Auto Expense Tab
  • 13 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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Auto Expense Tab

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Resumen del artículo

The Auto Expense tab is depicted below. The Auto Expense tab only applies to companies representing subcontractors. It allows you to view in a search list the subcontractor automatic expenses that have been established for the subcontractor’s company wherein the date specified at the top falls between the start and end date of the opportunity. The list of auto expenses can be further filtered, sorted, or grouped using standard search list capabilities.

For opportunities whose end date is in the past, the Amount field for the associated subcontractor auto expenses displays as read-only and the checkbox is disabled.

The checkboxes allow you to multi-select auto expenses for bulk deletion by clicking the Bulk Delete Selected icon.

When on the Auto Expenses tab, the Save icon saves any changes made in the Amount column.

The New Auto Expenses icon at the top of the page displays the Auto Expense Wizard allowing you to bulk create update subcontractor expenses.

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