Aspire Search List Field Definitions (abridged)
  • 26 Jan 2024
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Aspire Search List Field Definitions (abridged)

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Within Aspire, Search Lists provide a mechanism for displaying data about various types of information. The following are a few of the many search lists available within Aspire: 

  • Contacts 
  • Opportunities 
  •  Invoices 
  • Properties 
  • Tickets 
  • Purchase Receipts 

Search lists allow you to create reports that fit your needs or locate specific data items pertinent to a task. This is a reference article that defines many of the key fields that are available in various lists throughout Aspire. Another article, Aspire Search Lists - Where to Find Them, shows how to navigate any list.

Accounts Receivable  

Account Manager 

Person at your company responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned on the Property screen.

Add Payment 

Icon allows the ability to enter a payment for an invoice.

Aging 1-30

Invoiced dollars aged from the payment terms set on a property (Terms of Net 30 would cause invoiced dollars to fall into this field 31 days after the invoice date)

Aging 31-60 

Invoiced dollars aged from the payment terms set on a property (Terms of Net 30 would cause invoiced dollars to fall into this field 61 days after the invoice date)

Aging 61-90

Invoiced dollars aged from the payment terms set on a property (Terms of Net 30 would cause invoiced dollars to fall into this field 91 days after the invoice date)

Aging 91+

Invoiced dollars aged from the payment terms set on a property (Terms of Net 30 would cause invoiced dollars to fall into this field 121 days after the invoice date)


The invoiced balance is due for the property and company/contact (the amount remaining minus current credits). It is the same as the Net Due field in the Accounts Receivable list.


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.


The portion of invoiced dollars that have not aged is based on property payment terms.

Net Due 

The invoiced balance is due for the property and company/contact (the amount remaining minus current credits). Same as the Balance field in the Accounts Receivable list

New Email 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of an email message.

On Account 

Credits available to be applied to the account

Past Due

The sum of all invoiced dollars aged beyond the current limit specified by payment terms.


Activity Category 

 You can set up Activity Categories in Administration under the Lists option. These categories then allow you to group activities based on your established categories. Some examples of Activity Categories might be: To Do, Complaint, Letter, Phone Call, etc. The field in the Activity list allows you to determine the activity category.

Activity Type 

Activity type can be any of the following: Appointment, Task, Issue, or Email.

Complete Date 

The date that the activity was completed.

Created By User Name 

Name of the Aspire system user who created the activity.

Due Date

For activities of Task or Issue, specify when the activity is due for completion.

End Date 

For Appointments, specify the date the appointment is scheduled to end.

Include Client

For activities of type Issue or Appointment, specify whether your primary contact for your client is to receive notification regarding the activity when it is created.

Audit Clock Time

Accepted By First Name 

First name of user who accepted (not approved) time entered by the employee.

Accepted By Last Name

Last name of the user who accepted (not approved) time entered by the employee.

Accepted Date Time 

Date and time at which the time was accepted (not approved) on the time-entry screen.

Audit Action 

Field reflects one of two audit statuses: Insert (original clock time) Update (Adjusted Clock time)

Audit Date Time 

Log associated with the clock time entry

Break Time 

Number of hours spent on lunch break

Clock End 

Clock out time.

Clock Start 

Clock in time.

Clock Time ID

The system-generated number is associated with a clock time entry. 

Audit Time

Audit Action 

Field reflects one of two audit statuses: Insert (original time log) Update (Adjusted time log). 

Audit Date Time 

Time at which audit record was created. 


Branches represent separately run operations within your company. 

Created By

Person who created the original time entry.  

Created Time 

Date and time that the time entry was created. 

Last Modified By 

Person responsible for a time adjustment. 

Property Name 

Name of property at which work was completed. 

Work Date 

Date the time was entered on a visit. 

Bank Deposit 

Accounting Message 

A system-generated message explaining why a deposit record failed to sync with the accounting system. 

Branch Name 

Branch for which the deposit applies. Branches represent separately run operations within your company. 

Created By Contact Full Name 

Full name of user who created the deposit. 

Date Created 

Date that the user created the deposit. 

Date Sent To Accounting 

Date that the user sent the deposit to the accounting system 

Deposit Amount

Total amount of the bank deposit.

 Deposit Date 

Date of the bank deposit.

Deposit Status 

Deposit status is New when the deposit is initially created and changes to Sent once sent to the accounting system.

Payment Count 

Specifies the number of checks deposited.

Sent To Accounting Contact Full Name 

Full name of the user who sent the deposit to the accounting system.

Catalog Item 


Specifies whether the catalog item is Active and may thus be assigned to services for new Opportunities.

Allocation Unit Type

The unit measure allocated for a catalog item to a work ticket

Clock Time  

Accepted By First Name 

First name of user who accepted (not approved) time entered by the employee.

Accepted By Last Name 

Last name of user who accepted (not approved) time entered by the employee.

Accepted Date Time 

Date and time at which the time was accepted (not approved) on the time-entry screen.

Break Time 

Number of hours spent on lunch break.

Clock End 

Date and time at which the worker clocked out or was clocked out by office staff.

Clock In Feet Away

The Number of feet a worker is from the property center when they clock in.

Clock In-Range 

If the worker clocked in from their mobile device, this value specifies if they were outside the geo-perimeter for the property. Values can be Yes, No or Unknown. Geo perimeter is defined by a specified radius (in feet) from the map point defining the center of the property. A default radius is defined for your whole system but can be overridden for any property. If the clock-in time was specified in the office and not from a remote mobile device, then the value is set to Unknown.

Clock Out Feet Away 

The Number of feet a worker is from the property center when they clock out.

