Application - Budget
  • 14 Jul 2022
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • PDF

Application - Budget

  • PDF

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Resumen del artículo

Budget Search List Screen

Create, manage, and search through annual budgets from the budget search list screen. From this screen, you are able to set up annual budgets and track financial progression throughout the year by using key performance indicators and a rolling budget report. Only one budget can be set up per fiscal year, You must have the Edit Budget permission assigned to manage budgets in Aspire.


Notable Information
Navigate to the Budgets Search List Screen by going to Application and selecting Budgets.
image.pngPreviously, Budgets could be found under the Estimating menu as Manage Budgets
Export to PDF can be accessed by first navigating to Print Screen from the More menu and then scrolling to Save as PDF from the Destination field and clicking Save.
1. Search for the existing budget. 
2. Advanced Search functions (filter, display, sort, and group information) are now located on the same screen.
3. Bulk Actions enable you to delete more than one budget simultaneously. image.png
4. Add a New budget.
5. The following options can be accessed under the More menu: Save As My Default, Reset Advanced Search, Print Screen, Export to Excel (Current View), Export to Excell (All View).

Budget Details Screen

Access the budget screen by clicking on an existing annual budget listed on the budget search list screen or by creating a new annual budget. From the budget screen, you are able to input values to define the annual fiscal budget. Budgets for different branches can be accessed from the budget screen. Click here for more information.


Notable Information
1. Designate the Branch information to view. image.png
2. Save modifications. 
3. The Total Direct Costs, Gross margin($), and Gross Margin(%) are read-only fields. The values that populate within the Gross Margin $ and % fields are calculated based on the earn revenue values at the top of the table and not the invoiced revenue. 

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