2022 Resolved defects
  • 21 Sep 2023
  • 23 Minutos para leer
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2022 Resolved defects

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Resumen del artículo


Administration & Dashboard

  • Fixed an issue that caused an error to occur when attempting to select a saved list from the advanced search drop-down menu.
  • Fixed an issue that caused inaccurate information to populate in the Updated By field of an item updated in the Item Catalog subsection of the Administration menu.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Google login prompt to populate when attempting to sign in if you have elected to sync email or calendar with Google, but you have not authenticated your account.
  • Fixed an issue that caused contacts with the last name True to be imported as a value of one.
  • Fixed an issue that improperly turned the Purchase Unit Cost field into a read-only field when a Material inventory item is cloned.
  • Fixed an issue that permitted the ability to update an invoice that is missing information from the billing company field after Require Billing Company is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an improper calculation of the Extended Cost of Kits in the Item Catalog when the Waste factor is specified and the option to Invert Units is selected.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the import of Contacts containing a comma in the first or last name.
  • Improved the import tool so that specific warning messages will be displayed explaining why a field that is not required was removed from the import or why an invalid entry will not be imported.

Crew Mobile

Fixed an issue that permitted the ability to save customized forms that contain invalid entries in fields that are designated for a whole number value.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the notes section on the Equipment Service Log screen to reveal only two lines of text in lieu of the default five lines and to appear in Times New Roman font.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to retain Azuga IMEIs that are entered in the Tracker Type field of the Aspire GPS Identifier drop-down.


  • Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect tax calculation to take place after editing the extended price of a fixed-priced invoice that is generated.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the removal of an Invoice Allocation from the Credit Memo screen.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the billing address on an invoice from being updated after the billing contact is updated and the option to update billing information is elected.
  • Fixed an issue that improperly permitted the submission of a credit memo that contains a negative value.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Billing Contact information from being retained in a Credit Memo.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented cursor scrolling from maintaining position on the Estimate screen when navigating back to the screen after drilling into an item or service.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a dialog confirmation erroneously stating that an item was reduced to a value of 0 to appear when adding a change order to a Fixed Price on Completion work order.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the information populated under the Invoice Date field on the Job Dashboard tab of an Opportunity to appear a day before the actual date.
  • Fixed an issue that permitted the ability to create an opportunity in a branch to which there is no access granted.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error message to populate when navigating to the Job Dashboard and clicking on the estimated value next to Material under the Breakdown portion of the screen.
  • Fixed an issue causing an entry of Formula Error! to appear in the Estimated Gross Margin field on the Opportunities screen under a customized advanced search list.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented services from being dragged from one estimate group to another for services under a Work Order.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the property address field to be cleared out after selecting the Save Separate Invoices Bulk Action.
  • Fixed an issue that caused portions of the screen to become gray and unresponsive after selecting Add Existing Items under a Site Audit Category.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to save auto expense amount updates on the Company screen.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the value of earned revenue to reflect a month later than expected.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Effective Date field to reflect an inaccurate date when an inventory item is moved to a different Allocation Location.
  • Fixed an issue that caused one-time items containing a tilde special character in the Item name that is allocated in the Purchasing Assistant to inaccurately reflect an Item Quantity Allocated value of 0 on the Purchasing Receipt.


  • Fixed an issue that caused overtime hours to be reflected at regular hours under the Weekly Time Review.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to allocate an equipment item to two different crew members on the same Work Ticket.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an inaccurate validation of time entries to display in the Weekly Time Review.


Administration & Dashboard

  • Fixed an issue that caused the login button to appear off-screen on iPhone 7 devices.
  • Fixed an issue that caused inaccurate information to be displayed in the Updated By column in the Item Catalog subsection of the Administration menu after an Item Catalog is updated.
  • Fixed an issue that caused inaccurate sorting of price settings in the Pricing Mark Ups subsection of the Administration menu.


  • Resolved an issue that prevented the successful completion of the invoice batch.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented an error message from populating on the Invoicing Assistant screen when tax jurisdiction entities are missing from a Fixed Price on Completion opportunity in the legacy version of Aspire.


Fixed an issue that prevented the Schedule of Values from appearing after winning a Fixed Price Open Billing opportunity.


Resolved an issue that caused erroneous error messages to appear when attempting to carry out actions in Auto Expense Reports.

Work Ticket

Fixed an issue that prevented Work Tickets from being completed.


Crew Mobile

Fixed an issue preventing services using the Service Name Abbreviation Override from appearing in the list of services under a Property within Crew Mobile.