Clock In In-Range

If the worker clocked out from their mobile device, this value specifies if they were outside the geo-perimeter for the property. Values can be Yes, No, or Unknown. Geo perimeter is defined by a specified radius (in feet) from the map point defining the center of the property. A default radius is defined for your whole system but can be overridden for any property. If the clock-out time was specified in the office and not from a remote mobile device, then the value is set to Unknown.

Clock Start 

Date and time the worker clocked in or was clocked in by office staff.

Device Name 

A name is assigned to each device that accesses Aspire before the device is authorized. This field identifies the device by name on which the worker clocked into the system.

Employee First Name 

First name of the worker who clocked in and out.

Employee Last Name 

Last name of the worker who clocked in and out.

Employee Number 

Employee number of the worker who clocked in and out.



The contact is Active and may be selected in various places throughout Aspire to be associated with opportunities, properties, etc.

Branches Name 

Branches represent separately run operations within your company. 

Contact Employee 

Specifies whether or not the contact is an employee of your company.

New Appointment 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new appointment.

New Email 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of an email message.

New Issue 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new issue to be tracked.

New Task 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new task.

Contract Renewal

Account Owner 

The person at your company is responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned on the Property screen.

Branch Name 

Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Change in Price 

Difference between the existing contract and the renewal contract.

Client Budget 

A clickable icon that allows you to view the property's budget for services by division.

Contract Amount 

Estimated amount on the existing contract.

Contract End Date 

End date specified on the existing contract.

Contract Monthly Amount 

Amount paid per month by a customer for the existing contract.

Contract Renewal Date 

Renewal Date specified on the existing contract.

Contract Start Date 

Start Date specified on the existing contract.

Days Remaining 

Number of days until the end date of the existing opportunity.


Profit Center associated with the existing opportunity.

Gross Margin 

Difference between revenue and cost of goods sold divided by revenue for the existing contract, expressed as a percentage.


Industry associated with the property for the existing and renewal opportunities.

Job Report 

A clickable icon that allows you to view the Job Report allowing analysis of the existing job being renewed.

Job Status 

Job-status of the existing opportunity.

Lost Amount 

Estimated dollars associated with a lost renewal opportunity


Opportunity name for the existing opportunity.

Opportunity Number 

The number of the original opportunity that is being renewed.


Property associated with both the existing contract and the renewal contract. A renewal, by definition, is for the same property as the existing contract.

Proposed Amount 

Dollar value of the opportunity delivered to the client.

Renewal Amount 

Estimated amount on the renewal contract.

Renewal End Date 

The end date specified on the renewal contract.

Renewal Monthly Amount 

Amount paid per month by a customer for the renewal contract.

Renewal Opportunity 

Opportunity name for the renewal opportunity.

Renewal Opportunity Number 

Number of renewal opportunities.

Renewal Sales Rep 

Name of sales rep assigned to the renewal contract.

Renewal Start Date 

Start date specified on the renewal contract.

Renewal Status 

Opportunity status of the renewal. (New, Pending Approval, Bidding, Approved, Delivered) Opportunity status of the renewal. (New, Pending Approval, Bidding, Approved, Delivered)

Renewed Amount  

Amount of the renewal contract once it has been won. Up until that time, the Renewed Amount is zero.

Credit Memo


The dollar value of the credit


Activation Date 

The date on which the device was activated in Aspire.


Specifies whether the device is Active and may gain access to Aspire.


The field displays icons to approve or disapprove the device.

Deactivation Date 

The date on which a particular device will be automatically deactivated within Aspire.

Device Name 

The name of the device is specified when that user initiates the device registration from the device or the value is overridden by the office worker when the device is approved.

Device Type 

A free-form value entered by the system administrator to identify the type of device (e.g., iPhone, iPad, HP Notebook, Dell  Desktop, LG Android Phone, etc.)

Last Login 

The most recent date that the device was used to log into Aspire.


The information provided by the browser that most recently connected to Aspire from the device may sometimes be useful for troubleshooting.

Mobile Number

The mobile number recorded by the System Administrator for the device.



Specifies whether the employee is Active and may gain access to the Aspire system.

Inventory Adjustments

 Allocated Date

 The date the item was allocated to a work ticket

Branch Name 

Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Inventory Allocation 

Allocate Item 

The material, subcontractor, equipment, or other item allocated from the catalog or purchased on a purchase receipt. 

Item Name 

Material, Subcontractor, Labor, Equipment, or Other Catalog name. 

Last Allocated Date 

The day the item was last purchased into inventory or released to a job ticket. 

Last Purchased Date 

The day the item was last purchased into inventory. 


Number of the items in inventory. 

Quantity on Hand 

The field was filled in from a physical inventory count. 

Total Cost 

Item Quantity Unit Cost. 

Unit Cost 

Cost of the item as stated in the catalog. 


Specifies whether the inventory location is active and may be selected when assigning a purchased item to inventory.

Branch Name

Branches represent separately run operations within your company.


Account Manager 

A person at your company responsible for all actions on a specific Property. This person is assigned on the  Property screen.


Dollar value - either plus or minus - of the actual invoiced amount.

Aging Days 

The number of days past the invoice date.


Dollar Value of the Invoice.

Amount Remaining 

Balance due on an Invoice.

Billing Contact 

Name of the billing contact for the invoice.


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Formatted Invoice # 

Invoice number with additional formatting for display to a  customer. Additional formatting might include a prefix before the invoice number to identify the branch.

Invoice Batch Status 

This field provides the status of the invoice batch with which the invoice is associated. The value can be either Draft or Sent.

Invoice Date 

Date of the invoice.

Invoice Number 

Invoice number - not to be confused with "Formatted Invoice  Number".

Net $

Revenue excluding tax

Invoice Adjustments

Account Manager 

The person at your company is responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned on the  Property screen.

Adjustment Amount 

Dollar value either plus or minus the actual invoiced  amount


Dollar Value of the Invoice Adjustment.

Amount Remaining 

Balance due on an Invoice after subtracting the adjustment.


