December 2022 Release Notes
  • 29 May 2023
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December 2022 Release Notes

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Resumen del artículo

Equipment Inspections Report 

You now have the option to evaluate equipment with customized Equipment Inspections using the Crew Mobile app. With this functionality, You can configure a scale type of either Pass/Fail or Green/Yellow/Red to an Inspection Type composed of the Inspection Categories you create. Additionally, you can configure your application settings to automatically generate an equipment service request for Inspection Categories with failing scores. 

The data that is aggregated from the equipment inspections you conduct in Crew Mobile will be available to generate and view Equipment Inspection Reports in either Crew Mobile or in Aspire. Click here for instructions and more information.

Crew Leader Mobile Route Visibility 

If you are an Admin user, you will now have the option to limit crew leader route visibility to only routes assigned to a specific crew leader. When using this functionality, you can override this feature for particular users by navigating to their User details and enabling the View all Routes in Mobile option. Click Crew Mobile: Route Visibility for detailed instructions and additional information.

Duplicate Entry Prevention

To prevent unwanted duplicate entries of information for active and inactive items in the Administration menu from being saved, before you can create or update entries that match information from entries that already exist, you will see a dialog informing you that the information you entered already exists within Aspire. You will then be prompted to create a unique entry or be given the option to Cancel or Confirm the duplicate entry. Click here for more information.

New Weather Event Report Display Filter

You can now choose a Custom Total display option in the Gross Margin field in the Weather Event Report so that the functionality aligns with the Work Ticket Report

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