Fixed an issue preventing the ability to log a new event.


Fixed an issue that caused a discrepancy to appear between the amount reflected in the Total Value on the overview screen of the Tax Entity Report and the values reflected on the details screen of the Tax Entity Report.



  • Resolved an issue that caused the SSO login screen to remain after a successful login, blocking the Aspire interface.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the navigation bar to disappear when a service in an Estimate is changed within an OpportunityTemplate.
  • Fixed an interface issue displayed on the Budget screen of the Administration menu.

Crew Mobile

Fixed an issue preventing services using a Service Name Abbreviation Override from appearing in the list of services under a Property within Crew Mobile.


Fixed an issue preventing the ability to complete an invoice batch.


Fixed an issue that enabled the ability to adjust the Quantity on Hand field on a closed End of Month report.


Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to Bulk schedule multiple work tickets at once.



  • Resolved an issue that improperly enabled the ability to see the Electronics Payment tab under the Configuration section when the functionality is not enabled at the system or branch level.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to update a contact when the Restrict Editing of Employees functionality is enabled in the Application subsection of the Configuration section of the Administration menu.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to retain changes to the Branch Manager field under the Branch subsection of the Administration menu.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to retain changes on the User details screen under the User Management section of the Administration menu.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an inaccurate value to display in the Original Budget field when the value for the month of April is updated when changing an annual budget in the Budget subsection of the Administration menu.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to remove a blank tax entity line item after choosing to Edit Tax Entity for a Tax Jurisdiction displayed on the search list screen of the Lists subsection in the Administration menu.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to save changes to modifications in the Manage Notifications subsection of the Administration menu.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the successful import of properties due to the character limit exceeding the standard within a field. Now, the import tool will only allow the permitted amount of characters and send out an error message when an import record is invalid.
  • Removed the ability to add spaces in the Customer Portal Domain field under the Customer Portal subsection of the Administration menu.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented uploaded images in an Opportunity from appearing in the size defaulted.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the listed size of an uploaded image from appearing as defaulted within the Insert Image modal of the Rich Text Editor.


Fixed an issue that caused an inaccurate reflection of the cost to appear when drilling into the expense of some item types on P&L and EOM Reports.


Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to schedule an Event in bulk to Work Tickets.



  • Resolved an issue that prevented a selected contact from populating in the Invoice Email From field under the Invoicing portion of a Branch. Instead, the default of Select One would appear instead.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented items from appearing in the item catalog when modifying a kit item.


Removed unnecessary fields from POST Contacts.

Crew Mobile

Resolved an issue that caused a checkbox field to populate as a custom field.


Resolved an issue that prevented purchase receipts from being received when the account is configured at the branch level.



  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to make and retain changes made to the Assigned branch portion of Kit items from the Estimating section of the Administration menu.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented services associated with Kits that are not configured to be accessible by All Branches from appearing as a selectable service under an Estimate.
  • Corrected a punctuation error on the Application Configuration screen.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the item drop-down menu from populating under an Estimate Template when accessed from the Opportunity Templates subsection of the Administration menu.


Corrected a punctuation error on the Manage Routes screen.

Work Tickets

Resolved an issue that caused the Crew Leader field to appear blank on Work Tickets and Audit Reports after the ticket is approved or completed.



  • Fixed a user interface issue that prevented users from assigning roles to share an advanced search list within the Activities module.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Category field under an Issue in the Activities module from displaying on a mobile device.
  • Fixed a timezone conflict preventing completed tasks from populating under the Last Activity field on a search list.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to open an items details page from the Items Catalog subsection in the Estimating section of the Administration menu.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error message to populate when attempting to carry out a Bulk Edit in the Item Catalog subsection of the Estimating section of the Administration menu.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to add labor items from the item catalog to a General Conditions Template.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the ability to retain Bulk Edit changes to all selected items from the Item Catalog subsection of the Estimating section of the Administration menu.
  • Resolved an issue preventing the ability to move inventory items to a different inventory location.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Quickbooks login from functioning properly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused duplicate optional services to appear under a new estimate that was copied from an existing contract.
  • Fixed an issue on the Item Catalog search list screen that prevented kits from properly reflecting updates of items within the kits.

Crew Mobile

  • Resolved an issue that caused an erroneous date to appear to customers within a SMS transaction message when the trigger type is Completed from Crew Mobile.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented custom forms from appearing accurately in the Crew Mobile app.