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Formatted Invoice # 

Invoice number with additional formatting for display to a  customer. Additional formatting might include a prefix before the invoice number to identify the branch.

Invoice Date

Date of the invoice.

Invoice Number

Invoice number - not to be confused with "Formatted Invoice  Number".

Invoice Batch (Details)


Dollar value of the Invoice. 

Invoice Date 

Date of the invoice.

Invoice Number 

Invoice number - not to be confused with "Formatted Invoice  Number".

Invoice Type 

Type of invoice set up for the associated opportunity (One of the following: Contract Fixed Price, Contract Per Service,  Contract T&M, Contract Optional, Work Order Fixed Price on  Completion, Work Order Fixed Price on Payment Schedule,  Work Order Fixed Price Open Billing, Work Order T&M on  Completion). 

Invoice Batch (Search)


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Invoice Jurisdiction 

Account Manager 

The person at your company is responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned on the  Property screen.


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Invoice Date 

Date of the invoice.

Invoice Number

Invoice number - not to be confused with "Formatted Invoice  Number".

Invoice Payments


The name of the person or entity paying the invoice. (The Field name needs to change from Payee to Payer.)

Payment Amount

Amount of the invoice payment received.

Payment Date

Date of the invoice payment received.

Payment Type

Method of payment (check, cash, credit card, credit memo, or  EFT)

Reference Number

Reference number for the payment - commonly a check number.

Invoice Revenue

Account Manager 

The person at your company is responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned to the Property screen.


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Invoice Date 

Date of the invoice.

Invoice Number

Invoice number - not to be confused with "Formatted Invoice  Number".

Invoicing Assistant

 Account Manager 

The person at your company is responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned on the Property screen.

Branch Name 

Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Invoice Amount 

Amount invoiced.

Invoice Type

Type of invoice set up for the associated opportunity (One of the following: Contract Fixed Price, Contract Per Service,  Contract T&M, Contract Optional, Work Order Fixed Price on  Completion, Work Order Fixed Price on Payment Schedule,  Work Order Fixed Price Open Billing, Work Order T&M on  Completion).


Account Owner 

The person at your company is responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned on the  Property screen.

Act Cost 

The total of all the costs applied to an opportunity during production. 

Act Gross Margin $ 

The margin dollars are calculated by Actual Costs - Actual Earned  Revenue. 

Act Gross Margin % 

The margin percentage is calculated by 1 - Actual cost/Actual  Earned Revenue. 

Act Labor Hours 

The actual hours worked on an Opportunity. 

Actual Labor Cost 

The labor hours worked times the hourly cost of the employees that worked on that opportunity. 

Actual Material Cost 

The cost of the materials allocated to an opportunity. 

Actual Sub Cost 

The cost of the subcontractors allocated to an opportunity. 

Antic. Close Date 

The date your sales team expects or expects to reach an agreement with your prospect to perform work.

Approved Date 

The date the estimate was approved for submission to your company’s prospective customer.

Branch Name 

Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Earned Revenue 

The total revenue earned to date for the opportunity is based on hours completed and materials installed compared to estimated revenue.

End Date 

Day selected for the last day of the contract opportunity.

Estimated $ 

Estimated revenue for the opportunity.

Estimated Break  Even $

Estimated revenue for the opportunity, at which point revenue equals cost.

Estimated Cost $ 

Estimated cost for the opportunity.

Estimated Gross  Margin $

Estimated dollar difference between revenue and cost for the opportunity.

Estimated Gross  Margin %

Estimated difference between revenue and cost divided by revenue for the opportunity expressed as a percentage.

Estimated Labor Cost 

Estimated cost of labor for the opportunity.

Estimated Labor Cost  Per Hour

Estimated labor cost per hour for the opportunity.

Estimated Labor  Hours

Estimated labor hours for the opportunity.

Estimated Material Cost

Estimated cost of materials for the opportunity.

Estimated Net Profit  $

Estimated profit for the opportunity considers costs not directly related to the job.

Estimated Net Profit  %

Estimated profit for the opportunity taking into account costs not directly related to the job and divided by revenue expressed as a percentage.

Estimated Overhead  $

The estimated overhead associated with the job is based primarily on markup percentages specified in the Price Settings screen under Administration.

Estimated Realize  Rate

Dollars earned (realized) per hour for the opportunity based  on the following formula: ([TotalRevenue] - 

(([MaterialCostEst] + [EquipmentCostEst] + [SubCostEst] +  [OtherCostEst] + [MaterialMarkupEst] +  

[EquipmentMarkupEst] + [SubMarkupEst] +  

[OtherMarkupEst]) / (1 - Net ProfitPercent]))) /  


Estimated Sub Cost 

Estimated subcontractor cost.

Industry Name 

Industry associated with the property for the opportunity.  Aspire allows you to define available Industries in the lists found under Administration. 

Initial Estimated $ 

Not used in Aspire.

Invoice Type 

Type of invoice set up for the opportunity (One of the  following: Contract Fixed Price, Contract Per Service, Contract  T&M, Contract Optional, Work Order Fixed Price on  Completion, Work Order Fixed Price on Payment Schedule,  Work Order Fixed Price Open Billing, Work Order T&M on  Completion)

Invoiced Revenue 

Total Invoiced revenue on an opportunity at the time of viewing the list.

Job Status 

The status of a job for an opportunity that has been won. Valid statuses are In Process, Complete, Canceled, and Changed.  These values can be customized for your system in the Job  Status list under Administration.

Last Activity 

The last email, task, issue, or appointment assigned to that opportunity. 

Master Opportunity  Name

A master opportunity is the first opportunity in a series of renewals. If the opportunity displayed is a renewal, this field provides the name of the master opportunity.

