July 2021 Release Notes
  • 29 May 2023
  • 4 Minutos para leer
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July 2021 Release Notes

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Resumen del artículo

Advanced Search Sort Sequence Number Improvement

The display of sort sequence numbers at the top of columns in advanced search lists has been improved so that more of the column header label is visible.

Property Screen Layout Update

The order of fields has been rearranged on the Property Detail screen to provide a more logical grouping of information. This will make property information easier to locate.

Estimating - Persist "New One Time Item"

On the Estimating screen in the drop-down for items, ensure that the "New One Time Item" option is always at the top of the list as you filters catalog items by typing into the field. As you types and the filter is adjusted, the filtered item that appears directly below "New One Time Item" is highlighted so that when you clicks ENTER, that item is selected. Additionally, if you types a value, and then chooses the "New One Time Item" option, the value typed by you will be used to default the name of the new one-time item.

Home Screen - Improve Formatting

With their user settings, you can determine how many columns of information are represented on the Home screen. Aspire has been enhanced so that if you chooses a format that only includes one or two columns, those columns will fill the whole width of the screen increasing the amount of information displayed, and improving the aesthetic.

Improve Location of Resource Center Icon

The icon for accessing the Resource Center has been moved from the lower right corner of the screen to the upper right in the header area to prevent if from being displayed on top of information that is valuable to users.

Add Email to Contact while Adding Email Invoice Contact to Property

When a user is adding an Email Invoice contact to a property, Aspire now displays a Contact Email field that shows the contacts' email address, and allows you to update it. This will help to ensure that valid email addresses are provided for contacts to whom emails will be sent. If the Contact Email fieldis displayed, a valid email address is required.

Require Email Address for Email Invoice Contacts

When a user is on the Contact screen, the email address is now required of the contact is an Email Invoice contact for any property. This will help to ensure that valid email addresses are provided for contacts to whom emails will be sent.

Improve visual consistency for controls user clicks to add items

For greater consistency within the application, gray + icons that allow adding of elements to Aspire are being changed to blue buttons. This was begun in a prior release. Additional locations are changed for this release:

  1. Property screen for adding contacts (next to the Primary Contact and Billing Contact fields)
  2. Adding tags while adding an image to a site audit
  3. Adding tags to a site audit category using the Add/Remove Category Tags option in the category drop-down
  4. Contact Screen for employees, in the sections for Pay RatesCertificationsEmployee Incidents, and Scorecards
  5. Work Ticket screen in the Cost section

Search for Named Search Lists

The drop-down list for selecting named search lists has been enhanced so that typing a string filters the list making it easier to find named search lists.

Search List Return Count

The record and page counts at the bottom of search lists has been improved to increase clarity.  Previously, when results were grouped, the record count included the group headings as well as the individual items. Now the record count only includes returned records and not the group headers.

Home Screen - New Options in To Do List Drop-down

On the Home screen in the To-Do List section, the New Email and New Issue options have been added to the drop-down menu.

Schedule Board Work Ticket Search List - Improve Filtering

The filter field at the top of the Work Ticket search list on the Schedule Board previously searched for the entered string in the Property Name field, but not in the Property Name Abbreviation field. The search has been enhanced so that it searches for the entered string in both of those fields (in addition to other fields that it has always searched).

Improve visual consistency for control user clicks to add items

For greater consistency within the application, gray + icons that allow adding of activities are being changed to blue buttons. Affects the following locations:

  1. Adding activities to contacts, properties,  and opportunities 
  2. Adding site audits to properties
  3. Adding invoice or retainage from the Invoice Open Billing screen
  4. Adding new company from the Contact screen
  5. Adding appointments and tasks to the To-Do List on the Home screen 
  6. Adding new issues in the Customer Issues section of the Home screen

Scheduling - Remove confirmation when deleting a visit

To improve user efficiency, the Schedule Board, no longer require user confirmation when deleting a visit.

Add "Today" button on Schedule Board

On the Schedule Board next to the date selector, add a "Today" button that let's you display the week that includes the current day.

Estimate Summary Expansion

Behavior of the Estimate Summary on the Estimating screen has been enhanced so that it is generally expanded. Hereafter, the Estimate Summary is always expanded when entering the Estimate Screen unless you collapsed it upon their most recent visit to the estimate, and they have not visited another estimate.

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