  • Fixed an issue that caused an inaccurate display of the sort order number to appear next to fields when creating an advanced search on the Opportunity Work Ticket search list under an Opportunity.
  • Fixed an issue that caused resized images to appear blurry when attached to the Proposal Description 1 portion of the Opportunity details screen.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the Ext. Price from displaying correctly in a Work Order Opportunity created from a New Optional service.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented items within change orders from appearing on printed proposals.


  • Fixed an issue that caused inaccurate values to appear under the visiting hours for recurring services.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to add materials to a Time Entry when expected.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the location shown when clicking the geolocation pin icon at clock-out to reflect the same location from clock-in on the Time Entry screen of the Scheduling module.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Work Tickets from being completed when the Work Ticket were not assigned to a Crew or Route Leader.

Work Tickets

Fixed an issue that caused the incorrect quantity value to appear for items listed under Inventory Allocations on the Work Tickets details screen.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented Opportunities with a past end date from populating in the Regarding field on the Payments tab within the Invoicing module.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a negative tax calculation to appear on the final invoice for Fixed Price Open Billing with T&M Per Service work opportunities.


  • Fixed an issue that led to the creation of duplicate Purchase Receipts after clicking Save.
  • Fixed an issue that inaccurately permitted the ability to unreceive a purchase receipt from a month that has been closed for accounting.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented date updates from being retained and reflected in the Inventory Allocation History.



  • Resolved an issue that caused the Electronic Signature Link Token to appear missing from the listed tokens under the Email Body portion of the Electronic Signature subsection of the Configuration section of the Administration menu.
  • Fixed an issue that enabled the ability to retain format changes when using a rich text editor.
  • Resolved an issue that caused duplicate entries of the same workflow to appear under the Workflow subsection of the Estimating section of the Administration menu.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the ability to delete Workflow Steps under the Workflow subsection of the Estimating section of the Administration menu.
  • Resolved an issue that permitted the addition of items that have not been elected as an Inventory Item in the Estimating section of the Administration menu.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented saving changes to the Display Order of Divisions.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to save changes to the Service Catalog subsection under the Estimating section of the Administration menu.


Resolved an issue that prevented the Employee Number within the Contacts search list from being sorted in alphanumeric descending order.


  • Resolved an issue that prevented a selected Token from reflecting properly in an emailed invoice.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the deletion of invoice notes.


  • Resolved an issue that prevented a list of Properties from automatically displaying under the Copy to Property option within the CopyOpportunity modal on the Opportunities Details page.
  • Resolved an issue that caused an inaccurate value to display under the Cash Flow portion of the Job Dashboard.
  • Fixed an issue that caused actual-sized images saved in Proposal Descriptions within an Opportunity to appear distorted.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented G+ H Planting Kits from populating in the item dropdown of an Estimate when the beginning of the term is entered within the drop-down box.
  • Fixed an issue that enabled the ability to add a change order that accounts for more than the estimated items.
  • Fixed an issue that caused numeric values on the Job Dashboard to appear inaccurately. For example, a currency value would reflect as a count value.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the overtime labor cost to be incorrectly included in the labor cost breakdown located on the Job Dashboard.


  • Resolved an issue that prevented the Billing Contact listed under a Property from being updated.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented a newly chosen feedback rating from being properly saved within a Site Audit that is accessed from a mobile device.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Catalog Items assigned to a new auto expense from appearing in the Auto Expense portion on the Companies detail screen of a Property.


  • Resolved an issue that caused a 404 error message to populate when navigating to the Allocations tab of the Purchasing module.
  • Resolved an issue that permitted the ability to select the job inventory checkbox option for the purchase receipt of Complete or Canceled Work Tickets when this option should be disabled.


Fixed an issue that prevented the Profit and Loss Report search list from displaying when the report filter fields are updated from Division to Branch.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from being redirected to the Routes Search List screen after saving a newly created Route.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an inaccurate display of geolocation pins to appear when Time Entry details are updated. The geolocation pins were not positioned to reflect an address change.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the Work Ticket search list within the Scheduling module to refresh at a position at the top of the list instead of at the position that marks the position of the Work Ticket before it was placed on the Schedule Board.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Schedule Board from being fully visible when accessed from an iPad.

Work Tickets

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the deletion of recurring scheduled visits.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Earned Revenue from being removed from Work Tickets that have been uncompleted.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented updates to the Crew Leader field from being retained when Work Tickets are completed.



