6.18.0 CRM Enhancements
  • 14 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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6.18.0 CRM Enhancements

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6.18.0 CRM Enhancements  


  • 💭 When you need to print or email an estimate, you can do so from the Estimate screen instead of returning to the Opportunity details page. When the opportunity status is still bidding, a DRAFT watermark will still appear to indicate that the estimate is incomplete. 


  • Opportunity Details have been added to the Required Fields section of the Administration menu so you can choose when to make specific fields required before changes or new opportunities can be saved to an Opportunity

  • 💭 As an admin, you will see both fields required by system default and fields you can optionally make needed on this screen. Currently, the Sales Type field is the only field you can require apart from what is required by default. 

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