6.21.0 Equipment scheduling improvements
  • 18 Sep 2024
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6.21.0 Equipment scheduling improvements

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6.21.0 Equipment scheduling improvements

What's new?

We're introducing enhanced equipment scheduling features within Aspire! You can now mark equipment as schedulable with the new Available for Scheduling field and manage it through the new Equipment Scheduling Board. The updated interface allows for easier navigation, while new role permissions help streamline equipment management. Plus, track repairs and daily use with integrated scheduling logs and operational efficiency improvements.


The Equipment Scheduling Board is available to any client with access to the Equipment module, including:

  • Enterprise tier
  • Corporate tier
  • Growth tier: Only if you have the Azuga add-on, or you can upgrade to the Corporate tier to gain access


Here’s a brief overview of the new equipment scheduling features and enhancements:

  1. Updated Permissions and Role Management: The new role permission Schedule Equipment allows you to mark equipment as schedulable and manage it within the Equipment Scheduling Board. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to access and use these features.
  2. Mark Equipment as Schedulable: Use the new Available for Scheduling field to mark equipment as available for scheduling. This field enhances your scheduling process by identifying equipment ready for assignment.
  3. New Equipment Scheduling Board: Access the Equipment Scheduling Board from the Equipment module. This board offers a user-friendly interface to view and manage equipment schedules across multiple routes.
  4. New Scheduling Logs and Operational Efficiency: Track equipment repairs and daily usage with integrated scheduling logs. The logs provide detailed views of scheduling activities, helping you monitor and manage equipment more effectively.
  5. Detailed Equipment Module Updates: The Equipment module now includes options to mark equipment as available to schedule, edit existing assets, and log scheduling events. Use the Equipment tab for asset management, the Scheduling tab for scheduling, and the Logs tab within the Equipment Details screen for tracking activities.
  6. Improved Scheduling Logs Search List: The new Scheduling Logs Search List screen provides an enhanced view of equipment scheduling activities, enabling you to filter and display relevant information efficiently.
  7. Bulk Actions and Visit Tile Enhancements: Utilize the Bulk Actions menu to set multiple equipment items as available or unavailable for scheduling. Visit tiles on the Route Scheduling Board now include an icon to indicate scheduled equipment, with enhanced options for managing and viewing details.

For a detailed description of these updates, including screen elements and new features, refer to the full documentation provided below.

New equipment permission

Schedule Equipment: Grants the ability to mark equipment as schedulable and schedule equipment assets for work ticket visits. You can select the Available for Scheduling option on the Equipment screen with this permission. To access the Schedule Equipment checkbox, you must also have View Equipment permission and either Read Only or Full Access to the Schedule Board. For more information, see Equipment Permissions.

Equipment module updates

The Equipment module allows you to add new equipment assets, edit existing equipment assets, or log meter readings or service events. It is accessible from the left navigation panel.

The Equipment module is organized into tabs. The Equipment tab displays a list of all equipment assets. You can drill into each asset to view additional details. The Scheduling tab enables you to schedule shared equipment assets against work ticket visits and visualize equipment locations and timing. The Logs tab contains reading, schedule, and service logs. The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the elements available on each tab.

View the details for each equipment asset by drilling into the asset from the equipment list. The Equipment Details screen displays basic equipment information including purchase date, in-service date, disposal status, and asset-related attachments. Each Equipment Details screen also contains a Logs tab with reading, schedule, and service logs associated with that specific asset.

The new Equipment Details screen The new Available for Scheduling option on the Equipment Details tab of the Equipment screen is described below. 

Screen ElementDescription
Available for SchedulingUse this option to mark the equipment as available for scheduling.

On the Scheduling tab, you can view and schedule shared equipment assets for work ticket visits, including equipment locations. By default, this check box is unselected.

To access this feature, you need the Schedule Equipment permission, along with the View Equipment permission and either Read-Only or Full Access to the Schedule Board.