Master Opportunity  Number

A master opportunity is the first opportunity in a series of renewals. This field provides the opportunity number of the master opportunity if the opportunity displayed is a renewal.

Master Opportunity  Start

A master opportunity is the first opportunity in a series of renewals. If the opportunity displayed is a renewal, this field provides the master opportunity start date.

New Appointment 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new appointment.

New Email

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of an email message.

New Issue 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new issue to be tracked.

New Task

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new task.

Opportunity Stage  Sort

Opportunity Stages are established to define the stages of an opportunity in the following order: Pre Bid, Estimate,  Propose, Won, Lost. These stages can be assigned to  Opportunity statuses in the Administration Lists screen on the Opportunity Status list. This assignment allows Aspire to determine an opportunity's stage based on its status.  This field allows you to sort the Opportunity list by  Opportunity Stage.

Opportunity Status Sort

The sort order of Opportunity Statuses is established on the  Administration Lists screen on the Opportunity Status list.  The Opportunity Status Sort field allows you to sort the  Opportunity list by Opportunity Stage.

Percent Complete 

The percent completion status of a job is derived from the actual versus estimated cost. 


The chance a salesperson guestimates that he can sell that project. 

Projected $ 

This field is computed based on estimated dollars for Won opportunities. Opportunities that have not yet been won are based on the opportunity win probability multiplied by the estimated dollars.

Property  State/Province Code

Two-digit code of the state or province of the property with which the opportunity is associated.

Property  State/Province Name

Full name of the state or province of the property with which the opportunity is associated.

Renewal Date 

The projected date that a contract should be considered for renewal.

Revision Number 

The system assigned a number for a revision on a work order opportunity.

Stage Name 

1 of 5 stages of an opportunity - pre-bid, estimate, proposed,  won, lost.

Status Name 

One of eight statuses available for an opportunity - new,  bidding, pending approval, approved, denied, delivered, won,  lost.

Won Date

The date that the opportunity was won.

Opportunity Service Report

 Account Owner 

The person at your company is responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned on the  Property screen.

Branch Name 

Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Industry Name 

Industry associated with the property for the opportunity.  Aspire allows you to define available Industries in the lists found under Administration.

Invoice Type 

Type of invoice set up for the associated opportunity (One of  the following: Contract Fixed Price, Contract Per Service,  Contract T&M, Contract Optional, Work Order Fixed Price on  Completion, Work Order Fixed Price on Payment Schedule,  Work Order Fixed Price Open Billing, Work Order T&M on  Completion)

Opportunity Status  Sort

The sort order of Opportunity Statuses is established on the  Administration Lists screen on the Opportunity Status list.  The Opportunity Status Sort field allows you to sort the  Opportunity list by Opportunity Stage.


The value per occurrence of a service. 

Service Lookup 

A free-form way to look up services. 

Service Name

The service name as defined in the service catalog


Branch Name 

Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Company Name 

Payments can be made by companies or by individual contacts. If a company made the payment, this field identifies the company name.

Contact Full Name 

Companies or individual contacts can make payments. If a contact made the payment, this field identifies the contact's full name.

Credit Memo # 

This field contains the Aspire-generated credit memo number if the payment represents a credit memo.

Deposit Status 

When the payment is first created, its status is set to New.  When the payment has been exported to the accounting system, the status is changed to Sent - that is, sent to the accounting system.

Payment Allocated  Amount

Aspire allows you to allocate payments to one or more specific opportunities. This field indicates how much of the payment has been allocated.

Payment Amount 

Amount of the invoice payment received.

Payment Category 

Aspire allows you to establish Payment Categories in the lists found under Administration. Each payment can be assigned to a category that you have defined. This field contains the category you have selected for the payment.

Payment Date 

Date of the invoice payment received.

Payment Note 

Displays the payment note established by the creator of the payment.

Payment Reference 

Payment reference string or number - typically used to identify the payment for the payer, i.e., the check number of the payment check. 

Payment Remaining  Amount

Amount of payment that has not been applied to an invoice.

Payment Type

Method of payment (check, cash, credit card, credit memo, or  EFT)

Payment Jurisdiction

 Branch Name 

Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Invoice Date 

Date of the invoice.

Invoice Number

Invoice number - not to be confused with "Formatted Invoice  Number".


Account Owner Name

The person at your company responsible for all actions on a specific Property is assigned on the  Property Edit screen.


Specifies whether the property is active and may be assigned to an opportunity.

Branch Name 

Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Company Name 

Name of the company responsible for the property.

Industry Name 

Industry associated with the property for the opportunity.  Aspire allows you to define available Industries in the lists found under Administration. 

New Appointment 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new appointment.

New Email 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of an email message.

New Issue 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new issue to be tracked.

New Task 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new task.

Paperless Invoices  (Email)

A checkbox tells the system that invoices should not be printed by default. When printing from batch, you can include or exclude paperless.

Property  State/Province Code

Two-digit code of the state or province of the property.

Property  State/Province Name

Full name of the state or province of the property.

QA Date 

The date of the last completed quality audit. 

QA Score

The rating of the last completed quality audit. 

Sequence Number 

A field used to sequence properties used for scheduling tickets. 


A company-defined list of stages that properties are in, i.e., customer, prospect, past customer

 Property Client Budget

 Include in Client  Budget

A checkbox on an opportunity - shown in a list

Stage Name 

1 of 5 stages of an opportunity - pre-bid, estimate, proposed,  won, lost

Status Name

One of eight statuses available for an opportunity - new,  bidding, pending approval, approved, denied, delivered, won,  lost

Purchasing Assistant 

Account Owner 

The person at your company is responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned on the  Property screen.

Branch Name 

Branches represent separately run operations within your company.