  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Advanced Search Formulas search list from populating in the Application section of the Administration menu.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented changes to Kits within the Item Catalog under the Estimating section of the Administration menu from being saved.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an issue when syncing data from SiteOne to Aspire.


Fixed an issue that prevented the time to display in a 12-hour format in the Appointments modal of the Calendar module.


Fixed an issue that caused unnecessary characters to appear in the confirmation dialog box on the Contacts details screen.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the correct values from being returned when filtering a search in the Items Catalog.
  • Fixed an issue that permitted more than 20 characters to be entered and saved in the Service Abbreviation Override field on the Service Details screen of an Estimate.

Work Ticket

Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect date to reflect in the Last Allocation Date field in the Inventory Allocation dialog box under a Work Ticket.


Fixed an issue that caused the inaccurate creation of multiple Fixed Price Open Billing invoices.


Fixed an issue that prevented the Quantity on Hand value listed on Allocations in the Inventory tab of the Purchasing module from being reset to a value of 0.


  • Fixed an issue that caused an excessive display of decimal points in the total values for Warranty and Drive values on the Operations Scorecard Report.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error to populate when using Service as a field used to filter Work Ticket Audit reports.


Fixed an issue that caused an inaccurate timestamp to reflect in the Approved Date column of the Equipment Search list screen.


Fixed an issue that caused GET OpportunityServices to return a numerical Change AsNeeded value instead of a boolean value.


  • Fixed an issue that permitted users to save Issues under Activities without filling out the required Due Date field.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the partial outline for the drop-down Action menu to appear under the Issue section of the Activities module.



  • Fixed an issue that caused the import of contacts and properties to fail. Now, there are added required fields to ensure that contacts and properties can be adequately imported when they contain valid information.
  • Fixed an issue in the Item Catalog section of the Administration menu in which the order of units for kits is not retained or appears in the incorrect order when the Invert option is selected.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an erroneous error message to populate when attempting to create a New Catalog Price in the Lists subsection of the Administration menu.

Dashboard & Quick Menu

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Save button to become unresponsive when attempting to calculate tax within a credit memo that is initiated from the Quick Menu.
  • In Legacy, fixed an issue that caused the "Invalid invoice number" error message to populate in the Select PaymentAccount modal when the Add Payment option is selected from the Quick Menu even when the invoice number is valid.


  • Fixed an issue that inaccurately permitted the dragging of items from an old service to a change order under a contract. This caused discrepancies to appear on the change order. Now, when this action is attempted, an error message stating "To change the service, please put it into change order mode" will appear.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an inaccurate number to display for the total number of recurring work tickets on the Work Tickets details screen.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a value of more than $0.00 to appear in the Sales Pivot Report for the Actual Dollars amount of an Opportunity that is in bidding status.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Item Name in the Catalog Item Search modal to partially disappear from view.


Fixed an issue that caused information that does not correlate with selected filters to reflect on Earned Revenue of Profit and Loss reports when filtered by Division.


Fixed an issue that caused discrepancies to reflect in the total allocation amount of a partially received purchase receipt because Save can be selected multiple times instead of once on the Recieve Partial screen before the screen disappears.


Fixed an issue that caused the bottom of the screen to appear cut off when in the process of creating a New Reading from the Services Due tab. As a result of this issue, the options to Cancel or Save could not be seen in the Service Log modal.


Dashboard & Quick Menu

  • Fixed an issue that prevented customized dials from loading.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a duplicate image to appear when attaching a file to a task that already contains an uploaded image.


Fixed an issue that caused the top of the calendar to appear cut off.


Fixed an issue that permitted the change of a property tax jurisdiction from the bulk action menu for properties with unpaid invoices. Now, if the tax jurisdiction bulk action is selected for properties with an open balance the tax jurisdiction will not be changed.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to select a Work Ticket from the drop-down when the Separate Work Ticket check box is selected and then cleared when creating an estimate for an added change order.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented multiple attachments from being saved to an opportunity.
  • Fixed an issue that caused invoice types on service in an estimate that is not specified to be inaccurately reflected as Fixed Price Open Billing or Fixed Price on Payment Schedule. The invoice type should reflect the invoice type of the Opportunity.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented Work Ticket notes from being saved when blank days are inserted on the Schedule Board.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the OT Paycode Exception message to display even when the Exclude from OT option is enabled under the vacation pay code settings.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the schedule list to refresh back to the first page when an item from the schedule list on a page other than the first is added to the Schedule Board.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented an error message from properly displaying when overlapping time is submitted for a crew member.