You cannot mark equipment as available for scheduling if it is inactive, disposed of, or already assigned to a route. Additionally, equipment marked as available for scheduling with scheduled visits cannot be made inactive, disposed of, or deleted.

Logs Tab

Select the Logs tab to view information about the reading, service, and equipment logs for a specific piece of equipment. The screen elements are described in the following table:

Screen ElementDescription
Schedule Logs

The Scheduling Log grid provides a read-only, detailed view of equipment scheduling activities. This grid is designed to help you efficiently track and manage scheduled visits and associated work tickets for a piece of equipment.

Scheduling Log Grid Features

The grid displays scheduling information for equipment and visits linked to the Route Scheduling Board. It includes the following columns:

  • Visit Date: The date on which the visit is scheduled to occur.
  • Route: Route value linked to when the equipment was scheduled.
  • Ticket #: The associated work ticket number linked to the visit.
  • Description: The description of the associated work ticket linked to the visit.
  • Branch: Branch value linked to the visit when the equipment was scheduled.

The Scheduling Log grid updates in real-time to reflect changes made to schedules, ensuring that you have the most current information available. Use this grid to manage equipment allocations and optimize scheduling efficiency.

Managing equipment 

With the 6.21 equipment scheduling enhancements, you can view and schedule shared equipment assets against already-scheduled visits and visualize where equipment will be and when.

The following table summarizes the new menu options available from the Equipment icon.

Menu OptionDescription
SchedulingDisplays the Equipment Scheduling Board, which enables you to view and manage shared equipment assets against already-scheduled visits and visualize where equipment will be and when.
Scheduling LogsDisplays the Scheduling Logs Search List screen, providing a detailed view of equipment scheduling activities. The grid helps you efficiently track and manage scheduled visits and associated work tickets for scheduled equipment.


New Equipment Scheduling Board module

From the Equipment module, select the Scheduling tab to access the Equipment Scheduling Board. The Equipment Scheduling Board allows you to identify and schedule equipment across multiple routes, providing better visibility and control over equipment schedules.

You can allocate equipment for visits and set daily schedules to efficiently manage shared assets across various routes.

To schedule equipment, drag a visit from the visit drawer, onto the Equipment Scheduling Board to assign the equipment to that visit.

To enable the Equipment Scheduling Board, assign the Schedule Equipment permission to the appropriate roles. Users also need View Equipment permission and either Read-Only Access or Full Access to the Schedule Board. This permission allows users to mark equipment as schedulable by selecting the Available for Scheduling option on the Equipment Details or Equipment Search List screens. For more information on permissions, see the Equipment Permissions article.

The screen elements on the Equipment Scheduling screen are described in the following table: 

Menu OptionDescription
Quick filters

Use the quick filters for Branch, Divisions, and Equipment Class to refine the Equipment Scheduling Board. Filter availability for each piece of equipment is specified on the Equipment Details screen.

Visit drawer (clipboard icon)Select the clipboard icon from the top right menu to open the visit drawer. The visit drawer displays visits that have already been scheduled on the Route Scheduling board, along with their associated work ticket numbers and descriptions.

You can manage equipment scheduling by selecting, dragging, and dropping visits from the drawer onto the appropriate equipment for the selected day.

By default, the visit drawer shows visits linked to work tickets scheduled for routes, to facilitate equipment allocation. When you select a visit from the drawer, it aligns the equipment's schedule with existing route plans.

Equipment can only be scheduled on the day of the visit. Scheduled equipment is also visible on the Route Scheduling Board.

You can filter visits by Route Manager or Route. Use the advanced search filters to refine your display using the following criteria:

  • Branch
  • Description
  • Division
  • Opportunity Number
  • Property Address
  • Property Name
  • Route
  • Route Manager
  • Ticket #
  • Work Ticket Status
Equipment information

Equipment is listed alphabetically and includes details for items marked as Available for Scheduling on the Equipment Details screen. The displayed information includes:

  • Equipment Name: Select this hyperlink to navigate to the corresponding Equipment Details screen.
  • Equipment Model
  • EquipmentClass
  • Status: Statuses include Requested, Approved, Purchased, In Service, and OutofService.