Profit center of the company

Estimated Item  Quantity

Number of individual items estimated to be used on a work  ticket

Estimated Item Unit Cost

The dollar value of the item is typically based on the catalog  Purchase Unit Price


Location where items are held in stock at the company

Item Code 

An ID assigned to an item based on a vendor’s item  number

Item Name 

Catalog Item Name

Item Quantity  Allocated

Quantity of an item purchased or applied from inventory to a  work ticket

Item Quantity  Remaining

Estimated Quantity - Allocated Quantity

Item Type 

One of four purchase categories assigned to a catalog item:  Material, Sub(contractor), Equipment or Other


The occurrence number of the work ticket for which the purchase is being recommended in the Purchasing Assistant.

Opportunity Name 

Name of the sold opportunity associated with an item on a  work ticket

Opportunity Number 

Number of the sold opportunities associated with an item on a  work ticket

Property Name 

Name of the property associated with the sold opportunity

Quantity to Order 

The recommended quantity of an item to purchase based on  the estimated quantity

Sales Rep

The salesperson associated with the sold opportunity


The starting work date for the work ticket associated with the  item

Service Name 

The task name is associated with the work ticket. 


One of the three stages of a purchase receipt: New, Received,  Approved

Unit Type 

The size or unit of measure of an estimated item

Work Ticket #

System-assigned number used to identify the work ticket  associated with the estimated items


Approved Date 

Date on which the purchase receipt was approved.

Branch Name 

Branches represent separately run operations within your  company.

Created By 

Name of Aspire user who created the purchase receipt.

Created Date

The date on which the purchase receipt was created.

Extra Costs 

A portion of the total cost of the purchase is represented by tax and shipping.

Formatted Receipt # 

Purchase receipt number that includes prefix associated with the branch (if any) and additional suffix for back-ordered purchases.

Purchase Type 

The purchase type specifies the nature of the purchase. The possibilities supported are material, sub (subcontract work), equipment, or other.

Receipt # 

Purchase receipt number. Do not confuse this with the Formatted Receipt #, which includes a prefix associated with the branch (if any) and additional suffixes for back-ordered purchases.

Receipt Status Name 

Status that shows the current progression of the purchase receipt. Possible values are New, Approved, Received, and  Complete.

Receipt Total Cost 

Total cost of receipt, including tax and shipping.

Received Date 

Date that you recorded the purchase as having been received by your company.

Revision Number 

Additional purchase receipts are created from the original purchase receipt when items are back-ordered. Each backorder generates a new revision of the purchase receipt.  The revision number field differentiates between the various revisions. The field is in the form <branch> <receipt #>- <revision number>. The <revision number> segment is not displayed for the base purchase order - only for revisions.

Service Name 

If the purchase receipt is associated with a particular ticket,  this field specifies the name of the service upon which the ticket was based.

Sync Error 

When Aspire exports records to the accounting system, the accounting system may generate an error when trying to import the purchase receipts. This field shows the error message generated by the accounting system.

Vendor Invoice Date

The date on the vendor's invoice for the purchase.

Vendor Invoice  Number

Vendor's invoice number for a purchase.

Vendor Name 

Name of vendor from whom the purchase was made.

Work Ticket #

System assigned number used to identify the work ticket associated with the items on the purchase receipt.

Receipt Allocations


Specifies how the item was allocated. If it was allocated to inventory, specify the inventory location. If it was allocated to a ticket, provide the following information: Property  Name, Opportunity Name, Work Ticket Number.

Item Name 

Name of item that is back-ordered.

Item Quantity

The original quantity was ordered.

Item Type 

One of four purchase categories assigned to a catalog item:  Material, Sub(contractor), Equipment, or Other

Received Quantity 

The quantity actually received was due to backorder.

Receipt Backorders

Receipt Number 

Purchase receipt number. 

Receipt Status 

Status that shows the current progression of the purchase receipt. Possible values are New, Approved, Received, and  Complete.

Received Date 

Date that you recorded the purchase as having been received by your company.

Received User 

Name of Aspire user who marked the purchase receipt as having been received.

Vendor Invoice Date

The date on the vendor's invoice for the purchase.

Vendor Invoice Number

Vendor's invoice number for a purchase.

Report Favorite 

Created By 

Name of the Aspire user who created the report favorite.

Display Order 

Provides a mechanism for explicitly sorting the favorite report list.

Report Code 

Code that uniquely identifies the underlying report on the  Standard Reports screen upon which the favorite report is based. Valid values are (OPSC, PL, JOB, TAXENT, PVTWT,  PVTPCH, PVTHRS, PVTSLS, ARAGE, ARAGED, TIME ENTRY,  SALES COMMISSION, CONTRACT RENEWAL,  OPPORTUNITYSERVICE, PLM, PLTICKETMONTHLY,  CLOCKTIME)

Report View  Description

The description is given to a favorite report when it is saved by the user.

Report View Name 

Name given to a favorite report when it is saved by the user.

Revenue Over/Under


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Invoice Amount 

Amount invoiced.

Invoice Type

Type of invoice set up for the associated opportunity (One of the following: Contract Fixed Price, Contract Per Service,  Contract T&M, Contract Optional, Work Order Fixed Price on  Completion, Work Order Fixed Price on Payment Schedule. 



 Specifies whether a route is active and can, therefore, have tickets assigned to it on the Schedule Board.


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Sales Commission

Account Owner 

The person at your company is responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned on the  Property screen.

Act Equipment Cost 

The cost of rental equipment allocated to an opportunity.

Act Labor Cost 

The labor hours worked times the hourly cost of the employees that worked on that opportunity.

Act Material Cost 

The cost of the materials allocated to an opportunity.

Act Other Cost 

The cost of other item-type catalog items is allocated to an opportunity.

Act Sub Cost 

The cost of the subcontractors allocated to an opportunity

Gross Margin 

Difference between revenue and cost of goods sold divided by revenue for the existing contract, expressed as a  percentage.

Invoice Amount 

Amount invoiced.

