Estimating - General Condition Templates
  • 15 Jul 2022
  • 2 Minutos para leer
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Estimating - General Condition Templates

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Resumen del artículo

General Conditions Templates Search List Screen

To configure a general conditions template, you need to have the Manage General Condition Templates permission enabled under the user settings of your account. You can set up and adjust these templates to make sure that they include all necessary catalog items for a specific type of project and that the costs of those catalog items are accurate. You can add and manage a set of catalog items to a general condition template that can be accessed and utilized in the Estimate section of an Opportunity. A general conditions template aids you in making sure that costs (especially peripheral) are not potentially overlooked because that can adversely impact your profit margin. It should include all tasks that are necessary to execute an opportunity.

Notable Information
Navigate to the General Condition Templates Search List Screen by going to Estimating and selecting General Condition Templates.
image.pngPreviously, General Conditions Templates could be found under the Estimating menu as Manage General Condition Templates.
Export to PDF can be accessed by first navigating to Print Screen from the More menu and then scrolling to Save as PDF from the Destination field and clicking Save.
1. Search for existing general conditional templates. 
2. Advanced Search functions (filter, display, sort, and group information) are now located on the same screen.
3. Add a New general condition template.
4. The following options can be accessed under the More menu: Save As My Default, Reset Advanced Search, Print Screen, Export to Excel (Current View), Export to Excell (All View).

General Conditions Templates Details Screen

You can curate the General Condition Templates that are applied to Work Orders from this section. From the general conditions templates search list screen, you can designate the standard costs of catalog items and specify how those costs are calculated. Click here for more details.

Notable Information
1. Activate or deactivate a General Condition Template using the Active toggle button.
2. Save modifications. 
3. Click on the More menu to reveal the option to Delete a device. If a general conditions template is currently being utilized in the Estimates portion of the Opportunity module it can not be deleted. 
image.png4. Click the drop-down icon in the Assigned Branches field to select from a list of branches or add all of them by selecting All Branches at the top of the list. 
image.png5. Delete items from the template. After clicking on the remove icon, a confirmation dialog box prompting you to either Confirm or Cancel the action will populate. 
6. Select a catalog item to add to your template from the drop-down menu. 

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