6.17.0 - System Security Enhancements
  • 14 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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6.17.0 - System Security Enhancements

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6.17.0 - System Security Enhancements

What’s new?

Experience boosted security with the improvements made to comply with the Google Cloud Application Security Assessment. The following functionality fortifies your cyber safety while using Aspire by taking measures to prevent unauthorized access to your account : 

  • Session timeout
  • Session Termination 

Session timeout 

To protect against misuse of your account, the idle timeout period has been adjusted from 60 to 30 minutes. If you are away from your keyboard and mouse for more than 30 minutes, you will automatically be logged out and redirected back to the login screen. 

Session termination 

 Close active sessions with the Aspire application from the User Settings screen or after updating a password or PIN

Admin: Closing logged-in sessions 

If you have a System or Branch admin permission, you can close all logged-in sessions for a user with more than one active session. After updating the PIN or password, Terminate User Sessions dialog box appears, showing all the open sessions for the user. You can choose to terminate by selecting Terminate All Sessions or select Close if you do not want to terminate the active sessions for the user.  

After terminating all sessions, a confirmation message appears. Select Close to acknowledge the action and be directed back to the user settings screen

User: Closing all or selected logged-in sessions

You can close out all or some of your logged-in sessions without admin permission under your user role by selecting User Sessions from the More Actions menu on the User Settings screen or upon updating your password or PIN on the User Settings screen. 

 The User Sessions dialog box displays your active sessions, allowing you to view and terminate sessions. You can select Terminate next to the session you want to close or terminate or close all sessions by selecting Terminate All Sessions. Your current session will always be at the top of the list and cannot be closed. 

Keep in Mind: 

  • The Device section of the dialog outlines the name of your device and the name of the browser on which the session has taken place.  
  • The Last Activity displays the more recent activity for each session in minutes and hours. 
  • Unless you are a system admin changing the password or PIN for a user, you can only terminate sessions for your account. 

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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