Invoice Date 

Date of the invoice.

Invoice Number

Invoice number - not to be confused with "Formatted Invoice  Number".

Sales Scorecard Closed

 Account Owner 

The person at your company is responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned on the  Property screen.

Act Cost 

The total of all the costs applied to an opportunity during  production

Act Gross Margin $ 

The margin dollars are calculated by subtracting the actual costs from the revenue. 

Act Gross Margin % 

The margin percentage calculated by 1 - Actual cost/Actual  Earned Revenue

Act Labor Hours 

The actual hours worked on an Opportunity

Actual Labor Cost 

The labor hours worked times the hourly cost of the employees that worked on that opportunity.

Actual Material Cost 

The cost of the materials allocated to an opportunity

Actual Sub Cost 

The cost of the subcontractors allocated to an opportunity

Antic. Close Date

The date your sales team expects or expects to reach an agreement with your prospect to perform work.

Branch Name 

Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Industry Name 

Industry associated with the property for the opportunity.  Aspire allows you to define available Industries in the lists found under Administration. 

Initial Estimated $ 

Not used in Aspire.

Invoice Type 

Type of invoice set up for the associated opportunity (One of  the following: Contract Fixed Price, Contract Per Service,  Contract T&M, Contract Optional, Work Order Fixed Price on  Completion, Work Order Fixed Price on Payment Schedule,  Work Order Fixed Price Open Billing, Work Order T&M on  Completion)

New Appointment 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new appointment.

New Email 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of an email message.

New Issue 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new issue to be tracked.

New Task 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new task.

Opportunity Stage  Sort

Opportunity Stages are established to define the stages of an opportunity in the following order: Pre-Bid, Estimate, Proposal, Won, and Lost. These stages can be assigned to  Opportunity statuses in the Administration Lists screen on  the Opportunity Status list. This assignment allows Aspire to determine an opportunity's stage based on its status.  This field allows you to sort the Opportunity list by  Opportunity Stage.

Opportunity Status  Sort

The sort order of Opportunity Statuses is established on the  Administration Lists screen on the Opportunity Status list.  The Opportunity Status Sort field allows you to sort the  Opportunity list by Opportunity Stage.

Property  State/Province Code

Two-digit code of the state or province of the property with which the opportunity is associated.

Property  State/Province Name

Full name of the state or province of the property with which the opportunity is associated.

Sales Scorecard  Proposed

Account Owner 

The person at your company is responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned on the  Property screen.

Act Cost 

The total of all the costs applied to an opportunity during  production

Act Gross Margin $ 

The margin dollars are calculated by subtracting the actual costs  from the revenue. 

Act Gross Margin % 

The margin percentage calculated by 1 - Actual cost/Actual  Earned Revenue

Act Labor Hours 

The actual hours worked on an Opportunity

Actual Labor Cost 

The labor hours worked times the hourly cost of the employees that worked on that opportunity.

Actual Material Cost 

The cost of the materials allocated to an opportunity

Actual Sub Cost 

The cost of the subcontractors allocated to an opportunity

Antic. Close Date 

The date your sales team expects or expects to reach an agreement with your prospect to perform work.

Branch Name 

Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Industry Name 

Industry associated with the property for the opportunity.  Aspire allows you to define available Industries in the lists found under Administration. 

Initial Estimated $ 

Not used in Aspire.

Invoice Type 

Type of invoice set up for the associated opportunity (One of  the following: Contract Fixed Price, Contract Per Service,  Contract T&M, Contract Optional, Work Order Fixed Price on  Completion, Work Order Fixed Price on Payment Schedule,  Work Order Fixed Price Open Billing, Work Order T&M on  Completion)

New Appointment 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new appointment.

New Email 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of an email message.

New Issue 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new issue to be tracked.

New Task 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new task.

Opportunity Stage  Sort

Opportunity Stages are established to define the stages of an opportunity in the following order: Pre Bid, Estimate,  Propose, Won, Lost. These stages can be assigned to  Opportunity statuses in the Administration Lists screen on  the Opportunity Status list. This assignment allows Aspire to determine an opportunity's stage based on its status.  The Opportunity Stage Sort field allows you to sort the  Opportunity list by Opportunity Stage.

Property State/Province Code

Two-digit code of the state or province of the property with which the opportunity is associated.

Property State/Province Name

Full name of the state or province of the property with which the opportunity is associated.


Account Owner  Name

The person at your company is responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned to the  Property Edit screen.

Act Hrs 

The hours worked on a ticket

Actual Occurrences 

The system-generated ticket occurrence assigned to each  work ticket

Annualized Occur 

The occurrence at a point in the year determined by the  service schedule of a ticketed service

Anticipated Start  Date

Date on which you expect or expect to start performing work for your customer.


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Contract Year 

This field is especially useful for tickets on multi-year contracts. It specifies the sequential year of the contract in which the ticket occurs. The value of this field is 1 for tickets that occur in the first year of the multi-year contract.

Created Date 

Date on which the work ticket was created.

Future Scheduled  Hours

Future hours are scheduled in visits on the Schedule Board for the work ticket.

Hours Unsched 

Total estimated hours for the work ticket less hours scheduled on the Schedule Board.

Invoice Type 

Type of invoice set up for the associated opportunity (One of  the following: Contract Fixed Price, Contract Per Service,  Contract T&M, Contract Optional, Work Order Fixed Price on  Completion, Work Order Fixed Price on Payment Schedule,  Work Order Fixed Price Open Billing, Work Order T&M on  Completion)


Total estimated price of the work ticket.

Property Sequence 

The property sequence number is specifically used for snow removal. Sequence numbers are assigned to properties to specify the order in which properties are displayed on mobile devices for snow-removal crew members.

Property State  Province Code

Two-digit code of the state or province of the property with which the work ticket is associated.

