API Release Notes
  • 19 Feb 2025
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API Release Notes

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Resumen del artículo

 Review Recent API updates. 

6.23.0 - 2/12/2025

The following updates have been made to the Aspire External REST API to support barcode integration for material selection and enhance item management:

  • The following additional fields are now available in theGET /CatalogItems endpoint:
    • MaterialBarcode1: Primary barcode value for the catalog item.
    • MaterialBarcode2: Secondary barcode value for the catalog item.
  • The POST /CatalogItems endpoint now supports adding catalog items with the following fields:
    • MaterialBarcode1
    • MaterialBarcode2
  • The PUT /CatalogItemsendpoint now supports updating catalog items with the following fields:
    • MaterialBarcode1
    • MaterialBarcode2
Barcodes must be unique when creating new catalog items.

6.20.0 - 7/24/2024

  • The following endpoints have been added to the Aspire External REST API to provide you with the ability to create As Needed Work Tickets via the API so that you can facilitate business processes, particularly relating to large snow events: 
    • POST AsNeededWorkTickets
    • POST WorkTicketStatus/MarkTicketAsReviewed

6.19.0 - 5/16/2024

  • The following additional endpoints have been added: 
    • GET OpportunityServiceGroups
    • GET OpportunityServiceKitItems

6.18.0 - 3/14/2024

  • The following additional fields are returned from the GET Addresses endpoint
    • CreatedByUserNameUsername of the contact who created the address entry. 
    • LastModifiedByUserName: Username of the contact who made the last update. 
  • The following additional fields are returned for the GET Contacts endpoint: 
    • LastModifiedByUserID: Contains the unique identifier of the user who made the last modification.
    • LastModifiedByUserName: Contains the username of the user who made the last modification. 
  • The GET Version/GETAPiVersion endpoint is now available by default. As an Admin, when selecting endpoints to provision with a set of credentials, this endpoint (as with POST Authorization and POST RefreshToken) will be grayed out since they are selected by default.
  • Access to the Aspire External REST API Guide is now also available from the Swagger UI by clicking the API Documentation link.  

6.17.0 - 12/14/2023

💭The following endpoints have been added to the Aspire External REST API to provide you with the ability to update the following records so that you have more flexibility when integrating with accounting systems: 

  • PUT Localities: update locality records. 
  • PUT TaxEntities: update tax entities. 
  • PUT TaxJurisdictionsupdate tax jurisdictions.  

💭The following endpoints have been added to the Aspire External REST API to provide you with the ability to add the following records so that you have more flexibility when integrating with accounting systems: 

  • POST Localities: update locality records. 
  • POST TaxEntities: update tax entities. 
  • POST TaxJurisdictionsupdate tax jurisdictions.  

💭 A PUT Users endpoint has been added to Aspire External REST API so that you can change a user record. 

 6.16.0 - 10/12/2023

  • Endpoint Level Security - customize authorization by granting or revoking access to endpoints using new or existing API credentials. You will only see the endpoints you can access in the Aspire External API reference. Enable or disable API credentials to control access to the associated granted endpoints using the Active toggle at the top of the screen. You can not regenerate a secret when your credential set is inactive.  You can go to this feature in Aspire by taking these steps:
  1. Go to Administration > Application. 
  2. Select API.
  3. Select an existing or create a new Client ID/Secret.
  4. Activate or deactivate credential access using the Active toggle.
  5. Choose the endpoints to which you want to grant access under the Scope section of the page.
  6. Save changes.  

  •  POST PartialPayments endpoint has been added to the REST API reference and replicates the behavior of the SOAP Payments endpoint. The SOAP payments endpoint remains intact unchanged. 
  • The following fields are now returned for the GET Receipts endpoint response:
    • LastModifiedDateTimeprovides the date and time of the last modification made to a receipt.
    • LastModifiedByUserID: contains the unique identifier of the user who made the last modification.
    • LastModifiedByUserNamecontains the name of the user who made the last modification.
  • The following fields are now returned for the GET WorkTicketTimes endpoint:
    • LastModifiedDateTimeprovides the date and time of the last modification made to a work ticket time entry.
    • LastModifiedByUserIDcontains the unique identifier of the user who made the last modification.
    • LastModifiedByUserNamecontains the name of the user who made the last modification.

💭- denotes new and improved functionality implemented in response to client portal feedback.

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