To view more details, select a piece of equipment to open the Equipment Details screen.

Date range selector

Allows you to specify the period displayed in the equipment scheduling board view.

  • Selecting the left and right arrows advances a week.
  • Selecting the drop-down arrow displays a calendar control, allowing you to navigate to a specific date. Select Today to bring you to the current day from the calendar.
Visits in the visit drawer are automatically filtered to match the week displayed on the Equipment Schedule Board.

Visit tiles on the Equipment Schedule Board

Visit tiles on the Equipment Schedule Board represent scheduled visits associated with specific pieces of equipment. Each tile provides key information about the visit, such as the service name, opportunity number, work ticket, property, and route name.

  • Left-click on a visit tile to open a detailed menu, which includes quick access to essential information like the visit’s date, associated opportunity, work ticket, property, and route details. You can also view the property on Google Maps, or go directly to the visit on the Route Scheduling Board by selecting Go To Visit.
  • Right-click on a visit tile to access additional options, including opening the Equipment Details screen or the work ticket, or accessing the Visit Details screen. Users with appropriate permissions can also remove visits from the Equipment Schedule Board.

Screen capture of the tiles on the Schedule Board. 

Access to these options depends on your role-based permissions within Aspire. Users with View Equipment and Schedule Equipment permissions, along with Schedule Board access, can fully interact with visit tiles.

New scheduling logs search list screen

The new Equipment Scheduling Logs Search List screen provides a detailed view of equipment scheduling activities for all schedulable assets. 

This search list behaves like other Aspire search lists allowing you to display and filter information to provide the most value in various situations.

Moving or deleting scheduled visits on the Equipment Scheduling Board or Route Scheduling Board will directly impact the Scheduling Logs by removing the record of the visit.

The following image depicts the Equipment Scheduling Logs Search List screen:

Bulk Actions menu

The Bulk Actions drop-down menu is available on the Equipment search list screen. The new menu option is described below:

Menu OptionDescription

Set as Available to Schedule/

Set as Unavailable to Schedule

You can set scheduling availability for multiple equipment items at once by selecting them with checkmarks. This action updates the Available for Scheduling column. 

To access this feature, you need the Schedule Equipment permission, along with the View Equipment permission and either Read-Only or Full Access to the Schedule Board.

If any selected equipment is inactive, disposed of, or already assigned to a route, an error message will appear, and those items cannot be marked as Available to Schedule.

Schedule Board visit tile enhancements

Tiles are displayed on the schedule board to represent scheduled visits for work tickets. 

The new equipment icon on the left side of the visit tile shows that equipment has been scheduled for the work ticket visit that day.

Right-click on the visit, then select Schedule Equipment to go directly to the new Equipment Scheduling Board and manage or schedule equipment for visits. 

Visit tile options on right-click


Left-click on the visit tile with the equipment icon to view the details. The Equipment icon displays the name, model, and class of the equipment scheduled for a visit.

Screen capture of the left-click visit tile details.If multiple pieces of equipment are scheduled, select the hyperlink to open the Equipment modal, view additional details, or go to the Equipment Scheduling Board. Select the name of a specific piece of equipment to drill into its Equipment Details screen.

Equipment module

 Work Ticket Visit screen - equipment information

Select Daily Plan on the Work Ticket Visit screen to access the Equipment section. This section contains the equipment name and the days the equipment is scheduled for the associated visit.

Daily Plan Report search list screen enhancements

We've added the following optional fields to the Daily Plan Report:

View and Manage the Daily Plan Report 
 Search List Entries 
  • Scheduled Equipment Name: Displays the name of the equipment assigned to a specific visit. 
  • Scheduled Equipment Days: Represents the total number of visits scheduled for the equipment and the number of days it is in use. This field helps track how many days the equipment is scheduled across different visits, providing an overview of its usage over time.

For more information, see the following articles: 

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