Schedule an Event 

Account Owner 

The person at your company is responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned on the  Property screen.

As Needed 

A Service that has not yet been assigned a ticket number. It is used when necessary to create a work ticket.


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Invoice Type

Type of invoice set up for the associated opportunity (One of  the following: Contract Fixed Price, Contract Per Service,  Contract T&M, Contract Optional, Work Order Fixed Price on  Completion, Work Order Fixed Price on Payment Schedule,  Work Order Fixed Price Open Billing, Work Order T&M on  Completion)



Specifies whether the service in the service catalog is active and can be selected when estimating an opportunity. 

Approve Ticket On  Completion

Do tickets for that service require approval by an account manager or other authority when completed before invoicing? This adds a step between scheduled and complete.

Contract Service 

The checkbox, if checked, specifies that the service is contracted out.

Display Name 

Name of the service as it appears in the Estimate.

Division Name 

Profit Center associated with the service

Equipment Taxable 

The checkbox, if checked, specifies that equipment revenue is taxable for the service.

Labor Taxable 

The checkbox, if checked, specifies that labor revenue is taxable for the service.

Material Taxable 

The checkbox, if checked, specifies that revenue from the sale of materials is taxable for the service.

Minimum Service  Charge

Minimum charge Aspire will allow for the service on an estimate.

Other Taxable 

If checked, the checkbox specifies that revenue other than labor,  sub, materials, or equipment is taxable for the service.

Service Description 

Description of service is defined when the service is established in the service catalog.

Service Name 

Name of the service.

Service Name Abr 

Abbreviated name of the service established in the service catalog.

Service Type Name 

Each service can be assigned a service type. You define the available service types in the Lists screen under Administration.

Sub Taxable

The checkbox, if checked, indicates that the sub-contractor hours are taxable.

Service Notification 


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.


The service name as defined in the service catalog


One of several system-defined categories that define the  notification: Schedule Change, Status to Open, Status to  Complete, Status to Scheduled, Status to Pending Approval,  Status to Canceled

Time Entry  


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Distributed Time 

If checked, the checkbox specifies that Aspire automatically generated the time entry to distribute drive time to a ticket.

Pay Code

Designate a special pay rate for that time entry. Valid pay codes are set up in admin.

Time Entry Sync Log

Processed Block 

Aspire exports groups of payroll records in logical blocks. The  Processed Block field contains a unique number identifying the records block passed to your accounting system.

Sync Error 

When Aspire exports records to the accounting system, the accounting system may generate an error when trying to import the payroll records. This field shows the error message generated by the accounting system.

Transaction List 

Check #

Contains the check # for payment transactions made by check.

Unit Type 


Specifies whether the unit type is active and can thus be  associated with 



Specifies whether the user is active and can access the Aspire system.

Work Ticket

Account Owner  Name

The person at your company responsible for all actions on a specific Property is assigned on the  Property Edit screen.

Act Hrs 

The hours worked on a ticket.

Actual Occurrence 

The system-generated ticket occurrence assigned to each  work ticket

Annualized Occur 

The occurrence at a point in the year determined by the  service schedule of a ticketed service

Anticipated Start  Date

Date on which you expect or expect to start performing work for your customer.


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Completed Date 

The date that the ticket was marked as complete.

Contract Year 

This field is especially important for multi-year contracts. It specifies the sequential year of the contract in which the ticket occurs. The value of this field is 1 for tickets that occur in the first year of the multi-year contract.

Created Date 

The date on which the work ticket was created.

Est Hrs 

Hours estimated required to complete the work ticket.

Gross Margin 

The difference between revenue and cost of goods sold divided by revenue for the work ticket is expressed as a percentage. 

Gross Profit 

The difference between revenue and cost of goods sold is expressed in dollars. 

Hours Scheduled

Hours (past and future) are scheduled in visits on the Schedule  Board for the work ticket.

Hours Unsched 

Total estimated hours for the work ticket less hours scheduled on the Schedule Board.

Hours Variance Bud 

Hours estimated on the work ticket are fewer hours completed based on time logged to the ticket.

Hours Variance Sched

The total hours scheduled on the Schedule Board (past and future) minus the actual hours completed based on the time logged to the ticket.

Invoice Type 

Type of invoice set up for the associated opportunity (One of  the following: Contract Fixed Price, Contract Per Service,  Contract T&M, Contract Optional, Work Order Fixed Price on  Completion, Work Order Fixed Price on Payment Schedule,  Work Order Fixed Price Open Billing, Work Order T&M on  Completion)

New Issue 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new issue to be tracked.

On-Site Hours 

Hours clocked on site excluding drive-time.

On-Site Variance 

On-site hours are subtracted from Estimated Hours.

Percent Complete 

The percent completion status of a work ticket derived from  the actual versus estimated costs


Total estimated price of the work ticket.

Property Sequence 

The property sequence number is specifically used for snow removal. Sequence numbers are assigned to properties to specify the order in which they are displayed on mobile devices for snow-removal crew members.

Property State  Province Code

Two-digit code of the state or province of the property with which the work ticket is associated.

Realize Rate 

Dollars earned (realized) per hour for the work ticket based  on the following formula: ([TotalRevenue] - 

(([MaterialCostEst] + [EquipmentCostEst] + [SubCostEst] +  [OtherCostEst] + [MaterialMarkupEst] +  

[EquipmentMarkupEst] + [SubMarkupEst] +  

[OtherMarkupEst]) / (1 - Net ProfitPercent]))) /  


Recurring Schedule 

The field displays in the list an icon that you can click to view the parameters for the recurring schedule on which the ticket is based.


Expected revenue for the ticket.

Revenue/Hour  (Actual)

Earned revenue per hour is based on total earned revenue divided by actual hours expended.

Revenue/Hour  (Estimate)

Expected earned revenue per hour based on estimated earned revenue divided by estimated hours expected for the work ticket.

