Customer Portal 2.0–Basic troubleshooting
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Customer Portal 2.0–Basic troubleshooting

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Resumen del artículo

Occasionally, customers may report challenges while using the customer portal and require assistance troubleshooting. Use these potential common scenarios to help you quickly identify and resolve issues your customers may encounter. Follow the steps outlined in each section to identify problems and apply solutions, ensuring a smooth and efficient resolution process.

If you encounter additional problems or need further assistance, please contact AspireCare for additional troubleshooting steps and resources. 

Cannot view payment methods

If the customer has no saved payment methods, they won’t see any listed payment methods in the portal. To add new payment methods, instruct your customer to:

  1. Go to their User Profile, select Manage Payments, and then Add a Payment Method.


  1. While viewing a due invoice, select Pay Invoice, then choose Add a Payment Method from the Invoice Payment screen.

For both options, users must provide a valid card number, expiration month and year, and CVV.

If a customer encounters persistent challenges, an Aspire user can save a payment method to their Contact in Aspire. If this resolution is needed, request support from AspireCare.

Unable to view expected content in the portal

The issue of content not appearing in the portal often stems from incorrect associations within Aspire. To troubleshoot this problem:

  1. Verify the customer’s Contact is correctly associated with the related property, either as the Primary or Billing Contact. Without this association, the customer will not have access to the property’s content in the Customer Portal. Primary and Billing Contacts can view and manage Proposals, Invoices, and Requests.
  2. Confirm the necessary actions have been taken to publish content to the Customer Portal:
    1. Proposals and Invoices must be printed or emailed to appear in the portal.
    2. Issues must have the Include Client check box selected. Further, comments must be marked Public to be published to the portal.

Haven't received the email invite 

Customers must be invited to the Customer Portal to interact with proposals, view and pay invoices, and more. If your customer hasn’t received an invite:

  1. Verify if the customer is Customer Portal Verified. 
    1. Go to Contact Advanced Search and add the display field "Customer Portal Verified." Verified customers who created a Customer Portal Account cannot receive another invite.
    2. In this case, providing the customer with the email address associated with their contact information and instructing them to follow the portal’s Password Reset steps can help.
  2. Confirm that the invitation email and sender’s email are configured correctly within Aspire. To ensure an email is correctly synced to Aspire, follow the steps outlined in this Knowledge Base article.
  3. Finally, have the user check their spam or junk folder. Occasionally, email providers filter these invitations to spam if the sender’s email address is not recognized.
Customer Portal Invitation Emails are sent from the user's account who initiated the invitation.

Can’t reset their password

If customers encounter difficulties resetting their password:

  1. Verify the customer entered the correct email address in the Forgot Password field. If the customer is uncertain which email address was used, refer to their Contact. The email associated with the Customer Portal profile is always the email address linked to the contact, even if it has been updated since the portal profile was created.
  2. Advise the customer to check their spam or junk folder. Sometimes, email providers may filter messages as spam. Customers can also add to their approved sender list to reduce the likelihood of the password reset email being rejected or sent to spam.

¿Te ha sido útil este artículo?

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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