Documentation Status Tags
  • 21 Apr 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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Documentation Status Tags

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Resumen del artículo

The following tags are used to indicate the status of a new or improved feature so that you can understand how to apply accompanying documentation:

BetaThe functionality undergoes testing in an environment that imitates what is currently available in the production environment so that a group of internal or external testers can see how the production environment will behave once that new or improved feature is introduced. After that, stakeholders accountable for the functionality can utilize the feedback from the beta testers to introduce refining changes to the product before it is released to the general public. 

SANDBOX The sandbox environment is similar to the Beta environment in that it also stands as a testing environment replicating the production environment to test new and improved functionality against what currently exists in production. However, it is less restrictive of an environment that is usually intended to provide a space for the development team and designated external stakeholders to test product enhancements before those enhancements are deployed to a beta or production environment. 

GAThe functionality has reached a general availability status and is publicly available to all applicable Aspire Clients. 

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