- 15 Jan 2023
- 1 Minuto para leer
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Job Reports Menu
- Actualizado en 15 Jan 2023
- 1 Minuto para leer
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The Job Reports menu allows you to select from a list of opportunity-specific reports supporting opportunities that have been won. They can display these reports for additional information about the won opportunity/job. For opportunities that have been won, job reports can be generated from the More drop-down available in the upper right-hand corner of the Opportunity Screen.
The Job Dashboard option on this menu is only available if you have the Job Dashboard permission and the displayed opportunity is a work order.
P&L Report
The P&L report summarizes revenue and cost information for the opportunity.
P&L Completed Report
The P&L Completed Report is formatted like the P&L Report above, but it only includes cost and revenue for work tickets that have been completed.
Job Report
The Job Report compares estimated revenue, cost, and hours vs. actuals to provide to show job progress vs. the estimate.
Transaction List
The Transaction List is a search list that lists the invoice, payment, and credit memo transactions for the job. Clicking on an item in the list displays the associated invoice, payment, or credit memo. You can customize the search criteria, display fields, sorting, and grouping.
Work Tickets
The Work Tickets option displays a Work Tickets Search List representing the work tickets that have been created for the job. You can customize the search criteria, display fields, sorting, and grouping.
Visit Notes
The Visit Notes option displays the list of visit notes for all visits on all work tickets for the opportunity. Notes are grouped by visit. Each visit is identified by route and visit date.