Job Dashboard Breakdown
  • 16 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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Job Dashboard Breakdown

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Resumen del artículo

The Breakdown section summarizes job costs as shown below. The line for material costs is shown with hyperlinks that can be selected to display the Job Dashboard Materials Search List screen to provide additional details on material costs.

Clicking on the Material hyperlink displays the Job Dashboard Materials Search List screen, and a checkmark displays in the Not on Est. column if an allocated item was purchased or not part of the original estimate. The Substituted column displays a checkmark if an item was substituted.

The following table summarizes the values shown in the Breakdown section.

Estimated Column
Estimated Labor CostSum of estimated labor cost for the opportunity.
Estimated Overtime LaborSum of overtime labor hours.
Estimated Material CostSum of the estimated material cost for the opportunity.
Estimated Equipment CostSum of the estimated equipment cost for the opportunity.
Estimated Sub CostSum of the estimated sub cost for the opportunity.
Estimated Other CostSum of the estimated other cost for the opportunity.
Estimated Labor HoursSum of estimated hours for the opportunity.
Estimated Overtime Labor HoursSum of estimated overtime labor hours. This value will normally be zero.
Cost Column
Actual Labor CostSum of actual labor cost for the opportunity.
Actual Material CostSum of the actual material cost for the opportunity.
Actual Equipment CostSum of the actual equipment cost for the opportunity.
Actual Sub CostSum of the actual sub cost for the opportunity.
Actual Other CostSum of the actual other cost for the opportunity.
Actual Labor HoursSum of actual hours for the opportunity.
Overtime CostSum of the Overtime pay for the opportunity.
Overtime HoursSum of the Overtime hours for the opportunity.
Variance ColumnFor each line, these values represent the difference between the estimated value and the actual value.
% of Job ColumnThese values represent the percent of the estimated cost for the line to the total estimated cost for the work order. For example, for labor, the value represents estimated labor cost divided by the total estimated cost.
% of Budget ColumnThese values represent the percent of the actual cost to the budgeted cost for the line. For example, for labor, the value represents actual labor cost divided by estimated labor cost.

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