  4. Time and Materials billing

The following table summarizes the topics addressed in this webinar:

Snow SetupIntro: Snow Contract Methods
Seasonal Snow Contracts
Per Occurrence Snow Contracts
Range Billing Contract
T&M Billing Contract
Application Configuration: Subcontractor Login, Snow Mode
Contact Setup for Subcontractors
Subcontractor Expense: Add to Service Opportunity
Synopsis and Q&A
Setting up Snow Routes
Wrap Up

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