Work Tickets

  • Fixed an issue that permitted Work Tickets to be uncompleted even when they are completed for a closed month when the Uncomplete option is selected from the Bulk Action menu.
  • In legacy, fixed an issue that prevented pasting information into the Service Notes field of a Work Ticket.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the total number of Work Tickets to appear inaccurately on the Work Ticket details screen.


  • Fixed an issue that caused an extra day to be included when using the week filter for the Operations Scorecard Report.
  • In legacy, fixed an issue that prevented the drop-down under the branch filter from appearing in the Profit and Loss Ticket Report.
  • In legacy, fixed an issue that cause work tickets for inaccessible branches to appear under the Profit and Loss Tickets Report.


Fixed an issue that caused allocated materials that have not been received to appear on a purchase receipt as an unknown allocation which would then duplicate cost.


  • Fixed an issue that permitted invoices to be generated for an open billing invoice without a complete billing address. Now, there is an address required button that will populate when creating a new invoice.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented emails that contained an added invoice line item and attached proposal from being sent to recipients.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the total of Batched Invoiced from being displayed once the batched was completed.
  • Updated electronic payment subscription messages.
  • Fixed an issue that caused customers designated to receive an email for a completed invoice batch to not receive the email.

Crew Mobile

Fixed an issue that prevented issues without a subject created in Crew Mobile from being saved on a desktop computer when the subject is provided.


Fixed an issue where the GET Opportunities endpoint inconsistently returned either the Aspire Order Number or the Master Opportunity Number for Change Orders when only the Master Opportunity Number should be returned.



  • Fixed an issue that prevented the importing of contacts and properties.
  • Fixed an issue that caused saved signatures under User Settings to disappear within 24 hours.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented images from containing hyperlinks in the Email Signature rich text editor under User Settings.

Dashboard & Quick Menu

  • Fixed an issue preventing the option to delete attachments under Activities.
  • Fixed an issue that caused ACH payments to decline as a result of being recognized as credit card payments.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to scroll to the bottom of the Dashboard Element modal due to aspect ratio. This issue disabled the ability to view the Cancel and Save buttons at the bottom of the modal.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Tasks created within Aspire from being moved to the Aspire calendar.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented assigning the Bulk Action: Tax Jurisdiction to some properties.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed an already existing email address to be added under more than one contact when assigning an email address to email an invoice under a Property contact.


  • Fixed an issue that caused an error message to appear and block the option to delete a service under an opportunity.
  • Fixed the color of the error message that appears when an estimate is not approved for a T&M work order from green to red in the legacy environment.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the PO number from an Opportunity from being copied over to an invoice when a change order is added.
  • Fixed an issue preventing selected proposal layouts from being correctly attached to an emailed invoice.
  • Fixed an issue causing actual hours for service under a parent opportunity to reflect inaccurately.
  • Fixed an issue where an Item Name was not being carried over to spreadsheets when imported from an Estimate.
  • Fixed an issue that inaccurately reflected a green Per Price field even when there were no prices listed within the Estimate.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented some users from setting visiting hours within a cell on the schedule board for recurring visits unless the View Schedule option was checked when saving.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Open Time Entry option from being accessed when right-clicking on a cell in the Schedule Board. In lieu of the drop-down menu appears, an empty cell would appear instead.

Work Tickets

Fixed an issue where Work Ticket Hours were not properly reflecting percentages based on the Default Occurrence Schedule.


  • Fixed an issue causing the return of inaccurate values to appear after the date range is changed under the Labor tab of End of Month Reports.
  • Fixed an issue that led to the Profit and Loss Monthly Report lagging after the report was initially saved to Favorites.
  • Fixed an issue in the Tax Entity Report that reflected a slight variance due to rounding between the Tax Entity tax total amount and the Tax Collect amount.
  • Fixed an issue causing an error message to appear when Audit Reports are filtered by the Modified By field.
  • Fixed an issue causing a discrepancy in the in over/under value at the End of Month Report.


Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to add notes to a Payment that has been created and saved.


  • Fixed an issue that caused files inserted into the rich text editor (RTE) in the Purchase Receipts section of the Purchasing module to appear as a broken file.
  • Fixed an error message that populates under the Purchase Receipt tab to reflect the item name when the value placed in the Quantity field is incongruent with the allocated inventory.


Fixed an issue that caused geofence IDs to populate for inactive properties within FleetSharp.

Crew Mobile

Fixed an issue causing photos attached to one opportunity under a property to appear under all of the opportunities for the same property when Show Crew is enabled.

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