Company Information Tab
- 25 Jan 2023
- 3 Minutos para leer
- Impresión
Company Information Tab
- Actualizado en 25 Jan 2023
- 3 Minutos para leer
- Impresión
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The screen elements on the Company Information tab of the Company screen are described in the following table.
Screen Element | Description |
Company Info Section | A section containing fields that can be updated for the company. These fields are only available for users having the Edit Companies permission. |
Company Name | Required. Allows the user to view and rename the company. This field is read-only if the user does not have Edit Companies permission. |
Active | Determines if the company is active allowing it to appear in selection lists when adding a company to a contact. This field is read-only if the user does not have Edit Companies permission. |
Company Email | This field is for companies associated with subcontractor users on the Company Screen. This email address determines the destination for emails notifying them of acceptance or denial time or materials that they entered in the Subcontractor Portal. Note that subcontractor acceptance or denial emails are currently the only purposes for this email field. This field is read-only if the user does not have Edit Companies permission. |
Reporting Section | Read-only section. Provides a summary of earned and invoiced revenue from the company during a specified time period. |
Select Date Range | Allows the user to specify the date range for which summary revenue information is represented. |
Earned Revenue | Revenue earned during the specified period by performing work or allocating items to work tickets for the company. The amount of earned revenue is displayed as a hyperlink which when clicked, displays the Earned Revenue Screen that shows a list of work tickets whose earned revenue comprises the Earned Revenue number on the Company screen. |
Pending | Estimated dollars from opportunities that are approved, but neither won or lost, whose start/end date range overlap the date filter on the screen. The amount of pending revenue is displayed as a hyperlink which when clicked, displays the Pending Opportunities screen that shows a list of pending opportunities that comprise the Pending number on the Company screen. |
Invoiced Revenue | Amount of revenue invoiced for the company during the specified date range. The invoiced revenue is displayed as a hyperlink which when clicked displays the Invoiced Revenue screen that shows a list of invoices that comprise the Invoiced Revenue number on the Company screen. |
Lost | Estimated dollars from opportunities that are lost whose start/end date range overlaps the date filter on the screen (some portion of the opportunity exists in the dates that are selected). The amount of lost revenue is displayed as a hyperlink which when clicked, displays the Lost Opportunities screen that shows a list of pending opportunities that comprise the Pending number on the Company screen. |
Contacts Section | Provides a list of contacts assigned to the company. |
Name | Shows the contact’s name. |
Clicking this icon initiates the creation of an email with the contact selected in the To field. | |
Office | Contact’s office phone number. |
Mobile | Contact’s mobile phone number. |
Properties Section | Provides a list of properties for which company on either the primary contact or billing contact matches the current company. |
Name | Name of the property. |
Branch | Property’s branch. |
Status | Property’s status – the usage is specific to each field service company, but usually indicates sales status (i.e. prospect, bidding, customer, prior customer, etc.) |
Issues Section | Provides a chart showing the number of issues recently created, recently completed, and total open. |
Created | The bar representing the number of issues created in the last 30 days. Clicking this bar shows a list of the associated issues. |
Completed | The bar representing the number of issues completed in the last 30 days. Clicking this bar shows a list of the associated issues. |
Open | The bar representing the number of issues open for the company. Clicking this bar shows a list of the associated issues. |
New Issue Icon | Clicking this icon displays the Issue screen allowing the user to create a new issue. |
Future Visits Section | Provides a list of future visits scheduled today or in the future.This will be a list of future visits (scheduled for today or into the future) for any properties that are tied to the current company. Columns to display: Work Ticket Number (link to the work ticket screen), Scheduled Date, Property, Opportunity Number, Service |
Ticket Number | Shows the ticket number as a hyperlink. If the user clicks the hyperlink, Aspire displays the Work Ticket screen for the selected ticket. |
Scheduled | The scheduled date for the work ticket. |
Property | Property for the work ticket. |
Opp # | Opportunity number associated with the work ticket. |
Service | Service to be performed. |
Footer Bar | |
Delete Icon | Deletes the contact. Only enabled if the company is not assigned to any contacts. |
Save Icon | Saves changes to the company name or active field for the company and returns to the screen that was displayed before the Company screen. |
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