Equipment Inspection Report
  • 28 May 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • PDF

Equipment Inspection Report

  • PDF

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Resumen del artículo

You can view and curate Equipment Inspection reports from the Reporting module in Aspire by taking the following steps. 

  1. Click on Reports from the Main Menu.
  2. Click on Standard Reports
  3. Select Equipment Inspection under the Production heading.
  4. Select a report entry from the advanced search list to be directed to the Equipment Report screen. 
  5. Use advanced search tools to curate lists that can be shared or printed. 

You will have the following fields available to sort, group, filter, and display information from Vehicle Inspection Reports

Default Fields
Additional Fields 
Audit Date
Asset Number
Completed By
Completed Date
Created On 
Created By
Created By
Engine Number
Equipment Description
Equipment Description 
Inspection Type
Equipment Model 
Score Model Year 

Plate Number



Scale Type 

Serial Number 

Keep in Mind

  • You must have the View Drill Down Reports and the View Drill Down Reports-Equipment Inspections to view Equipment Inspection Reports when accessed from the Reports module. 

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