Items Search List Screen
  • 08 Sep 2022
  • 2 Minutos para leer
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Items Search List Screen

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Resumen del artículo

Within the Aspire system, a catalog item is a specific labor, material, equipment, subcontractor or other item that is required to estimate and perform a service. The Items Search List screen allows you to manage the list of standard items and their associated characteristics such as purchase units, allocation units and purchase price.

This screen behaves like other search lists enabling you to display and filter information to provide the most value in various situations.

The Items Search List screen provides a columna that allows you to select catalog items on which to simultaneously perform bulk actions based on options available in the Bulk Actions menub.

Bulk Actions Menu

The following table summarizes the options on the Bulk Actions menu

Menu OptionDescription
Update Cost Based on Avg Selecting this option calculates the average amount the user has paid for each selected item over the last twelve months, and updates the base cost for the item using that calculation. Note that the Items Search List provides a field called “Avg 12 Month Purchase Cost” that allows the user to display (or filter) the value for each item in the list to preview the impact before they choose the option.
Auto KitAllows the user to bulk-generate kits as explained in under Auto Kitting.
Clone KitThis option allows the user to create a new kit based on an existing kit. Before choosing this menu option, they select exactly one item in the search list, and the item must be a kit. The Kit Item screen will be displayed populated and set to create a new kit based on the selected kit. They can edit the attributes of the new kit and save.
Bulk Edit

Allows the user to simultaneously edit attributes of all items that they have selected in the search list. When they choose this option, Aspire displays the Bulk Edit screen shown here for the user to specify values for the selected items. The following item attributes can be edited in bulk:

  • Active – Active status determines if the item is available for adding to kits or for estimating. Options are Yes or No. Changes all the selected items as specified. If not selected, the active status is not changed.
  • Available to Bid – Information available under the explanation of kitting.
  • Inventory Item – This attribute specifies whether the item can be placed into inventory. This option is grayed out if any of the selected items have already been placed into inventory, because those cannot be changed – they must be removed from the selection before they can change this attribute.

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