Revision Number

Change Orders can be added or modified on Work Orders when a revision is created for the Work Order. Each revision of the Work Order receives a sequential number.  The revision number field comprises the original Work  Order number with the sequence number appended, separated by a period. (i.e. 5467.1)

Work Ticket (Generic) 

Account Owner Name

The person at your company responsible for all actions on a specific Property is assigned on the  Property Edit screen.

Act Hrs 

The hours worked on a ticket.

Act. Equipment Cost 

The cost of rental equipment allocated to an opportunity

Act. Labor Cost 

The labor hours worked times the hourly cost of the employees working on that ticket.

Act. Other Cost 

The cost of other item-type catalog items is allocated to an opportunity.

Act. Sub Cost 

The cost of the subcontractors allocated to an opportunity.

Act. Total Cost 

The total of all the costs applied to a work ticket.

Actual Occurrences 

The system-generated ticket occurrence is assigned to each work ticket.

Annualized Occur 

The service schedule of a ticketed service determines the occurrence at a point in the year.

Anticipated Start  Date

Date on which you expect or expect to start performing work for your customer.


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Contract Year 

This field is especially important for multi-year contracts. It specifies the year of the contract in which the ticket occurs. The value of this field is 1 for tickets that occur in the first year of the multi-year contract.

Created Date 

The date on which the work ticket was created.

Gross Margin 

The difference between revenue and cost of goods sold divided by revenue for the work ticket is expressed as a percentage. 

Gross Profit 

The difference between revenue and cost of goods sold is expressed in dollars. 

Hours Scheduled 

Hours (past and future) are scheduled in visits on the Schedule  Board for the work ticket.

Hours Unsched 

Total estimated hours for the work ticket less hours scheduled on the Schedule Board.

Hours Variance Bud 

Hours estimated on the work ticket are fewer hours completed based on time logged to the ticket.

Hours Variance  Sched

The total hours scheduled on the Schedule Board (past and future) minus the actual hours completed based on the time logged to the ticket.

Invoice Type 

Type of invoice set up for the associated opportunity (One of the following: Contract Fixed Price, Contract Per Service,  Contract T&M, Contract Optional, Work Order Fixed Price on  Completion, Work Order Fixed Price on Payment Schedule,  Work Order Fixed Price Open Billing, Work Order T&M on  Completion).

New Issue 

The field provides an icon that, when clicked, initiates the creation of a new issue to be tracked.

Property Sequence 

The property sequence number is specifically used for snow removal. Sequence numbers are assigned to properties to specify the order in which properties are displayed on mobile devices for snow-removal crew members.

Property State Province Code

Two-digit code of the state or province of the property with which the work ticket is associated.


Expected revenue for the ticket.

Work Ticket (P&L Monthly)

Account Owner Name

The person at your company is responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property. This person is assigned to the  Property Edit screen.


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Revenue Bud 

Budgeted revenue for the ticket based on the opportunity estimate.

Revenue Earned This Period

Total revenue earned for the work ticket during the time period specified in the report filters based on hours completed and materials installed compared to estimated revenue.

Revenue Earned To Date

Total revenue earned to date for the work ticket based on hours complete and materials installed compared to estimated revenue.

Work Ticket (P&L)

Account Owner  Name

The person at your company responsible for all actions conducted on a specific Property is assigned on the  Property Edit screen.

Actual Realize Rate 

Dollars earned (realized) per hour for the work ticket based  on the following formula: ([TotalRevenue] - 

(([MaterialCostEst] + [EquipmentCostEst] + [SubCostEst] +  [OtherCostEst] + [MaterialMarkupEst] +  

[EquipmentMarkupEst] + [SubMarkupEst] +  

[OtherMarkupEst]) / (1 - Net ProfitPercent]))) /  



Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Gross Margin Act 

The difference between revenue and cost of goods sold divided by revenue for the work ticket is expressed as a percentage. 

Gross Margin Est 

The difference between estimated revenue and estimated cost of goods sold divided by revenue for the work ticket is expressed as a percentage. 

Invoice Amount 

Amount invoiced.

Invoice Date 

Date of the invoice.

Revenue Bud 

Budgeted revenue for the ticket based on the opportunity estimate.

Work Ticket Time Entry 

Account Owner Name

The person at your company responsible for all actions on a specific Property is assigned on the  Property Edit screen.

Act Hrs 

The hours worked on a ticket.

Actual Occurrences 

The system-generated ticket occurrence assigned to each  work ticket

Annualized Occur

The occurrence at a point in the year determined by the  service schedule of a ticketed service

Anticipated Start  Date

Date on which you expect or expect to start performing work for your customer.


Branches represent separately run operations within your company.

Contract Year 

This field is especially important for multi-year contracts. It specifies the year of the contract in which the ticket occurs. The value of this field is 1 for tickets that occur in the first year of the multi-year contract.

Created Date 

The date on which the work ticket was created.

Future Scheduled  Hours

Future hours are scheduled in visits on the Schedule Board for the work ticket.

Hours Scheduled 

Hours (past and future) are scheduled in visits on the Schedule  Board for the work ticket.

Invoice Type 

Type of invoice set up for the associated opportunity (One of  the following: Contract Fixed Price, Contract Per Service,  Contract T&M, Contract Optional, Work Order Fixed Price on  Completion, Work Order Fixed Price on Payment Schedule,  Work Order Fixed Price Open Billing, Work Order T&M on  Completion)

Property Sequence 

The property sequence number is specifically used for snow removal. Sequence numbers are assigned to properties to specify how properties are displayed on mobile devices for snow-removal crew members.

Property State  Province Code

Two-digit code of the state or province of the property with which the work ticket is associated.


Expected revenue for the ticket.


Branch Name

Branches represent separately run operations within your company.




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